Appendix_1 to 'The LANE/LAIN(E)s of Ulster, Ireland'
The "LANE Family" section of this site is divided into 8 chapters and 8 appendices. Please read in sequence by following the links at the bottom of each page or use the "Quick Nav" at top right. Please note the companion photo galleries which show the LANE family house ruins in Co. Tyrone, Ireland; the LANEs' Parish church in Lissan; the homes and graves of the LANEs in Jarrow, Newcastle-upon-Tyne & Joseph LANE's employment and death at Palmers Engineering Works. …ix) …ix) Note the styles: links to individual images: …#35 ; citation of sources: …ix) If you wish to select individual chapters, please click on the top left link to the Sitemap page.
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Links & Descendancy Report
- Inside this appendix: |
- Will |
- Links |
- Descendant Report |
- Transcription of “Palmers” |
- Zeppelin fatalities |
- All sources |
- Centenary excursion by St Oswalds Hebburn |
Appendix 1: The Will
It was hoped that the 1883 Will of James LANE would provide confirmation of various family relationships. However, since the Will only gave partial confirmation we should re-assess the relationships between the possible members of our LANE family. The following table relates the family members to the sources of information and then to the resultant pieces of data.
Source | Birth Date | Birth Place | Father's Name | Father's Occupation | Mother |
Last Updated on 21/3/2003 By PD & LE STRONG | |||||
Jane | |||||
Father's Will | Not mentioned in the Will | ||||
Baptism | 3/11/1839 | Parish Lissan | James LAINE | - | Mary |
Marriage | ~1840 | - | James LAIN | Yarn bundler | - |
Death | ~1839 | Co. Antrim | James LANE | Linen dresser | Mary MOORE |
Birth of Child | ~1840 | Cookstown | (Birth of John Taylor STRONG) | ||
Birth of Child | Sarah Ann LANE present at birth of Jane's daughter Mary STRONG | ||||
Birth of Child | The naming of Jane's daughter Sarah Ann STRONG | ||||
Note | A most probable sibling for Sarah Ann and Joseph. Was she left out of the Will since she was on the other side of the world? | ||||
Sarah Ann | |||||
Father's Will | - | - | James LANE | Labourer | Margaret |
Baptism | 9/9/1842 | Parish Lissan | James LANE | - | Mary |
Marriage | - | - | James LANE | Watchman | - |
Census_1881 | ~1843 | Ireland | James LANE | - | Margaret |
Census_1891 | ~1842 | Ireland | - | - | - |
Joseph | |||||
Father's Will | - | - | James LANE | Labourer | Margaret |
Marriage | ~1848 | - | James LANE | Yarn dresser | - |
Census_1881 | ~1848 | Belfast | - | - | - |
William | |||||
Father's Will | Not mentioned in the Will | ||||
Baptism | 24/4/1851 | Parish Lissan | James LANE | Farmer | Margaret |
Census_1881 | ~1847 | Ireland | - | - | - |
Marriage | Witness to Joseph's marriage suggested he could be his brother? | ||||
Note: | William LANE doubtful record. Since he lived at Gateshead, Durhamhe should have been included in the Will? DOB's derived from Baptism and Census a little too far apart, suggesting these recordsare of different William LANEs. |
The above table shows that the only beneficiaries mentioned in James LANE's Will apart from Margaret LANE (wife) were Sarah Ann DAVI(D)SON (daughter) and Joseph LANE (son). Not mentioned in the Will were Jane STRONG (daughter) who had emigrated to New Zealand in 1874 and William LANE (son). It is suggested from the accumulated data that in spite of Jane not being included in the will, that she still be considered a sibling to Sarah Ann and Joseph. Also, on balance of probabilities, it is considered that the "William LANE" records could possibly be of different people, though it is still possible that one or more of his records are of a sibling to Sarah Ann and Joseph. More research needs to be done on William before he can be included in this family.
A transcription of the Will and the arising Administration Documents now follows, with a subsequent discussion of difficulties in implementing the terms of the Will.
This is the last Will and Testament of one James LANE of No. 3 Maud Street Jarrow-on-Tyne in the County of Durham made this twenty fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three. I hereby revoke all wills by one at any time heretofore made. I appoint Mr. Joseph Paul Estate Agent 32 Croft Terrace Jarrow-on-Tyne County of Durham to be my Executor and I direct that all my just debts and funeral and Testamentary expenses shall be paid as soon as possible after my decease. I hereby give and bequeath unto my wife Margaret LANE during her life the sum of four shillings per week with the use of the furniture now in the house No. 3 Maud Street Jarrow-on-Tyne my son Joseph LANE to take possession of the household goods for that purpose. And I hereby will that after the decease of my wife Margaret LANE that the furniture and household effects be equally divided between my daughter Sarah Ann Davidson and my son Joseph LANE and I hereby also will and bequeath that the value of the house No. 3 Maud Street Jarrow-on-Tyne be divided between my daughter Sarah Ann Davidson and my son Joseph LANE in the following manner namely one fourth of the value of the home to my daughter Sarah Ann Davidson and three fourths of the value of the house to my son Joseph LANE or in the case of her or his death the above proportions to go to her or his heirs these shares to be in respect of the balance left after making provision for my wife Margaret LANE and the repayment of the sum of Forty six pounds seven shillings and ninepence (£46-7-9) which was advanced to me by my son Joseph LANE for the redemption of the property No.3 Maud Street Jarrow from the Trustees of Guardian Building Society Grainger Street Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Signed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament James LANE in presence of us, who at his request in his No.3 Maud Street Jarrow-on-Tyne presence and in presence of each other have County of Durham hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Dorothy Mary Paul
Ellaner Dixon
Harrie RutherfordOn the ninth day of September 1884, Letters of Administration with the Will annexed of the personal Estate and Effects of James LANE late of No.3 Maud Street Jarrow in the County of Durham Labourer deceased, who died on the eighteenth day of April 1884, at Jarrow aforesaid were granted by Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division thereof at Durham to Sarah Ann Davidson (Wife of William Davidson a Coal Trimmer) of No.6 Hope Street Jarrow aforesaid the natural and lawful daughter and one of the next of kin of the said deceased she having been first sworn duly to administer Joseph Paul the sole Executor named in the said Will having renounced the Probate and Execution thereof There being no Residuary legatee named in the said Will and Margaret LANE the lawful Widow and Relict of the said Testator having renounced the Letters of Administration with the Will annexed of this personal Estate.
Sureties- Joseph Paul of No.33 Croft Terrace Jarrow aforesaid Estate agent and John Moore of 62 Stead Street Jarrow aforesaid Gentleman. Gross Effects £140 Extracted by Hoyle Shipley & Hoyle Solicitors Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Source: Will and Administration of the Estate of James Lane. Probate Registry, Clifford Street, YORK, YO1 9RG. United Kingdom. 1884.
Discussion of Will
- Questions deserving consideration are:
- Why did the named executor renounce the probate and execution of the Will when he was made executor the previous year with his wife(?) as one of the witnesses?
- Why did Margaret (the widow who had the first right of administration of the will) or Joseph LANE (the principal beneficiary) not undertake the probate?
- Why is it asserted there is no residuary legatee under the will?
- What was James LANE's intention in his will?
It seems that James LANE thought the house would be sold at his death... and that the furniture and household effects would go IN EQUAL shares to Sarah and Joseph after Margaret had the use thereof during the remainder of her life. This would deny Margaret's right of "dower" or the portion of a deceased husband's real estate allowed by the law to a widow for her life. Perhaps the family thought that this was unfair. The executor perhaps colluded with the family by saying he was not going to be executor, forcing the will into administration. Perhaps Margaret renounced probate of the will so she would be free to assert rights of dower in the house against the terms of the will... and everyone went along with that plan. I wonder what happened in the final settlement of the estate.... The house might have gone into possession and control of Margaret in right of her dower interest during her life. She could then sell the house in collusion with the administrator Sarah, and receive a lump sum cash amount out of the sale of the house... with the remainder going to Sarah and Joseph under the terms of the will... or perhaps being split equally depending on the generosity of Joseph.
A curious aspect is the "residual legatee" ruling! The terms of the will indicate that Joseph was to get 3/4ths of the value of the house, and Sarah was to get 1/4th of the value... AFTER the decease of the wife, Margaret LANE. This might be read to indicate that Sarah and Joseph (and their heirs) were the residual legatees. For some reason, they chose to ignore this interpretation. Note, a residual legatee might have had the right to claim that the terms of the will should have been adhered to ... and this finding, that there IS NO such legatee neatly forecloses that possibility.
The final curious aspect of the Will is the lack of mention of James' daughter Jane. This would be grounds for her to claim against the estate for her portion, as an "unnamed heir"! Was this due to her living on the other side of the world?
Dave STRONG (lawyer) has been most helpful in providing comment on the will. I would be grateful for comment from any other readers.
Appendix 2: Useful Links relating to the LANE Irish origins.
- Bill Cardwell Photos of Co. Tyrone and a family history of the CARDWELLs of Co. Tyrone.
- Co. Tyrone - Genealogy Worth spending a long time on this site.
- Co. Tyrone Website This is a cooperative site which belongs to the Co Tyrone mailing list and contains Co Tyrone photos, data, transcriptions which are provided by members of the list. To subscribe to the mailing list CoTyroneIreland-D send an email and just put the command subscribe in the body of the message.
- McAskies of Ardstraw A family history relating to Co. Tyrone.
- The Staples Estate: Detail of the estate from which James LANE leased his farm:
- "The Staples Papers" (D/1567) Click here to download a .pdf document which summarises Staples papers… about 7750 documents and volumes held by PRONI.
- "Landowners in Co Tyrone, 1876"
- Irish World Family History Services for Fermanagh and Tyrone roots, at Coalisland, Co Tyrone. Information about the records held and the charges for services.
Appendix 3: LANE Descendant Report
There are no living relatives in this report..
Please contact me for more information about your section of our family.
- (1) James LAIN
- & Unnamed UNNAMED
- | (2) James LAIN
- | b. c1817, Ireland
- | d. 18 Apr 1884, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | bur. 20 Apr 1884, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | occ. Yarn bundler, linen dresser, yarn dresser, watchman at gasworks at time of death.
- | res. 26 Apr 1862, Ross St., Belfast.
- | res2. 6 Dec 1872, 2 Craig's Terrace, Belfast.
- | res3. 1881, 3 Maud Street, Hedworth, Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | res4. 1884, 3 Maud Street, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | & Mary/ Margaret MOORE
- | b. c1818, Ireland
- | res. 26 Apr 1862, Ross St., Belfast.
- | res2. 6 Dec 1872, 2 Craig's Terrace, Belfast.
- | res3. 1881, 3 Maud Street, Hedworth, Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | (3) Jane LAIN
- | | b. 1 Oct 1839, Parish of Lissan, Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland.
- | | bp. 3 Nov 1839, Parish of Lissan, Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland.
- | | d. 21 Aug 1921, Drury, New Zealand
- | | bur. 23 Aug 1921, Drury Presbyterian Cemetery
- | | res. 26 Apr 1862, Ross St., Belfast.
- | | em. 14 Dec 1874, Plymouth, England, in the "Baron Aberdare".
- | | im. 19 Mar 1875, Auckland NZ.
- | | & Robert STRONG
- | | b. 1830, Holywood, County Down, Ireland.
- | | d. 22 Aug 1910, Drury, New Zealand
- | | bur. 24 Aug 1910, Drury Presbyterian Cemetery
- | | em. 14 Dec 1874, Plymouth, England, in the "Baron Aberdare".
- | | im. 19 Mar 1875, Auckland, NZ.
- | | occ. Carpenter (foreman) and general manager of the extensive business of Mr James McCracken, builder in Belfast, then Grocer in Auckland
- | | res. 24 Jun 1851, Brown's Square, Belfast, Ireland.
- | | res2. 26 Apr 1862, Alexander-Street-West, Belfast, Ireland.
- | | res3. 1880, 14 Wellington St., Auckland, NZ.
- | | res4. 1886, 24 Victoria Ave, Eden Terrace, Auckland, NZ.
- | | res5. 1905, Drury NZ.
- | | m. 26 Apr 1862, Wesleyan Chapel, Donegal Square East, Belfast, Ireland.
- | | | (4) For STRONG children see "STRONGs of Ulster" website
- | | (3) Sarah Anne LAIN
- | | b. 9 Sep 1842, Parish of Lissan, Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland.
- | | bp. 11 Dec 1842, Parish of Lissan, Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland.
- | | occ. Dressmaker (unmarried until age ~38).
- | | res. 4 Dec 1872, 2 Craig's Terrace, Belfast, Ireland.
- | | res2. 1881, 3 Maud Street, Hedworth, Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res3. 1884, 6 Hope-street Jarrow, UK.
- | | res4. 1891, 6 Hope-street Jarrow, UK.
- | | & William DAVIDSON
- | | b. c1839, Scotswood, Newcastle, UK.
- | | occ. Coal trimmer, General labourer
- | | res. 1884, 6 Hope-street Jarrow, UK.
- | | res2. 1891, 6 Hope-street Jarrow, UK.
- | | m. 16 Apr 1881, St Mary's Church, Heworth Parish, Co. Durham, UK.
- | | | (4) William James DAVIDSON
- | | | b. ~1883, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | (3) Joseph LANE
- | | b. c1848, Belfast, County Antrim, Ireland
- | | d. 15 Jun 1915, Palmers shipbuilding and iron company’s works Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | bur. 19 Jun 1915, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | occ. Marine Engineer in 1874, 1881, 1909; Mechanical engineer in death certificate 1915.
- | | res. 9 Dec 1874, 22 Sheldon Street, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res2. 1881, Vessel 'Despatch', Place; Leigh, Essex, UK.
- | | res3. 1901, Not found in 1901 British Census
- | | res4. 1910, 1915, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | & Jane STRONG
- | | b. 23 Sep 1854
- | | d. 21 Jul 1927, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | bur. 25 Jul 1927, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res. 9 Dec 1874, 22 Sheldon Street, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res2. 1881, 8 Edgar St. Hedworth Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res3. 1901, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res4. 1911, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | res5. 1927, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | m. 9 Dec 1874, Swinburne St Wesleyan Chapel, Jarrow, South Shields, UK.
- | | | (4) James LANE
- | | | b. 2 May 1876, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | d. 15 Aug 1949, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | bur. 17 Aug 1949, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | occ. Marine Engineer
- | | | res. 1881, 8 Edgar St. Hedworth Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res2. 1901, Not found in 1901 British Census
- | | | res3. 1949, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK
- | | | (4) Josephine Jane (Cissie) LANE
- | | | b. 31 Dec 1878, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | d. 22 Jan 1956, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | bur. 25 Jan 1956, Jarrow, UK.
- | | | res. 1881, 8 Edgar St. Hedworth Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res2. 1901, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res3. 1911, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res4. 1950, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res5. 1956, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | (4) Robert STRONG (Bob) LANE
- | | | b. 6 Oct 1880, 8 Edgar St, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | d. 15 Dec 1967, St Mary's Rest Home, Whitley Bay, Northumberland South, England.
- | | | edu. Armstrong College, Newcastle in the University of Durham (now Newcastle University)
- | | | occ. School teacher in 1901; Elementary School Master (Assistant) in 1909; Elementary school teacher employed by the Urban District Council in 1911; Head Teacher before the outbreak of WWII.
- | | | enlisted WWI Royal Engineers.
- | | | res. 1881, 8 Edgar St. Hedworth Monkton & Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res2. 1901, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res3. 1911, 12 Wansbeck Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res4. 1927, 12 Wansbeck Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res5. 1956, 12 Wansbeck Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | rel. Wesleyan in 1909
- | | | & Mary Wilhilamina Armstrong (Willa) PLAYFAIR
- | | | b. 11 Mar 1884, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | d. 23 Jul 1960
- | | | rel. Wesleyan in 1909
- | | | res. 1909, 28 Clarendon Road Seacombe, Co. Cheshire, UK.
- | | | m. 6 Nov 1909, Wesleyan Chapel, Brighton St. Seacombe, Co. Cheshire, UK.
- | | | | (5) Robert Playfair (Roy) LANE
- | | | | b. 23 Mar 1912
- | | | | d. 30 Jan 1981
- | | | | (5) Dorothy (Doreen) LANE
- | | | | b. 1910
- | | | | d. 1984
- | | | | & Lancelot George THOMPSON
- | | | | b. 1910
- | | | | d. 1974
- | | | | m. Aug 1940
- | | | (4) Joseph LANE
- | | | b. 1882, Strood, Kent, UK.
- | | | d. 6 Feb 1927, 51 Elmfield-road Gosforth Northumberland, UK.
- | | | bur. 8 Feb 1927, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | occ. Engine Fitters Apprentice in 1901; Marine engineer 1911; Engineer in 1927
- | | | res. 1901, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res2. 1911, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res3. 1927, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | (4) Mary LANE
- | | | b. c1892, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | d. 2 Feb 1920, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | bur. 4 Feb 1920, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res. 1901, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res2. 1911, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | | res2. 1920, 25 Bede Burn Rd, Jarrow, Durham, UK.
- | | (3) William LAIN (Not sure about the following family… needs more confirmation.)
- | | b. 24 Apr 1851, Unagh, Parish of Lissan, Co. Tyrone, IRL.
- | | occ. Labourer(Iron works)
- | | res. 1881, 20 Victoria Street, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
- | | & Margaret UNNAMED
- | | b. c1858, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
- | | res. 1881, 20 Victoria Street, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
- | | | (4) James William LAIN
- | | | b. c1878, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
- | | | res. 1881, 20 Victoria Street, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
- | | | (4) Patrick LAIN
- | | | b. c1880, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
- | | | res. 1881, 20 Victoria Street, Gateshead, Durham, UK.
Appendix 4: Transcription of “Palmers”.
Transcription of: Malcolm Dillon. Some Account of the works of Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron company. W.E. Franklin, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 1909 (4th Ed); 56-68.
This transcription of the 1909 4th edition is included for the benefit of the kind people of Jarrow and surrounds who have assisted me in this research, and whose personal history has been intertwined with the ship-building industry … especially including Vin Mullen. The following document shows the great improvements in Palmers Engineering Works Department, made shortly before Joseph LANE's death in the Zeppelin bombing in 1915, which was discussed elsewhere on this site. Note there is a transcription and a view of the 1900 1st edition of this book online here, also here. Also see four large views of Palmers Works with labels and comments here, not neglecting views #31 to #47 on the LANE photogallery here.
A prominent feature in the shipyard is an installation of overhead lifting and transporting trolleys. This installation consists of cableways over the building berths, carried at either end on a specially-designed cross girder, mounted on two inclined pivotted supports, the supports resting on seats formed to receive them at each side of vessel, and anchored by two wires set up by stretching screws. The cables and driving ropes for each cableway are attached at both ends to end carriages, which run on rails arranged to receive them in the cross girders, these cross girders being built in two sections, leaving a gap through which the wires pass, thus admitting of each cableway being traversed across the berth. On each cableway there is a trolley carriage, from which the hoisting, lowering, longitudinal and cross traversing motions are controlled by one man. The approximate speed of longitudinal travel is 600 feet per minute, hoisting 3 tons at 100 feet per minute or one ton at 150 feet per minute; the cross travel or traversing motion is about 25 feet per minute. It will be seen that this system covers every part of the structure of the vessel building, each piece being lifted from the railway at fore end of berth and deposited in its proper position. All motions are electrically driven, the current being alternating at a voltage of 440.
The graving-dock is 440 feet long by 70 feet wide, and some notable repairs to vessels have been executed in it. The repairs to the old steamer Rotterdam, which occupied the dock for 137 working days after grounding on the coast of Newfoundland, and to the steamers Brinkburn, Strathcarron, and Nord America, are cases in point. The last-named vessel was said to be the largest repair contract ever executed on the Tyne. The slipway, worked by hydraulic power, is 600 feet long.
In the preceding description of the shipyard, reference has been made to the very satisfactory results attained by machinery constructed in the engine works, but it will be interesting to note a few further particulars of this department, which has in recent years been practically reconstructed to keep it in the front rank of marine engine building establishments.
The department comprises boiler-building shops, iron, steel and brass foundries, pattern shop, several machine shops, brass-finishing shops, fitting shops and erecting shops, funnel shop, coppersmith and plumber shop, smiths' shop, tool and gauge-making shops, with 120 tons sheerlegs for lifting machinery and boilers on board.
The class of work produced has been varied, and includes all types or marine engines of the highest class. Over 34 sets of engines have been turned out in one year. The engines have ranged from those of a steam launch to those for large cargo, also passenger steamers, and have included both paddle and twin-screw engines. In naval engineering, the work has ranged from the light high-speed reciprocating engines of a destroyer to the comparatively ponderous engines of a first-class battleship.
We reproduce in these pages a drawing or the first engine constructed by Palmers, which was fitted into the steamer Jarrow over half-a-century ago. Its primitive simplicity may, perhaps, form an interesting comparison with the accompanying views of cruiser and merchant ship engines, and serve to illustrate the marvellous progress that has been made in marine engineering— a progress with which Palmers have kept well abreast.
On the development of the marine turbine, the department was equipped for efficiently dealing with these, up to the largest sizes likely to be required, and several sets have been manufactured, including those for torpedo boats and the largest type or destroyer, while at present turbines for the latest and largest type of battleship are in course of manufacture.
The boiler shop comprises three large bays about 400 feet long, and several smaller shops. It has machinery of the most modern description, including plate edge-planing machinery capable or dealing with a plate 32 feet long by 12 feet wide, and of planing end and side simultaneously. The vertical plate-bending rolls can bend plates 12 feet 4 inches wide and 1 ⅝ inches thick, cold.
The principal riveting machine has a gap over 12 feet deep, is fitted with a plate closer, and completes the rivet with a final pressure of 150 tons. There are three other riveters of smaller capacity. The hydraulic flanger is capable exerting 200 tons pressure, and deals with flanging in a thoroughly efficient manner. A smaller flanger is used for internal work, and is also adapted for staving the ends of steel tubes for Belleville boilers and for steam pipes. The boiler shell drilling machine has four heads capable of drilling simultaneously the circumferential seams of two single-ended boilers, and combines the good points of all other types of shell drilling machine. It was specially designed for this Company. A large two-headed horizontal drilling and boring machine is used for drilling and tapping stay holes and stay tube holes, also for shell-drilling if necessary. There is also a very complete outfit of drilling machines, elliptical boring and tube plate drilling machines, punching and shearing machines, horizontal rolls, screwing machines, etc. The plate furnaces are of a large size. Attached to the boiler shop are separate tool and machine shops. It may be here mentioned that vertical rolls for boiler shell-plates were first used in these works, and the original rolls were in operation until the heavy rolls above mentioned were erected.
A great variety of types of boiler have been constructed here :— Locomotive boilers, old navy type of boiler, ordinary cylindrical boilers (single and double ended), Belleville boilers, Babcock & Wilcox boilers, Yarrow boilers, and the Reed type of express boiler, for pressures ranging up to 300 lbs. per square inch. Pneumatic tools are largely employed, and altogether the shop is fully up-to-date. The iron and brass foundries are extensive, and deal in most modern fashion with all the castings required by the various departments of the firm. In addition to the ordinary marine castings for reciprocating engines and turbines, a very large business is done in the production of ingot moulds and slag tubs.
The group of engine shops comprise a light machine shop, 183 feet long, containing a full equipment of the smaller sizes of lathes, milling machines, and other tools; a medium machine shop, about 183 feet long, and containing amongst other tools a double-spindle horizontal boring machine, a double-spindle vertical boring machine, a vertical spindle boring and turning machine for 8 feet diameter, double-headed side planer, high-speed heavy cutting lathes of various sizes, large chuck lathes, slotting machines, band saws, etc.; a heavy machine shop, about 375 feet long, and containing a 54-inch centre crank shaft lathe taking 32 feet between centres, a 24-inch centre shaft lathe, which has turned shafts 75 feet long, a 7-feet slotting machine, two large vertical and horizontal planing machines, horizontal boring machine for small turbines, several horizontal planing machines, and several other important machines; and a fitting shop, about 375 feet long, at one end of which there are installed two large-sized horizontal and vertical planing machines, a large vertical cylinder boring machine, and a horizontal drilling and tapping machine, while along one side a row of drilling machines is conveniently placed for use in connection with the fitting work. The greater part of this fitting shop is equipped with benches and vices, and here the smaller-sized turbines are bladed and completed. The cranes in each of these shops are electrically driven.
Adjacent to the machine and fitting shops there is a tool and gauge room, where the tools are prepared and stored for use in the various shops. It is provided with a high-class standard measuring machine, capable of gauging to one 10,000th of an inch, and is the outcome of recent developments in regard to interchangeability of naval work and of the modern method of working to limit gauges. A neighbouring shop is equipped with turret lathes, ordinary screwing machines, automatic stud-making machines, wheel cutting machines, etc. The brass finishers' shop is also equipped with a large number of modern machines for dealing economically with that class of work. In connection with turbine manufacture there is the turbine blade shop. The material for blades and packing pieces is delivered in long strips, and in this shop it is converted into the finished blade. The machines include. one for cutting off and serrating the blades, one for notching and two for thinning the tips, one for cutting off the packing pieces. A tumbler is provided for removing the burr from the edges of the packing pieces. Two other machines are provided for drilling the blades and packing pieces for assembled blading. In this shop proper storage is provided for the thousands of finished blades. Here, also, blades are assembled into lengths, for rapidity of final fitting.
The erecting shop is about 400 feet long and 59 feet wide, and of lofty construction, being about 50 feet to the eaves. The roofs of this and of most of the adjacent shops, are entirely of glass. There are three electric cranes, two of 40 tons and one of 20 tons capacity. At one end of the shop two horizontal drilling machines are placed, and at the other end two of the largest and most perfect tools for dealing with the largest turbines. One is a massive quadruple geared lathe, capable of taking in 17 feet 6 inches diameter, and 52 feet between centres. This is intended for dealing with the rotors of turbines of a larger size than any yet built. The other machine is a turbine boring machine for boring the casings of correspondingly large diameters. It is provided with a very large bed about 20 feet wide by 53 feet long, for taking the casings while boring, and for use as an erecting table. The intervening portion of the shop, about 300 feet long, is used for the fitting and erecting-of the various turbines, and also the ordinary reciprocating type of engine. The reciprocating-engines for H.M.S. Lord Nelson were erected in this shop, and the turbines for the new battleship, H.M.S. Hercules, are now in course of construction. These shops are all electrically driven, and are provided with a complete installation of pneumatic plant.
The smiths' shop, recently erected, is fitted with down-draft fires, all the smoke and waste gases being led by an underground flue to an electrically-driven exhaust fan, and delivered to a chimney outside the building, leaving the atmosphere of the shop perfectly pure and healthy. The blast is supplied by an electrically-driven pressure fan. The hammers are driven by compressed air, and the building is well lighted and roomy. It is probably one of the finest examples of a smiths' shop. The pattern shop is equipped with modern wood-working tools, and is also electrically driven. Adjacent to the river side are placed the funnel-building-shop, fitted with the usual planing machines, rolls, punching and shearing machines, etc., and also the coppersmiths' and plumbers' shop. The latter shop is fitted out for dealing with copper pipes of the largest size, building brass condensers for torpedo-boat-destroyer work, and bending iron and steel pipes, and a powerful tube-bending machine, hydraulically driven, is fitted here.
The sheerlegs for putting machinery on board are capable of lifting 120 tons, and have been tested to 150 tons. They have an overhang of 60 feet, and are practically the most powerful used in marine engineering works in the country. As already mentioned, the whole of these shops are electrically driven, and are supplied with current from the Central Power Station, which was erected a few years ago near the river side. In this station are fitted two main generating plants consisting of marine type triple-expansion engines; each driving a 750 kilowatt generator, 440 volts, 3-phase alternating current. One of these sets of plant, together with a small plant near the shipyard joiners' shop, supply the current for the shipyard and engine works department, and the other is spare. In the same station there are three sets of compound air compressors for supplying compressed air for the pneumatic tools throughout both the shipyard and engine works department. There are also three rotary transformers, and a small steam-driven plant, for supplying direct current for lighting-purposes, and for power on some of the small tools on board ship. The steam is supplied by four Lancashire boilers, 150 lbs. working pressure, fitted with Green's economisers and induced draught. This station has proved itself one of the most economical in the country as regards the cost of producing electrical power.
The smaller station laid down in the shipyard department is for supplying current to a portion of that department, and, as occasion may arise, a small amount of current to the engine works. This plant consists of a triple-expansion engine, driving a 300 k.w. generator, supplying similar current to the main station, so that the two can be run in parallel. Steam, in this case, is supplied by….
Appendix 5: Zeppelin fatalities data at Palmers Engine Works, Jarrow (also 3 other Tyneside fatalities) on and following 15 June 1915.
Location of Zeppelin Graves in Jarrow Cemetery.

Details of each Death & Burial.
In each entry… Line 1: name, date and place of death, with a link to a photo of the grave if available. Line 2: location of grave. Line 3: details of the 2nd quarter 1915 death registration. If the name is hyperlinked it will take you to further details in Chapter 8. 16 of these names also have information in a table in Chapter 8.
- Albert BRAMLEY d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Harton Cemetery, South Shields, section B, grave 1366 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 54. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1162.
- Matthew CARTER d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section eleven, grave 345 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 55. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1161.
- John Cuthbert DAVISON d. 16 Jun 1915 (at Newcastle Hospital?)
Not in any of South Tyneside's cemeteries. Probably buried near his home town of Houghton-le-Spring, Co. Durham.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 31. DISTRICT: Newcastle Upon Tyne. COUNTY: Northumberland. Volume: 10b. Page: 75.
- Karl Johan W. KALNIN d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section D, grave 121 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Estimated Birth Year: abt 1893. Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at Death: 22. District: South Shields. County: Durham, Tyne and Wear. Volume: 10a. Page: 1161.
- Joseph LANE d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow. See grave here (Vin Mullen)… also here (Tony Appleton).
Buried 19 Jun 1915 in Jarrow Cemetery, section two, grave 269 - memorial in situ.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 67. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1162.
- Robert Thomas NIXON d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Not in any of South Tyneside's cemeteries. Probably buried near his home town of Newcastle.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 32. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1163.
- Frederick PINNOCK d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section E, grave 325 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 31. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1161.
- Lawrence Fraser SANDERSON d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section nine, grave 147 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 16. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1160.
- Thomas Henry SMITH d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow. See grave here (Vin Mullen)…
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section nine, grave 241 - memorial in situ.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 23. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1161.
- Ralph SNAITH d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried near his home town of West Hartlepool in the North Cemetery, Hartlepool,
cemetery record # 1125902.12, no denomination given, see grave here.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 48. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1161.
- William STAMFORD d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Not in any of South Tyneside's cemeteries. Probably buried near his home town of Ushaw Moor, just west of Durham.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 40. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1160.
- Joseph Beckwith THORNICROFT d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section seven, grave 185 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 31. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1160.
- William Grieves TURNER d. 16 Jun 1915 at Palmers Hospital Jarrow. See grave here (Vin Mullen)…
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section nine, grave 286 - memorial in situ.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 20. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1162.
- George WARD d. 16 Jun 1915 in ambulance on way to Newcastle Hospital. See grave here (Vin Mullen)…
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section seven, grave 197 - memorial in situ.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 18. DISTRICT: Newcastle under Lyme. COUNTY: Northumberland. Volume: 10b. Page: 75.
- John George WINDLE d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section A, grave 124 - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 27. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1162.
- William Erskine Cook YOUNG d. 15 Jun 1915 at Palmers Engine Works Jarrow. See grave here (Vin Mullen)…
Buried in Jarrow Cemetery, section two, grave 300 - memorial in situ.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 16. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1162.
- OTHER FATALITIES from the same raid in the Tyneside area.
- Ann Isabella LAUGHLIN d. 15 Jun 1915, probably 18 Richard St. Jarrow. (2,500 ft SE from Palmers Engine Works)
Buried 19 Jun 1915 in Jarrow Cemetery, section K, grave 693, in her mother's grave (Ann FRASER) - no memorial stone.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 62. DISTRICT: South Shields. COUNTY: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1163.
Note for Ann Isabella LAUGHLIN: Died from shock at hearing gunfire during raid.
- (PC) Robert TELFORD d. 15 Jun 1915 at Willington Quay… just across the River Tyne from Palmers Engine Works.
Buried in Chollerton Churchyard. See grave below, and also see the roadside Chollerton War memorial here.
Death Registration… Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 22. DISTRICT: Tynemouth. COUNTY: Northumberland. Volume: 10b. Page: 269.
Sources for Robert TELFORD:
i) John Grainger. Killed on duty when a Zeppelin Airship raided Tyneside. Crown to Crown; North Eastern Police History Society, Sunderland UK; Dec 2003; 6-8.
ii) South Northumberland Coroners Records: NRO 280/1915/120. Held by Northumberland Record Office. - Robert BURN d. 26 Jun 1915 at Ingham Infirmary South Shields, probably injured at South Shields, when the Zeppelin dropped its last 3 bombs when it left the area.
Buried 19 Jun 1915 in Hebburn Cemetery, section E, grave 537.
Death Registration…Robert BURN. Year & quarter: Jun 1915. Age at death: 38. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 1110.

Photo: John Grainger.
Thanks to Vin Mullen & Tony Appleton of Jarrow and John Grainger for photos of the graves. Lynne Maughan & Angela Keightley of the Bereavement Services of South Tyneside Council kindly made look-ups of South Tyneside graves and John Grainger gave details of PC Robert Telford’s death and burial.
Appendix 6: All Sources Cited.
Newspapers and Periodicals.
n/i) The Baron Aberdare. The Daily Southern Cross, Auckland; Mar 20, 1875; page 2, columns 1-2.
n/ii) Sold House Prices in Bede Burn Road (between Jan 2005 & Dec 2009. Western Telegraph. Dec 6, 2009.
n/iii) Air raid on North-East Coast. Jarrow Express and Tyneside Advertiser; Jun 18,1915.
n/iv) Air raid on North-East Coast. Illustrated Chronicle; Jun 17-18,1915.
n/v) Death notice. Newcastle Evening Chronicle; Jun 18,1915.
n/vi) Unveiling of memorial. North Mail; Aug 16,1920.
n/vii) Unveiling of memorial. Newcastle Weekly Chronicle; Aug 21, 1920.
n/viii) Vin Mullen. Rediscovering tragedy of shipyard bombing. This article was subsequently published in Janis Blower's "Cookson Country" column, Shields Gazette; Jan 18, 2010. (See here.) Reproduced on this website in full, with the kind permission of Vin Mullen.
n/ix) Jarrow Memorial Tablet. Northern Echo; 16 Aug 16, 1920.
n/x) The Zeppelin Raid: another official statement. South Shields Gazette; 17 June 1915.
n/xi) The Zeppelin Raid. Inquests on the victims. South Shields Gazette; 18 June 1915.
n/xii) Death of Geoffrey THOMAS. The Age, Melbourne Australia: Dec 28-29, 2011.
n/xiii) Marriage of Jean DAVIDSON & of VC THOMAS. South Shields Gazette, UK: 12 Aug 1937. (Note: No text accompanied this photo).
n/xiv) Death of Jean THOMAS. The Age, Melbourne Australia: 4 Dec 2007.
n/xv) The night a Zeppelin brought death to Jarrow. Shields Gazette; 16 Mar 2011. See newspaper archives, or original copy.
Archives, Registrations and Lists:
r/i) Death of Robert STRONG. Reg# 1910/1636. Registrar of BDM, New Zealand.
r/ii) Marriage of Jane STRONG & Joseph LANE. Year & quarter: Dec 1874. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 1134. Number: 3.
r/iii…a) UK Census, 1871.
r/iii) UK Census, 1881.
r/iv) UK Census, 1891.
r/v) UK Census, 1901.
r/vi) UK Census, 1911.
r/vii) Irish Directories: References to James McCRACKEN. Pigot’s 1824, Martin’s 1841-1842, Henderson’s 1852.
r/viii) Birth of Mary STRONG. Year & quarter: Dec 1872. District of Belfast. Urban No. 5. Bk 13. Entry# 319.
r/ix) Birth of Sarah Anne STRONG. Year & quarter: Jun 1866. District of Belfast. Urban 4. Bk 5. Entry# 153.
r/x) Marriage of Sarah Anne LANE & William DAVISON. Year & quarter: Jun 1881. District: Gateshead. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 1074.
r/xi) Death of James LANE. Year & quarter: Jun 1884. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 385.
r/xii) Jarrow Cemetery records.
a) Joseph LANE; M/F 1404, 31773; Section 2, Grave 269.
b) Mary LANE; M/F 1405, 34860; "
c) Jane LANE; M/F 1403, 39270; "
d) Joseph LANE; M/F 1403, 38960; Section 2, Grave 270.
e) James LANE; M/F1438, 49416; "
f) Josephine LANE; M/F 1438, 51494; "
g) James LANE (Snr); … ; Section R, Grave 345.
r/xiii) Birth of Joseph LANE. Year & quarter: Sep 1882. District: North Alysford & Blean. Volume: 2A. Page: 525.
r/xiv) Agnes STRONG's children died of TB: Alexander Wellesley NEILL 1914; Agnes Mabel NEILL 1911; Robert Carisbrooke NEILL 1965.
r/xv) UK- Public Record Office BT 139/7 233035. Joseph LANE, Marine Engineer’s Certificate.
r/xvi) Birth of James LANE. Year & quarter: Jun 1876. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 341.
r/xvii) Birth of Josephine Jane LANE. Year & quarter: Mar 1879. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 768.
r/xviii) Birth of Robert Strong LANE. Year & quarter: Dec 1880. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 687.
r/xix) Birth of Mary LANE. Year & quarter: Mar 1892. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 809... or 802?.
r/xx) Death of Joseph LANE. Year & quarter: Jun 1915. District: South Shields. Sub-district: Jarrow. County: Durham. Volume: 10A. Page: 1162.
r/xxi) Death of Josephine LANE. Year & quarter: Mar 1956. District: Durham North-eastern. Sub-district: Jarrow. County: Durham. Volume: 01A. Page: 548.
r/xxii) Death of Joseph LANE (Jnr). Year & quarter: Mar 1927. District: Castle Ward. Sub-district: Gosforth. County: Northumberland. Volume: 10b . Page: 472.
r/xxiii) The National Archives, Kew, UK. Air raids on England, covering dates 1915 June 15/16. From the Air Historical Branch & Home Forces records. Reference: AIR 1/570/16/15/143.
r/xxiv William DAVISON. Probate date: 15 Jan 1908. England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966.
r/xxv) Death of Hannah DAVISON. Year & quarter: Apr 1879. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 396.
r/xxvi) Death of William DAVISON. Year & quarter: Oct 1907. District: South Shields; County: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 471.
r/xxvii) Death of Sarah A. DAVISON. Year & quarter: Jun 1921. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 728.
r/xxviii) Birth of William James DAVISON. Year & quarter: Oct 1883. District: Newcastle upon Tyne. County: Northumberland. Volume: 10b. Page: 86.
r/xxix) Marriage of William James DAVISON to Isabella YOUNG. Year & quarter: Jul 1907. District: Tynemouth. County: Northumberland. Volume: 10b. Page: 565.
r/xxx) Death of William James DAVISON. Year & quarter: Jun 1921. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 728.
r/xxxi) William James DAVISON. Probate date: 22 Oct 1965.England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966.
r/xxxii) Birth of Donald DAVISON. Year & quarter: Oct 1910. District: South Shields. County: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 816.
The Registrar's certificate of birth gives the exact date of 6 Nov 1910.
r/xxxiii) Marriage of Donald DAVISON to Margaret Emily ROBERTSON. Year & quarter: Jan 1937. District: South Shields: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1333.
r/xxxiv) Death of Donald DAVISON. Year & quarter: Mar 1990. District: Northumberland West. County: Northumberland, Volume: 1. Page: 2252.
r/xxxv) Death of Vivien Christmas THOMAS. Reg# 1977/2018. Registrar of BDM, Victoria, Australia.
r/xxxvi) Birth of Jean DAVISON. Year & quarter: Oct 1912. District: South Shields: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1724.
r/xxxvii) Marriage of Jean DAVISON & Vivien C. THOMAS. Year & quarter: Jul 1937. District: South Shields: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1868.
r/xxxviii) Birth of Vivien C. THOMAS. Year & quarter: Jul 1910. District: South Shields: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 889.
r/xxxix) Passenger lists and immigration records.
r/xL) Death of Margaret Emily DAVISON. Year & quarter: Oct 1991. District: Northumberland West. Subdistrict: Hexham. County: Northumberland.
r/xLi) Birth of Margaret Emily ROBERTSON. Year & quarter: Apr 1912. District: South Shields: Durham. Volume: 10a. Page: 1724.
The Registrar's certificate of birth gives the exact date of 25 Apr 1912.
r/xLii) Baptism of Sarah Anne LANE, born 9 Sept 1842, christened 11 Dec 1842, Parish of Lissan.PRONI: MIC/583/1-2 back cover.
r/xLiii) Baptism of William LANE, born 24 Apr 1851, Unagh, Parish of Lissan. PRONI: MIC/1/103; 3rd section, p. 21.
r/xLiv) Baptism of Jane LANE, born 1st Oct and christened 3 Nov 1839 Parish of Lissan. PRONI: MIC/1/103 ; 3rd section. p.93.
r/xLv) Marriage of Robert Strong & Jane Lain. Latter Day Saints Genealogy Library Film: Film # 0101434,Marriages of Belfast Ireland, #194.
r/xLvi) Death of Jane STRONG. Reg# 1921/1937. Registrar of BDM, New Zealand.
r/xLvii) Birth of Isabella YOUNG. Year & quarter: Jul 1882. District: Newcastle upon Tyne: Northumberland. Volume: 10b. Page: 17.
Family Bibles, Wills & papers, Correspondence, Grave Stones:
fb/i) STRONG family bible, kept by Philip Strong.
fb/ii) Pers. comm: Jill Cargill, NZ (d. 8 Jul 2003).
fb/iii) Henderson W.A. Reference for Robert Stronge. Held by museum of United Masters Lodge, 167NZC, Auckland. Nov 18, 1874.
fb/iv) Somerset House Wills Index: 1853-1935.
fb/v) Pers. Comm: Pat Rooney, of Co. Durham, a direct descendant of Robert Strong LANE. 2004.
fb/vi) Interview by Brian Strong of Robert William Strong 18 Nov 1978. Note: R.W. Strong was born 11 Jan 1904, son of William Aberdare Strong.
fb/vii) England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations),1861-1941.
fb/viii) Pers.comm: Vin Mullen of Co. Durham, UK. 2009-2010.
fb/ix) Pers. comm: Margaret Hall of Northumberland, UK. 2002-2006.
fb/x) Pers. comm: Tony Appleton of Co. Durham, UK. 2003-2006.
fb/xi) Pers. comm: Sandie Nixon, Canada. 2011.
fb/xii) Pers. comm: Roger Errington, Lancashire, UK. 2011.
fb/xiv) Pers. comm. Jill Hassall. 2014.
fb/xv) Pers. comm. Sheila Curtis. 2014.
fb/xvi) Will of William DAVISON. Probate date: 15 Jan 1908. Death date: 2 Oct 1907. Registry: Durham, England.
fb/xvii) Will of Margaret Emily DAVISON. Probate date: ? Death date: 13 Nov 1991. Registry: Northumberland, England.
fb/xviii) Pers. comm. Pat Thomas. 2014.
m/i) 1917 OS Survey map of Jarrow etc. Durham Sheet III. 12.
b/i) Malcolm Dillon. Some Account of the works of Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron company.
W.E. Franklin, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 1900; 9, 47. Online here, also here. (… 88 pages).
b/ii) Ron French & Ken Smith. Lost Shipyards of the Tyne. Newcastle Libraries & Information Service; 2004; 62.
b/iii) Len Deighton & Arnold Schwartzman. Airshipwreck. Jonathan Cape, London; 1978; 31.
b/iv) Douglas H. Robinson. The Zeppelin in Combat - A History of the German Naval Airship Division- 1912-1918. Schiffer Publishing Ltd, Atglen, PA; 2004; pp 95,110 (specifications of L10), 97-98 (details of Jarrow raid), 377 (Zeppelin bombs & bomb sight), 96 (press censorship).
b/v) Andrew P. Hyde. The first Blitz: The German air campaign against Britain 1917-1918. Leo Cooper, England; 2002; 27.
b/vi) Jim Cuthbert & Ken Smith. Palmers of Jarrow: 1851-1933 . Newcastle Libraries & Information Service; 2004; 36.
b/vii) Ian Castle & Christa Hook. London 1914-17: The Zeppelin Menace. Osprey Publishing; 2008; 25, 31.
b/viii) Vincent Rea. Palmers Yard and the Town of Jarrow. Bede Gallery, Jarrow; 1975.
b/ix) John F. Davidson. From Collier to Battleships: Palmers of Jarrow 1852 to 1933. Durham Co. Press Ltd; 1946; 29.
b/x) J. F. Clarke. Century of service to engineering and shipbuilding: a centenary history of the North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1884-1984. North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Newcastle; 1984; 42.
b/xi) (Captain) Joseph Morris. German Air Raids on Britain 1914 to 1918. Sampson Low, Marston & Co Ltd; 1925; 37-39, 103.
b/xii) Malcolm Dillon. Some account of the works of Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron company.
W.E. Franklin, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 1909 (4th Ed); 56-65. (… 88 pages) See a transcription of pages 55-68 here.
b/xiii) Adm. Sir Hugh Justin Tweedie. The story of a naval life. Rich & Cowan, London; 1939; 140-141.
b/xiv) Kenneth Poolman. Zeppelins over England. Evans Brothers, London; 1960.
b/xv) Korvettenkapitän Otto Groos. Der Krieg Zur See, 1914-1918, —Der Krieg in der Nordsee. Mittler, Berlin; 4: 186-187.
b/xvi) Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels. Zeppelins Over England. George G. Harrap, London; 1931.
b/xvii) Ernst August Lehmann, Howard Mingos. The Zeppelins: the development of the airship, with the story of the Zeppelin air raids in the world war. J.H. Sears & Company; 1927.
b/xviii) (Sir) Walter A. Raleigh, Henry A. Jones. The War in the Air: Being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. Clarendon Press, Oxford; 1922-1937; 3: 104-105.
b/xix) Norman Scott (Ed.). Park Methodist Church Jarrow: 1885-1985. Private publication; 1985.
b/xx) Metcalfe Grey. Memento of the Ministry of the Rev. Metcalfe Grey, Pastor of the Ocean Road Congregational Church, South Shields, for 40 years, 1873-1913.
w/i) - Community Forum for Jarrow, Fellgate & Hedworth. Here.
w/ii) Welcome to the Hebburn website. Here.
w/iii) Norman Dunn website of images etc: Old Hebburn, Jarrow, Wardley, Bill Quay, Heworth, Felling, South Shields. Here.
w/v) North East War Memorials Project (NEWMP).
(a) Memorial to the Zeppelin raid at Palmers shipyard. Here.
(b) Plaque at St. John's Wesleyan Church, Jarrow. Here.
w/vi) A chronology of Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Co. Grace's Guide: The best of British engineering, 1750-1960s. Here.
w/vii) List of Zeppelins: a complete list of Zeppelins constructed by the original German Zeppelin companies from 1900 until 1938. Here.
w/viii) Ships built by Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company (partial list). Wikipedia. Here.
w/ix) HMS Resolution (09). Wikipedia. Here.
w/x) Roxburgh Diaries. Here.
w/xi) - Community Forum for Jarrow, Fellgate & Hedworth. Here.
w/xii) Forces War Records. Here. Information on UK armed services.
w/xiii) Supplement to the London Gazette. Here. Supplement to the London Gazette 6 Dec 1940: V.C. THOMAS' commission.
The Story Continues
Please browse the research that has been done on other families that are related to the LANEs, all contained on this web site: