St Rollox 1896 OS Map.
Please find your way here by using the numbers (#1-4) in photogallery image 5 in conjunction. At the bottom centre is the Glasgow Iron Works (#4). Just N is Garngad Rd and on the opposite side of the road is the COLQUHOUN home 8 Garngad Rd (#3). Follow the canal up to the Iron Works (#2). Now follow Springburn Rd N up opposite Fountainwell Rd (#1) to the other COLQUHOUN home at 115 Springburn R. Note the peace and quiet of the Sighthill Cemetery compared with the industries and smog further south.
Note also the tramway in Springburn Rd which gave the COLQUHOUNs access to the southern Iron Works.
Map of Lanarkshire VI.7 (Glasgow) from the Ordnance Survey Maps - 25-inch 2nd and later edition, Scotland, 1892-1949. Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland, from their
Map Images website.
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