Grandma’s Families, Chapter 1.
The "Grandma's Families" section of this site is divided so far into 3 chapters and 0 sets of appendices since this is a work in progress. Please read in sequence by following the links at the bottom of each page or use the "Quick Nav" at top right. If you wish to select individual chapters, please click on the top left link to the Sitemap page. Note that it is intended that the chapters develop the story of Grandma EWART's families and appendices will contain supporting data. The section is integrated with the Photo Gallery: “Grandma Annie EWART (née COLQUHOUN) and her families… COLQUHOUN, HUTCHISON, AND EWART.” Note the styles: links to individual images: …#02 . See the index to all these images here. Thumbnail images are shown below. Please click on these, for the full images within the Grandma photogallery. Citation of sources is shown as…ix).
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This chapter introduces our Grandma Annie EWART (née COLQUHOUN) and her ancestral families… HUTCHISON, COLQUHOUN AND EWART. She was "Grandma" to her childrens' families… EWART, DIAMOND and FOSTER. Annie was born on 5 Dec 1884 at 487 Vulture St East Brisbane to Mary COLQUHOUN (née HUTCHISON) and William John COLQUHOUN…41)… see the photo below…#02 of Annie and her parents.
Remember: Click on these thumbnails for full images with text. OR click on the text link to the image eg …#02.
First hand accounts are gold in telling a family history. Grandma Annie EWART (née COLQUHOUN)'s character is revealed in part by her granddaughter Lynette Ewart STRONG (née FOSTER):
Grandma was central to my childhood. My earliest memory was in the back room at Dover Heights when she read to me and taught me to read. She taught me how to knit, which is a lifelong hobby for me. When she went into "Town" (the city of Sydney) she would go to Darrel Lea and I couldn't wait for the Caramel/Walnut roll. Grandma was the source of pocket money for my brother and me. She always made my bed for me— her wisdom was that I would have a lifetime of making beds. I still say happy birthday to her on her birthday. She was always there for me. She always called me "Lynny". Her home was with us for most of the year and she went to Brisbane for the winter.
When the family was out one day, she took the washing out to the clothesline in the back yard. As a vigorous competitive woman, she raced the dog to the back door, still holding the clothes basket. Sadly she fell and broke her hip, lying on the floor until my mother returned home. Her hip proved a disability and she eventually went to a nursing home. Vigorous to the end, she made her presence felt in her nursing home by emptying a jug of orange juice on her room mate!
- In this chapter 1: |
- Early History|
- Glasgow |
- John Jnr |
- William |
- Emigration |
- Employment |
- Archibald |
- Margaret |
- William continued |
- James Buchanan |
- Sources |
Early History
Images from L: Appin Village…#11; Map of Alva Village…#3.Click on these thumbnails for full images with text. OR click on the text link to the image eg …#11.
Our earliest detailed record was in Alva, Stirling, Scotland …#3.
Marriages in the parish of Alva 1836. The Rev, Andrew Brown Minister. John Colquhoun & Janet Brymer, both in this parish, gave up their names to be proclaimed, with a view to marriage 20th Aug 1836.…1)
Pity that only the Banns register has survived. If we had the Alva marriage register, then we would find their origins… the names of their parents and where they were born. All was not lost, since the subsequent Censuses gave John COLQUHOUN's birth as about 1814 in Appin, Argyle, Scotland and Janet BRYMER's birth abt 1819 in Alva, Stirling, Scotland.…2)
Their verified death certificates were needed.
John: His death certificate ticked all the boxes by showing that it applied to "our" John. This showed… John was a blacksmith, died on 27 Dec 1863 at 48 Glebe St Glasgow (his home when his daughter Janet was married in 1861), parents John COLQUHOUN (labourer) and Sarah COLQUHOUN (maiden surname), married to Janet Brymer, with DoB ~1812.…110)
Janet: Her death certificate was a bit more difficult to find and verify, since she re-married. A chain of records (details below) led us to her death certificate which stated she died on 4 Oct 1876 naming her parents as John BRYMNER and Janet DRYSDALE, with DoB ~1821.…113)
Regrettably, even with the date and place of birth and the names of the parents, John and Janet's birth records could not be found in the National Records of Scotland. It is noted that AncestryCom trees have adopted dubious John COLQUHOUN…106) and Janet BRYMER's birth records solely on the Census date and place of birth without evidence of names of parents!
The image …#11 is of Appin village, with a sign post to Oban where you catch the ferry to the Isle of Mull and the other pointer is 2½ miles to the tourist destination of Port Appin… where everybody takes a photo of the Castle Stalker on Loch Linnhe! The industries at Appin at that time could have been lead mining, slate quarrying or sheep farming.
An 1800 list…108) gives names, occupations and locations and makes a valuable snapshot of Appin’s people. It sets out the subscriptions “In defence of the country” from the United Parishes of Lismore and Appin during the French Revolutionary Wars in the lead-up to the Napoleonic Wars.
The COLQUHOUNs were listed: John Colquhoun, carrier, Taychigan; Duncan Colquhoun, Croalard; John Colquhoun, tenant, Cuil; Malcolm Colquhoun, tenant, Cuil; Angus Colquhoun, Portnacroish; Archibald Colquhoun, Ballacholish.
See the complete list here.
An earlier 1752 list of COLQUHOUNs was found around Duror:
MacCombie / Colquhoun the Kentallen Innkeeper, John snr, John jnr, Dugald, John the miller all from Ardshiel (around N and S Cuil)…121), 122); Catherine the widow from Achara (in the Strath of Duror).…121) Just S of South Keil.
Published reports of COLQUHOUN graves show 13 gravestones at the ruins of the mediaeval Keil chapel,…128) just S of South Cuil. These burials ranged from 1775 to 1880 and were grouped around the probably honoured position of the E door at the N end of this chapel.…128) Then a mere scattering of 5 more was reported in the following burial grounds: Ben Churalain 1; Strathappin 3; Airds 1.…127), 125)
The concentration of COLQUHOUNs around Cuil, Duror and Ballacholish / Ballachulish prompted a search for the COLQUHOUNs in that area. Local Duror historian Neill Malcolm said: “It is said that the Colqhouns came over from Loch Lomondside with the first STEWART of Appin. There were quite a lot of (COLQUHOUNs) in the vicinity up to about 125 years ago.” The 1876 ordnance survey map shows a prominent Avdsheal (Ardshiel / Ardsheal / Ardshiel) Cottage (of the Ardshiel Estate associated with the STEWARTs and the Jacobite cause), St Adamnan's Episcopal Church (built 1848) near Duror Inn, then just S of the Inn is the "Parliamentary” Duror Church of Scotland and Manse (built 1827).…122), 123) however, "our" John was born too early to have been baptised in either of these churches and an itinerant cleric did not register John's baptism. There is a record of such an itinerant visit to nearby Ballachulish, about 8km by road from Cuil. Neill Malcolm wrote: “The Episcopalian Robert Forbes, Bishop of Moray and Caithness, confirmed eighteen people from Cuil in July 1770 at Ballachulish.”…126) The Ballachulish Episcopal Church was built in 1842. Perhaps Archibald Colquhoun of Ballachulish / Ballacholish mentioned above was buried in the churchyard shown in the following photo?

but no COLQUHOUNs mentioned… see here.
Note the slate construction with stone from local quarries.
Attribution: My another account at en.wikipedia [CC0]
Searching for "our John and Sarah COLQUHOUN was not productive! The census records turned up a Sarah COLQUHOUN of Duror… was she “our” John’s mother? This Sarah was a daughter of Malcolm COLQUHOUN (mentioned above). She was born in 1785, Keil, Duror; and died as a pauper on 19 May 1875, South Cuil, Duror, with the marital status SINGLE… not good news for the search here! Sarah was a shopkeeper at Duror in 1841, former merchant (groceries) at Inshaig in 1851 (next to Duror PO), retired grocer at Inshaig 1861, pauper at South Cuil Duror in 1871. Sarah's baptismal record also could not be found in the National Records of Scotland!…2), 122), 124) Another example of a missing registration!
The COLQUHOUN grave records mentioned above
turned up 3 possible John COLQUHOUNs… two in the Keil Chapel burial ground (d. 1839, parents Hugh & Catherine) also (d. 1867, Ballachulish); and one at Strathappin (d. 1853 aged 88).…127), 128) Once again the National Records did not have these death registrations!
Alva is a fair distance from Appin. Was John there for employment in one of the many (8?) woollen mills shown in the map…3) of Alva…#3. Note where Janet and John were probably married… in the Presbyterian Church of St Servann's (St. Serf's). Their first child John was born in Alva on 22 Jun 1837.…6) Then “Janet lawful daughter of John Colquhoun, Smith, Newtonshaw, and of Janet Brymer, was born on 5th October 1839, and baptised on 17th November following.”…6), 119) Samuel Lewis describes Newtonshaw:
Newtonshaw, a village, in the parish and county of Clackmannanshire, 1½ mile (N. by E.) from Alloa ; containing 798 inhabitants. This place, also called Newton of Sauchie, was originally built for the accommodation of the work people employed by the Devon Iron Company; and is situated about a mile south of the river Devon, and on the road from Tillicoultry to Alloa. Considerable mining operations are carried on in the neighbourhood. A school here has been well taught and well attended; the school has a garden, and a few pounds per year are regularly given by the Earl of Mansfield to assist in the maintenance of the the teacher.…99) Note: The Censuses were confusing about her place of birth saying she was born at either Sanden (1861 Census) or Newtownstrand (1851 Census) when these places could not be found. Now we know it was actually Newtonshaw!
In 1841 the Census listed the family at "Back of Dykes" Alloa.…2) John Snr was aged 25, Janet 20, John Jnr 5 and Janet 1. The 1861 Ordnance Name Book said it was: "A narrow street or lane, extending from Shilling Hill to Townhed Brewery. The houses are chiefly one storey, slated, and in good repair. It has no outlet at the north end. Various proprietors."…100) The Ordnance Survey maps show this narrow lane extended in a WNW direction from Shilling Hill-street to next to the Brewery.…3) William was born in Alloa, 4km south of Alva on 28 Nov 1841.…2), …6) Perhaps he was born in Back of Dykes-lane? The early Ordnance Survey map of Alloa…3) shows the Alloa Foundry, a brass foundry and a smithy, all near the River Forth. Plenty of employment opportunities for John. He must have commenced his apprenticeship as a smith in Alva, since it is noted that he completed his apprenticeship on 2 Jan 1844.…109) Some time between 1841 and the birth of Archibald 28 Sep 1843 in Glasgow…6), the family moved from Alva to Glasgow.…2)
BDM events above:
Parents: John COLQUHOUN (~1814 -1863) and Janet BRYMER / BREMNER (her mother DRYSDALE )( ~1819- 1876), marr. 1836. Children: John (22 Jun 1837 -17 Dec 1909); Janet (1840- 1 Mar 1907
); William (28 Nov 1841 -17 May 1906); Archibald (28 Sep 1843- 24 Sep 1919).
Images from L: Iron Moulders…94)…#4; Modern Map of Glasgow…#5; 1894 Map of Glasgow…#15. Please use maps in conjunction. Initially find the location via the place reference #1 etc on the modern map, then locate on the 1894 map.Click on these thumbnails for full images with text. OR click on the text link to the image eg …#5.
The 1851 Census now tells us that Janet and John COLQUHOUN (occupation: smith) lived with their children…John aged only 13 was a smith and the other children (Janet, William and Archibald) were scholars, at 8 Garngad Rd, St Mungo, Glasgow.…2) See #3 on the map…#5. This area was described as one of the worst slums in Europe!
Garngad became heavily industrialised in the 19th century, with the establishment of flax and cotton mills, iron and chemical works and railway works. The tenements that were hurriedly built to house incoming workers were of poor quality, with only outside toilets, leading to overcrowding and insanitary conditions. Diseases such as tuberculosis were rife, and the Garngad slums were regarded as some of the worst in Europe. …4)
Just across the road from where the family lived was the Glasgow Malleable Iron Works. See #4 on the map…#5. It is probable John senior and junior worked there, though the could have worked at St Rollox Iron Works… see #2 on the map…#5. On March 6th, 1880, “the iron works (Glasgow Malleable) was devastated when a huge boiler exploded, spewing out steam and debris over the workers. 17 men were killed and 35 seriously injured.”…5)
John achieved prominence as a blacksmith. The banns for the marriage of his son William record John as a blackmith manager.…7) He was accepted into the Hammermen Trade Guild on 8 Mar 1861 on the basis of his completion of his apprenticeship on 2 Jan 1844 and his obtaining a burgess of Glasgow ticket on 8 Mar 1861.…109) This ticket showed that he was a burgher or a prosperous solid citizen, a member of the middle class. The guild was responsible for the standards of training an workmanship of its membership and supported the members' widows and dependants. Daniel Robertson GARDNER (see below) also joined the guild on 24 Mar 1874 on the bases that guild member John had died by that time and that he was his son-in-law. Similarly Daniel's son John Colquhoun GARDNER (dentist) became a Hammerman in 1894.…109)
On 7/8 April 1861 the Census showed that the family now lived at 115 Springburn Rd, Maryhill Parish, Glasgow…2)… see #1 on the map…#5. Note also in map…#15 the peace and quite of the Sighthill cemetery opposite and the tramway in Springburn Rd which gave access to their work in the heavy industrialised smog further south. Also shown in this map…#15 is the St Rollox United Presbyterian Church established later in 1894, but which probably had established an informal meeting house there earlier in 1861… important to the family? The census now lists Janet and John (blacksmith) with their children. The children's details in the Census were: no occupations given; John (Junior) not present since he had married; Janet (aged 21) and William (19) and Archibald (17) as before; then further children born in Glasgow: Margaret (10) 6 Oct 1851; Catherine (8) 12 Oct 1853; James (6) 24 Jul 1855.…2), …6) . Two months later John's daughter Janet married Daniel Robertson GARDNER on 18 Jun 1861 in the family's new address at 48 Glebe-street Glasgow.…6b), 116)
John (senior) blacksmith died on 27 Dec 1863 at the age of 51 at 48 Glebe-street Glasgow close to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary.…110) His daughter Janet was married at this address in 1861.…116) John's death certificate identified his parents as John COLQUHOUN (labourer) and Sarah COLQUHOUN (maiden surname). His wife was Janet Brymer. The cause of death was "diseases of the chest", certified by D. Walker, Surgeon, perhaps from the Infirmary across the road. His son William was present at his death and was the informant of his death. "Diseases of the chest" would not have been uncommon in John's occupation or where he lived.…110)
Three years after John's death, his wife Janet COLQUHOUN, aged 48, daughter of Janet DRYSDALE re-married to the auctioneer and widower William ELSTON, aged 36, on 25 Jan 1867 at 78 John-street Glasgow. William was the son of John ELSTON, officer of the Royal Navy, and Ann CLIPSHAM, both deceased.…111) The 1871 Census showed they moved to 84 High-street Ayr where William ran an "Eating House", with his wife, stepson James COLQUHOUN, and a servant.…2) In 1874, the Post Office Directory described William running "Temperance Dining Rooms" at 84 High-street.…112) Janet then died on 4 Oct 1876 at 84 High-street Ayr, daughter of John BRYMNER and Janet DRYSDALE. Her cause of death was hepatic disease (2 years) and ascites (1 month).…113)
Seven Children in Glasgow: John (Junior)
John (Junior) born in Alva on 22 Jun 1837…6), then married Margaret GOW on 16 Jul 1858 at Springburn,…6b) probably near the family home at 115 Springburn Rd, Maryhill.…2) Margaret GOW was born in 1841 at Newcastle Upon Tyne to parents Alexander and Grace GOW.…2b) Tracing a family's story downwards is much harder than tracing up from present day members. However, a little progress has been made. John and Margaret were named having a son John on 1 Feb 1859 at Central District Glasgow.…6) This was confirmed in 1861 when John, Margaret and son John were recorded in 1 Dean Court, West All Saints, Newcastle Upon Tyne… all with the right ages and John with the occupation of blacksmith.…49) The same year Grace COLQUHOUN was born in abt Oct 1861 in the Tynemouth district Northumberland…50).... a probable record for our family. Ancestry Trees show this daughter Grace marrying a Thomas MURPHY, and thus tracing her to Dublin. Similarly these trees show Margaret's death in Ireland in Jun 1909, also without citation. Margaret's death could not be found in the official BDM sites for either North Ireland or Eire.
John (Junior) finally died at Rookwood Asylum for the destitute and infirm at Granville New South Wales Australia 16 Dec 1909. This death record ticked all the right boxes… right age and occupation, parents names and occupation, place of birth was Glasgow and not Alva (understandable). The clerk of the asylum (informant), said that John was not married. John was recorded as 16 years in NS Wales.…51) A 1904 record for a John COLQUHOUN, blacksmith was found living at 46 Kensington St (Chippendale Sydney).…33) John was buried at Rookwood General Cemetery on 17 Dec 1909,…51) zone A, Presbyterian section 06D, grave 8048. Gravesite details: Aged 72 years.…52)
All a mystery about the history of John Jnr and Grace COLQUHOUN!
Seven Children in Glasgow: Janet
Janet was born on 5th October 1839 and baptised on 17 Nov 1839 at Newtonshaw near Alloa, Clackmannannshire.…6), 119) The Censuses place her with her family: 1841 Census in Back of Dykes-lane in Alloa; 1851 Census in 8 Garngad Rd Glasgow; 1861 Census in 115 Springburn Rd Glasgow…2)
Janet married when she was 21 on 18 Jun 1861 to 25 year old spirit merchant Daniel Robertson GARDNER (1836-1877) at 48 Glebe-street Glasgow.…6b), 116) In 1872 Daniel was described as a spirit dealer at 69 Crown-street Glasgow.…101) Daniel and Janet had eight children… see below.…103) Her husband Daniel died on 26 Mar 1877 at Glasgow.…102), 115)
This marriage was the only COLQUHOUN Scottish marriage found which specified the exact denomination… the United Presbyterian Church,…116) which was a liberal branch of the Presbyterian Church and may have not adhered to a rigorous temperance view in the marriage of a "Spirit Merchant". United Presbyterians had no Temperance Committee until 1866.…118) The minister was George Marshall Middleton, who was minister of the St. Vincent United Secession Presbyterian Church from 2 Oct 1855 to 1 Aug 1865.…118) This Church building was completed in 1859, still stands at 261 St Vincent St, and is now used by the Free Church.…120) Janet's family might not have approved of the marriage, since the witnesses were James Aitken and John Bryson who were not from the COLQUHOUN family. However, Janet lived at the family home of 48 Glebe-street Glasgow at the time of the marriage on 18 Jun 1861, and the marriage was celebrated there.…116)
Janet re-married at the age of 42 to Andrew INNES (1834- —) at Tradeston Glasgow.…6b) In 1891 the Census showed that Andrew was a spirit merchant and that they lived at 12 Victoria-road Glasgow.…2) On 1 Mar 1907 Janet died at 59 Overdale St, Langside, Cathcart, Glasgow.…104), 114) Andrew had died by that time and thus she was recorded as a widow in her death certificate. The certificate lists her parents as: John Colquhoun blacksmith deceased; Janet Ealston (sic), previously Colquhoun, maiden surname Bremner deceased.…103), 114)
BDM events above:
Parents: Janet COLQUHOUN (1839-1907) and Daniel Roberson GARDNER ( 1836- 1877), marr. 1861. Children: James (1861- —); Janet Brymner Robertson Colquhoun, (1865–1933); Jessie B, (1867– —); Daniel Robertson, (1867–1876); John Colquhoun, (1868–1921); Isabella (Bella) Robertson, (1870–1882); Catherine Colquhoun, (1873–1874); Catherine Colquhoun, (1874–1937).
Parents: Janet COLQUHOUN (1839-1907) and Andrew INNES ( 1834- —), marr. 1882. No children.…103)
Seven Children in Glasgow: William
William's story is partly told here and then told further in the Australian section. He was born on 28 Nov 1841 at Alloa, Clackmannanshire.…6) The 1851 Census places him with the family in 8 Garngad Rd Glasgow. Similarly the 1861 Census places him with the family in 115 Springburn Rd..…2)
William left home and married Marion CORSON on 17 Sep 1873, at 69 Crown St, Hutchesontown, Glasgow. The Banns read:
After Banns according to the forms of the Free Church of Scotland.
Groom: William Colquhoun, iron moulder, foreman, bachelor, aged 31, address 69 Crown St, Glasgow. Father: John Colquhoun, blacksmith (manager), deceased. Mother: Janet Elston, previously Colquhoun, maiden surname Bremner.
Bride: Marion Corson, spinster, aged 19, address 69 Crown St, Glasgow Father: John Corson, farmer, dec. Mother: Ellen, maiden surname Gilmour.
Signed: John Macgregor, Min Stockwell Free Church. Witnesses: Thomas Gardener/Ann Corson. …7)
This showed that John (Senior) COLQUHOUN died sometime between the 1861 Census and his son William's marriage in 1873, with the extra information that he rose through the ranks to be a blacksmith manager. Other information is that John's wife Janet has remarried to an ELSTON… compare with his sister Janet's information above. Note that sometimes Janet is referred to with her mother's maiden name of DRYSDALE,…23) a customary matronymic name.…42) John and Janet's death certificates confirmed the detail of this.
…110), 113) Finally, an occupation for William of iron moulder, foreman. He could have been one of the Maryhill iron moulders pictured in this stain glass window?…#4 William’s 69 Crown St address meant he would have worked at the Govan Iron Works (Dixon Blazes) in Crown St.…8)
Seven Children in Glasgow: Catherine
Nothing is firmly known about Catherine except that she was born on 12 Oct 1853 at Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland.…6) The 1861 Census places her with the family in 115 Springburn Rd.…2)
Seven Children in Glasgow: Archibald, Margaret and James
We have exact dates of birth for these three children: Archibald 28 Sep 1843; Margaret 6 Oct 1851; James 24 Jul 1855; all at Glasgow.…6) The 1851 Census places Archibald with the family in 8 Garngad Rd Glasgow. Similarly the 1861 Census places Archibald, Margaret and James with the family in 115 Springburn Rd..…2) James lived with his mother at 84 High-street Ayr, in the 1871 Census. Their stories are told in the emigration paragraph and in the Australian section below.
Archibald was the first to emigrate. He left London on 12 Apr 1869 and arrived in Brisbane on 13 Jul 1869 on the "Young Australia."…9) He must have been enthusiastic about Australia, since he probably paid for his siblings to emigrate as “remittance passengers”.
Unfortunately no “Immigrant Deposit Journals” survive to say who paid for the remittances.
His sister Margaret Shaw COLQUHOUN aged 22, arrived on the ‘Indus’ in 1873, one of 487 passengers and one of the 90 remittance passengers. An unaccompanied pregnant woman! Her voyage of the ‘Indus’ left London 7 July 1873, arr. Moreton Bay Qld on 8 Oct 1873.…10) Margaret gave birth just before the ship arrived on 1 Oct 1873.…24) Her son Sydney Alexander COLQUHOUN, was listed as “Born on Voyage”.
Her baby son died later on 12 Aug 1874 at George St., Brisbane, the cause of death given as “dentition and general atrophy”.…25)
Then brothers William (with his wife Marion) and James Buchanan COLQUHOUN left London on 12 Apr 1877 and arrived in Brisbane on 2 Jul 1877 on the ‘Rodell Bay’.…11)
The eldest brother John's death registration showed he immigrated to the Australasian Colony of New South Wales in 1893. No record could be found of this immigration. Could he have made an earlier immigration to the Colony of Queensland?
Life in Australia
William and his siblings Archibald & Margaret. Also his wife Mary ouside their home.Images from L: William & family…#02; Archibald & wife…#06; Margaret in 1910…#07; Mary outside home…#14; Britannia Foundry…#12;
Click on these thumbnails for full images with text. OR click on the text link to the image eg …#02.
COLQUHOUN brothers’ employment.
Click on this thumbnail of the Britannia Foundry for full image with text OR click on the text link to the image. …#06
Archibald was an engineer, William an iron moulder and James Buchanan a boiler maker, all employed in Brisbane. Alice St Brisbane was a centre for the foundries which was the address for: Britannia Foundry…#12 from 1887+ (Harvey, Sargeant, and Co.); Smellie & Co 1868-1881; and then after Smellie… Smith, Forrester & Co from 1882+ (Queensland Foundry). Archibald's obit (below) tells us he worked for Smellie, though he was a partner in Harvey, Sargeant, and Co. up to Nov 1884.…85) James Buchanan's marriage to Aaron Sargeant's daughter indicates his employment with the Britannia Foundry.
William, the past foreman iron moulder in Scotland would have been in demand, but no clues about his employment. One possibility was Smith, Forrester & Co, but it had a foreman iron moulder named Mr Agnew in 1884. There were other iron foundries at a similar distances within 1.4km from William's 487 Vulture St: Evans, Anderson & Phelan at Charlotte St; William Hood at Edward St; J.W. Sutton at Main St Kangaroo Point (just before the present Story Bridge). See the following citations with links to contemporary newspaper articles about the foundries.…21a), …21b), …21c), …21d) At last his employment was found at J.W. Sutton at Main St Kangaroo Point! See the description below.…96)
Click on these thumbnails for full images of Archibald & his second wife Frances
and also his gravestone, with text. OR click on the text links to the images …#06, …#16
BDM events:
Parents: Archibald COLQUHOUN (28 Sep 1843-24 Sep 1919) and Charlotte SHIPP( 1854- 8 Jul1876)
Children: John (1871 -24 Jul 1876); Archibald William (1872-25 May 1947); Charlotte (1874 -2 Jun 1876); Daniel Malcolm (1875- 14 Jun 1941).
As noted above, Archibald was the first brother to arrive on 13 Jul 1869, and he possibly financed his siblings' voyages, arranging employment for them. Looking at the photos of William and his brother Archibald, they looked very similar and were both big men. See: William & family…#02; Archibald & wife…#06;
In Oct 1869 he was described as an engineer, working as a “sugar-boiler”…76),84) for Colin Munro in his "Fisherfield" property. This sugar selection was 374 acres, just south of Beenleigh, fronting the west bank of the Albert River. In the present, it is now in the suburb of Bannockburn.…78) In 1869 the Queensland Times describes all the equipment in the mill coming from the Queensland Foundry of Smellie & Co.…77)
Next year, Archibald married 16 year old Charlotte SHIPP, the daughter of Robert SHIPP (1822-1892) and Sarah SMITH (1826-1908), on 3 Dec 1870. Charlotte had immigrated to Queensland on 12 Aug 1862 with her family on the 'Young Australia'.…55), 73), 74), 79), 80), 81)
Note: Details of the SHIPP immigration depend on sources …55), 73), 74), 79), 80), 81); and source …79) is rejected as an incorrect transcription made for the QSA following the 1893 floods… right title, wrong names and numbers of passengers!
Their married life was in the Boggo district… 55), 56), 60) which is described in the 1871 account below.
Boggo. It may not be altogether unnecessary for me to inform you where the above district is situated, and had the question been asked twelve months since, the oldest inhabitant would not have been able to reply decisively. It has now been definitely settled, however, and the boundaries are- the new cemetery, the Ipswich road, the Rocky Waterholes Creek and the Brisbane River. Within those limits there is settled a thriving population of farmers and market gardeners, and some thousands of pounds sterling are made yearly by these persevering colonists. The district possesses a distillery, a sugar mill, and an arrowroot mill-both the latter driven by steam, and we possess a name, not euphonious—but, as the immortal William has said, “What’s in a name?”…54)
Boggo may have brought employment to Archibald the engineer as a “sugar-boiler”…76),84) in the Boggo sugar mill. His children may have been educated for a while in the Boggo School at Yeronga which opened in 1871. Charlotte's youngest brother William SHIPP was probably in the first pupil intake, which shows Archibald's family might also have been in that area and gone to school there later.…55) pp 74,111.
Archibald's finances allowed him to make a 93ac homestead selection at Bulimba in Mar 1873.…87) However, in Jun 1875 he had forfeited it,…88) presumably since he had not made the required improvements.
Boggo brought typhoid fever tragedy to the family. There was a cluster of deaths in June - July 1876.
DEATHS… Daughter: Charlotte 2 Jun 1876), Wife: Charlotte 8 Jul 1876), Son: John 24 Jul 1876.
Death certificates from the prominent Brisbane doctor Albert Hubert Emmelhainz recorded the cause of death of Archibald's wife as chronic diarrhoea,…55) and his son John's death of as typhoid fever.…56) Were the causes actually the same? The certificates also showed Archibald was an engineer and that he lived in the Boggo district.…55), 56) The funeral notice for Charlotte said that it would “leave her father's residence, Boggo, Ipswich-road”.…86) Her death certificate said that she died at Boggo…55)… did she die at her home or her father's home?
The day before their daughter Charlotte died, Archibald assaulted his wife, which led to a Police Court case:
ASSAULT.—Colquhoun v. Colquhoun.— Mr. Thynne appeared for defendant. Charlotte Colquhoun, wife of defendant, deposed that on the 1st of June defendant came into the kitchen where she was, and said something to her, but she could not remember what it was ; she answered him back, and he (defendant) caught her by the back of the neck and shook her, and said, “I will choke you if you say another word.” She is afraid of living with him because he had threatened to take her life so many times. Alice Townsend corroborated this and said that they (plaintiff and defendant) did not live on very good terms because plaintiff wanted a separation and defendant would not let her have it. The Bench considered the case proved, and ordered defendant to enter into his own recognisances in the sum of £20 to keep the peace for six months. …82)
In the 1870's the faecal-oral transmission of typhoid fever was not understood… likewise the concept of the bacterial nature of typhoid, developed by Koch and Pasteur, was too new to be accepted! Consequently health reports lumped diarrhoea, dysentery and typhoid fever together under the heading enteric diseases. It appeared that differential diagnosis was not definitive in a time when doctors blamed climate and malaria for typhoid, though many doctors accepted lack of sanitation as a cause.…58) In nearby Toowoomba in 1876 the total registered deaths was 173. Out of this there was 1 diarrhoea, 13 dysentery, 10 typhoid. A total of 24 enteric diseases indicated a serious health problem!…57)
Archibald's obituary quoted below, points to several events: "varied experience in the Logan district" and his association with Smellie "subsequently following his profession of engineer in Smellie’s foundry, in Alice Street". Did his work on Colin Munro's mill give him an opportunity to subsequently work for Smellie? Contrast this with a notice showing he was a partner with the iron-founder Harvey, Sargeant, and Co. up to Nov 1884.…85) Research shows that the sequence of events claimed in his obit was not accurate.
Brisbane Courier, Friday 3 October 1919
Obituary: Mr. Archibald Colquhoun died at his residence, Vulture-street, East Brisbane, last Thursday, at the age of 76 years. He arrived in Brisbane by the "Young Australia" 50 years ago, and for some years after his arrival he had a varied experience in the Logan district, subsequently following his profession of engineer in Smellie’s foundry, in Alice Street, where he remained for some years, severing his connection to become a member of the firm of Harvey, Sargeant, and Co. He retired after some years of strenous labour. One of his last actions was the gift of an acre of land at Wynnum for the erection of cottages for soldiers' widows. He is survived by his widow, two sons, and two daughters. The interment was private.…12)
Click on this thumbnail for a full image of Archibald & his second wife Frances with text.
OR click on the text link to the image eg …#06.
BDM events:
Parents: Archibald COLQUHOUN (28 Sep 1843-24 Sep 1919) and Frances ALLEN (6 Jul 1842-19 Aug 1925). Child: Elizabeth Frances (1885-21 Nov 1938).
Archibald's previous work for Colin Munro just south of Beenleigh may have led to marriage with the 38 year old widow Rachel Frances (Frances) AITKEN (née ALLEN) (1842-1925) on 18 Dec 1880 at the Church of England, Beenleigh in the Logan area. Frances was the daughter of George ALLEN (1804-) and Elizabeth MANDY (1816-1893). Archibald and Frances were both the children of blacksmiths. Archibald gave his mother's name as Janet DRYSDALE…23)… a matronymic name?…42) They had their only child Elizabeth Francis in 1885, who subsequently married Joseph Goodall SPARKS in 1912, producing the only grandchildren for Archibald.
When Archibald married Frances in Dec 1880 he said he lived in Brisbane.…23) This was logical since he was a partner with the iron-founder Harvey, Sargeant, and Co. up to Nov 1884.…85) We could suggest he lived in Woolloongabba, when in October 1880 Archibald was charged with assault in Woolloongabba by Christian Seipel. The case was dismissed.…83) His location is narrowed down to Vulture St in 1884 when his son Robinson had an accident…94) (see below) and also the 1885 postal directory said Archibald lived in Vulture Street East Brisbane, once again as an iron moulder (now in Smellie's Foundry?).…59) In 1885 there were only 6 houses on his side of the street between Wellington Rd and Norman's Creek. The Directory lists the 6 owners names as follows: Wellington road: Vacant land. Kennedy Terrace: O'Neil, Eliza; Sinclair, Duncan general draper and importer; Schubert, Emile, farmer; Colquhoun, Archibald, ironmoulder; Bliss, Arthur, clerk, H.M. Customs; Johnson, Joseph, Boldon Cottage; Vacant land; Norman's Creek.…59)
In 1919 Archibald lived in the 8th house before Stanley Terrace and Norman's Creek, and next door to George Henry BLOCKSIDGE from 1913 to 1919.…59) George built ‘Quambathella’, a magnificent Queenslander home, currently at 598 Vulture St. and was the founder of Blocksidge Real Estate in 1874, which continues to the present day. He also was elected Mayor of South Brisbane in 1903.…65) ‘Quambathella’ gives us the necessary reference point tp find Archibald's home / house site. We can now say that Archibald was located on the northern side of Vulture St at about modern day 596 Vulture St. On estimate, Archibald lived about 650m from his brother William who lived at 487 Vulture St…33), (present day image here)…#10 on the southern side. See the present day view of the Blocksidge / Archibald adjacent home / home site… below…#19.
Click on this thumbnail of Archibald’s present day home site for a full image with text.
OR click on the text link to the image …#19.
Archibald was active in local politics, writing letters to Council, going on deputations, running for Councillor in Ward 3 elections. What he said and what was said about him was published in the local papers… which gives an insight into the kind of man he was.
His letters and submissions were part of his political activities. In 1898 he wrote to the South Brisbane Municipal Council “again drawing attention to the condition of Vulture-street East, and pointing out the necessity for drainage.”…63)
Earlier, Archibald made a determined effort to secure election as a Councillor. On 30 June 1893 he was nominated to “fill the vacancy in the representation of No. 3 Ward, South Brisbane Municipality, caused by the retirement of Mr. Blocksidge.”…64) (mentioned as his neighbour above).
The election was in the context of the previous "Great Floods" of 1893 or "Black February" when the Brisbane River burst its banks on three occasions. Also, the "Great Depression" of the 1890's had reached its peak in 1893. Troubled time when passions would be at their peak in Brisbane!
Archibald's earlier campaign speech on 15 Mar 1893 was quoted: “He advocated the erection of a central bridge, and stated that he had always been a firm believer in the proposal, and had gone so far as to contribute to the cost of preparing drawings for the proposed bridge. He condemned the action of the council towards the South Brisbane Gas Company over the lighting of the city as calculated to injure a local enterprise. Alluding to corporation labour, he considered that the council acted unworthily, paying their labourers less than 6s. 6d. a day.” …66) Three days before the Council election, Archibald held a campaign rally of 60 people. What was said is reproduced here, in view of historical interest as well as providing insight into Archibald:
The Chairman, in introducing the candidate, said he was a man of pluck, perseverance, energy, aud integrity, and ho had always exhibited a lively interest in municipal affairs. He felt sure that if the ratepayers returned him to represent them on the council they would not do wrong; in fact they could not do better. Mr. Colquhoun commenced his address by saying that the first matter which just now demanded the attention of all was that of bridges. There had been four (?) floods since Christmas, and that fact was in his opinion ample to justify them in asserting that the time had arrived when they should have a bridge at a place high out of reach of floods, and one that would therefore be open at all times, giving free and ready access to the city. With regard to the temporary bridge now in course of construction, he considered that the proposal to put a toll on it whon finished was a disgraceful one. There were valuable bridge lands which should be made to pay for the construction of the bridge. If returned, he could promise them that he would do all in his power to have a free bridge, and free ferries, too. It was in his opinion a most unfair condition of things that a certain portion of tlio community who, as it were, lived in a pocket, should have a free bridge by which to cross the river, while their neighbours had to pay ferry dues. The next matter in importance was the sanitary question, There was some need of adjustment here. At present, however small a man's tenement was, he had to pay the 20s. a year, and very often it so happened that he had to go away following his work, and then he had to pay for services which were never rendered to him. There were other ways in whioh the present system did not work at all equitably, and these he would, if opportunity were afforded him, give his attention to. Then, as to the question of rates, there was an apparent reduction in the new valuations; but ratepayers would find that in nearly every case the result would be that they would actually have more rates to pay. It was a reduction with a little rise in it. He thought it was about time that Woolloongabba took a stand and saw that they got their fair share of the expenditure of the municipal funds. In his opinion 1d. in the £ rate was ample tor all purposes. A matter to which some prominence had been given was the proposed school for the neighbourhood. All knew they needed it bad enough. They had the land, but in the present state of the country's finances there was nothing for it but to wait for better times. When the time was more opportune he would be ready to do his part in securing a school for the district on the site reserved. The question of the Burnett Swamp bridge was one which, while affecting the borough as a whole, more particularly concerned the ward. He regretted the inactivity of those who had the matter in hand. It seemed to him that those who clamoured most for the bridge desired to have it least. There was not much doubt that at the present rate there would be no bridge in five years' time. He had always been a supporter of the establishment of a market on the Woolloongabba reserve and also of railway workshops. In regard to the latter be might say that he had on four different times acted on deputations to the Government with a view to secure them. The question of street lighting in the borough was just now in a very unsatisfactory state, at least it was so far as Woolloongabba was concerned. While Stanley street and Melbourne street were lighted, the people of Woolloongabba had to grope in the dark from the dry docks onward. But they had broad backs und could stand a lot, and like the Scotchman's parrot say nothing. The South Brisbane council wanted light. They had made nice pickle over some of it too. They had had to pay £200 for some light and before they had done they would perhaps have to pay £1,000 in lawyers expenses. In reply to questions, Mr. Colquhoun said he would like to see the alderman who proposed, seconded, and supported the reduction of the workmen's wages to 4s. per day to be put on 4s. a day themselves for three months, just to give them a taste of what it was like. Other questions were put, but they wore of a personal nature, relating to certain alleged actions of the candidate. All of them Mr. Colquhoun answered without exception, the replies being received with some applause and with evident satisfaction to all but the proposers. …67)
Three days later the election was held and the result declared. “The Mayor, in the presence of about 160 people, made an informal declaration of the result of the poll, tho figures being as follows : Dibley, 247 ; Colquhoun, 162 ; informal, 3 ; majority for Dibley, 95. Mr. Mr. Colquhoun thanked the ratepayers who had supported him, and said Mr. Dibley claimed to he a working man's representative. (Voices: "So he is.") He (Mr. Colquhoon) considered that after 37 years' hard labour a man's nose should not be held to tho grindstone until he was put into his coffin. He believed that not five of the whole crowd before him had done more for the labour cause than he had done. (Groans and laughter.) He had stood in Edward street holding a lamp for the labour cause; and as regards sympathy with the cause Mr. Dibley and himself were almost on a par. (Dissent.)” At that time Archibald was aged 50, and his statement inferred that he had started hard work when he was about 13.…68)
After the 1893 election, Archibald was shown to be a man of property. The opening of the Stanley Bridge in 1886 made investors aware of the possibilities of land on the other side of Norman's Creek. Archibald bought 3 portions of free-hold in the Stanley Bridge and Avondale Estates. This entitled him to vote in the electoral districts of Bulimba and Logan on the basis of free-hold land ownership. Archibald lived at Vulture Street Woolloongabba giving him an additional vote in that electoral district on the basis of residency.…89) His property porfolio was not without problems. He sued at least 2 tenants for recovery of rentals, at a time during the Great Depression when there would be many rental defaults.…71), 72) However, his obituary above says: “One of his last actions was the gift of an acre of land at Wynnum for the erection of cottages for soldiers' widows.”…12)
Archibald placed a nomination in 1899 for a directorship of the South Brisbane Gas Company and had an aggressive encounter with a director: “Mr. Colquhoun said that he had put in a nomination for directorship. He left his paper in the office, but one of the directors came to his place and demanded that he should withdraw his nomination. He had the impudence to tell him (the speaker) that, he had a better man in view. This wonderful director actually told him that he (the speaker) was rather touchy on that point, so he caught that director by the shoulders and put him down the steps. He was only sorry he did not black his eyes. If the director came again, he would go out a different way than he came in. Now what did they call that for a wonderful director? (Laughter.)”…70) This behaviour was not surprising in view of the history of assault cases brought against him in 1876…82) and 1880.…83)
Archibald put his name up again for Councillor in 1908, but withdrew his nomination at the last moment. “Mr. Archibald Colquhoun, gentleman, at Vulture street, also was nominated, but he withdrew from the contest, before 4 o'clock.” …69)
Archibald's daughter Elizabeth Francis was born in 1885, probably in Vulture St. She lived at home with her parents at Vulture St at least until 1909.…33) She subsequently married the widower Joseph Goodall SPARKS (1874-1954) (federal servant… clerk 5th class) in 1912 and had moved to Beenleigh by 1913.…33) Elizabeth gave birth to three children, the only grandchildren for Archibald. They were Logan Colquhoun (1915-2011), Frances Josephine (1916-1944), Bernice Enid (1917-1999).
Archibald died at almost the age of 76 on 24 Sep 1919, at his home in Vulture St from cirrhosis of the liver and heart failure. …90) Archibald was buried in Balmoral Cemetery Brisbane, portion 7, number 94. …34). See his grave …#16
The inscription says: “Archibald Colquhoun born 28th September 1843, died 24th September 1919 at rest. Also Frances Colquhoun beloved wife of the above born 8th July 1840 died 19th August 1925 peace perfect peace. Also their daughter Elizabeth Frances died 21 November 1938.”
Archibald was buried with his second wife Frances COLQUHOUN (née ALLEN) and their daughter Elizabeth Frances SPARKS (née COLQUHOUN) (1885-1938). His first wife Charlotte COLQUHOUN (née SHIPP) and his children John and Charlotte from his first family were buried in an unmarked grave at the South Brisbane Cemetery, portion 9A, numbers 145,146,147.…34)
His Will left everything to his wife Frances, with the proviso that if she pre-deceased him, everything was to be split in equal shares for his 2 sons, 1 daughter and 1 step daughter (Agnes Parkin née Aitken, 1876-1941). A statement for Probate said that the value of his personal estate did not exceed £2,449 and his real estate did not exceed £1,771…90) Frances died 6 years after Archibald on 19 Aug 1925 at their daughter's home at Buckland Rd Nundah. Her Will dated 13 Jul 1925 left everything to her daughter Elizabeth Francis SPARKS (née COLQUHOUN). No mention of her 2 stepsons or the daughter from her first marriage. Her personal estate was £697 and there was no real estate.…92) A considerable change in assets in the 6 years after Archibald's death. Archibald's total value of his estate in 1919 was £4,220 which translates into the 2018 value of $328,789. The value of Frances' estate in 1925 of £697 similarly translates into the 2018 value of $56,156.
Archibald's sons from his first family, Archibald William and Daniel Malcolm, died at the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum for the aged, infirm and destitute at North Stradbroke Island… really sad stories.…43)
Archibald William lived in Mary St Brisbane in the CBD when he was the informant of Archibald's death in 1919.…90) He worked for 10 years in the Bundaberg Boundary foundry, 2 years at the Maryborough Walkers foundry and the remainder of his time in trade at Brisbane. He had a number of injuries and illnesses, became an inmate of the Inebriate Institution, then went to Dunwich in 1924 with no assets. He died there on 25 May 1947.…43)
Daniel Malcolm was variously known as Malcolm, Robert Malcolm and Robinson Malcolm COLQUHOUN.…33) A serious accident causing brain injury occurred in 1894, which may have had life-long effects for Daniel Malcolm.
A serious accident happened to a youth named Robinson Colquhoun at the Five Ways Reserve, Woolloongabba, about 8 o'clock on Saturday evening (7 Apr 1894). Colquhoun was swinging in the boats erected on the reserve, when he apparently became dizzy, and, losing his hold of the rope, fell to the ground on his head He was at once taken across to Thomason Bros ' chemist's shop, and Dr Macnamara was called in. He saw that the lad had sustained a fracture of the skull, causing concussion and compression of the brain Tho City Ambulance Transport Brigade were telephoned for at 8.35, and arrived at the place a few minutes past 9 o'clock. The youth was conveyed to the hospital with all despatch, and on inquiring at the institution last evening it was stated that he was still unconscious. Colquhoun, who is 18 years of ago and resided with his parents at Vulture street, Mowbraytown, had on the previous Saturday been riding in these boats, but being overcome with dizziness the boat had to be stopped.…94)
In 1899, 23 year old Robinson COLQUHOUN tinsmith lived at Vulture-street, East Brisbane, opposite Withington street.…91) This locates him in modern terms at ~#586, just 10 houses up the road from Archibald at ~#596. Then Malcolm COLQUHOUN, tinsmith, lived in Vulture St in 1905… perhaps the same place as in 1899.…33) He then worked as a jam boiler for the fruit cannery J. Hargreaves and Son at Manly, Brisbane, from about 1913 to 1938.…33) His pension was drawn under the name of Robinson Malcolm COLQUHOUN, though he was admitted to Dunwich as Daniel Malcolm COLQUHOUN. His Dunwich file said: “Has been in Queensland all his life, with the exception of 1 year in New Zealand. Lived in Brisbane most of the time. No money, no property. Admitted 23 Apr 1940. Cause of admission: No one to look after him.” He had syphilis of the central nervous system and died on 14 Jun 1941.…43) By 1947, penicillin had been shown to be an effective cure for early syphilis and was becoming widely used to treat the disease. All a bit late for Daniel!
Click on this thumbnail for full images with text. OR click on the text link to the image eg …#07.
BDM events:
Parents: Margaret Shaw Buchanan COLQUHOUN (6 Oct 1851-22 May 1923 …9)) & Unnamed. Child: Sydney Alexander COLQUHOUN (1 Oct 1873-12 Aug 1874).
Parents: Margaret Shaw Buchanan COLQUHOUN (6 Oct 1851-22 May 1923 …9)) & William James BOWYER. Children: Nil.
Parents: Margaret Shaw Buchanan COLQUHOUN (6 Oct 1851-22 May 1923 …9)) & Charles Henry SHAPTER. Child: Annie Miller (1882-1955).
We noted in the emigration paragraph above: Margaret Shaw COLQUHOUN aged 22, arrived on the ‘Indus’ in 1873, one of 487 passengers and one of the 90 remittance passengers. An unaccompanied pregnant woman! Her voyage of the ‘Indus’ left London 7 July 1873, arr. Moreton Bay Qld on 8 Oct 1873.…10) Margaret gave birth on 1 Oct 1873…24) just before the ship arrived on 1 Oct 1873.…10) Her son Sydney Alexander COLQUHOUN, was listed as “Born on Voyage”. Her baby son died later on 12 Aug 1874 at George St., Brisbane, the cause of death given as “dentition and general atrophy”. In the space for the father's details there was “ Illegitimate” underlined.…25) All this is hard to comprehend in modern times!
Next year on 30 Apr 1875, she married a 32 year old miner, William James BOWYER at the Ann St Presbyterian manse, North Brisbane. William said he was born in Leeds, Yorkshire.…26) However, no trace was found of this birth, or of William's subsequent death.
Her next marriage was as Margaret Shaw COLQUHOUN, on 26 Jan 1881 in the Wesleyan Parsonage Kempsey to Charles Henry SHAPTER.…26), …27)
On 22 May 1923, Margaret died at 6 Moolcha St Mayfield, under the name of Margaret Shaw Buchanan SHAPTER. The informant of her death, who was her son-in-law George CURAN, did not record any details of any marriage or children before her marriage to Charles Henry SHAPTER.…29)
Macleay Argus (Kempsey, NSW Tuesday 29 May 1923, page 3
The death took place on Tuesday morning last [23 May] at the residence of her only daughter, Mrs. George Curran, at Mayfield, Newcastle, of Mrs. Margaret Shaw B. Shapter. The deceased lady, who had been living with her daughter for the last 18 years, had been an invalid for the past 29 years. She was the widow of the late Charles Shapter, and resided in West Kempsey for many years. The body was brought by train to Kempsey and placed in the Presbyterian Church pending the funeral, which took place on Thursday under the direction of Mr. Jos. T. Walker, and proceeded to the West Kempsey Cemetery. Rev. T. M. Taylor officiated at the graveside in the absence of Rev. D. Smith, who was then in Sydney.…13)
Margaret was buried with the simple metal plaque on her grave giving the years of her death and of her husband: “Charles and Margaret Shapter 1905 1924”.…46) See here. Strangely, they got her date wrong!
Note: first 5 images at 487 Vulture St East Brisbane.
From L: Mary Colquhoun née Hutchison)…#14;
Mary with chooks…#13;
Mary with Janet…#14;
Daughters Annie & Janet…#09;
Present day…#10;
William & family…#02
Click on these thumbnails for full images with text.
OR click on the text link to the image eg …#02.
BDM events:
Parents: William COLQUHOUN (28 Nov 1841 …6)- 17 May 1906 …14)) and Marion CORSON (25 Nov 1853-…6) 24 May 1881…15)). Children: John (1881…17-1881…18)).
Parents: William COLQUHOUN (28 Nov 1841…6)- 17 May 1906 …14)) and Mary HUTCHISON (Jul 1853–18 Apr 1932…15)). Children: Annie Cochran (5 Dec 1884…17))-15 Sep 1980 …19); Janet (Jean) Brymner (16 May 1886…17)-20 Sep 1950…18)).
We noted in the emigration paragraph above: William (with his wife Marion) and James Buchanan COLQUHOUN left London on 12 Apr 1877 and arrived in Brisbane on 2 Jul 1877 on the ‘Rodell Bay’.…11), 11b) William’s family then had tragic childbirth complications. His son John was born on 20 Apr 1881, wife Marion died next month on 24 May 1881 and then his child died shortly after on 8 Jun 1881.
Next year he married Mary HUTCHISON, a fellow 'Rodell Bay' immigrant, on 18 Jul 1882 at the residence of the Presbyterian Minister, Telford St Toowoomba, Qld. At that time Mary was a servant and lived at Spring Vale, Westbrook Qld, not far from Toowoomba. Her brother Cochran and his wife Mary Louisa were the witnesses at the marriage.…35) Springvale Station is in the locality of Athol and was selected by the Burrows family about 1865,…36) just W of Westbrook Station. See the HUTCHISON story here.
His employment was found at J.W. Sutton's foundry at Main St Kangaroo Point not too far from where he lived! This was an extensive shipbuilding and general engineering works,…96) which is described in detail here. William’s section of the works is mentioned in an 1884 account:
The foundry next visited, where the molten iron is poured into the mould. There is a stream of the reddish yellow metal running from the fires to the buckets of the men below, and there it is caught and carried off to form the castings. Here Mr. W.J. Colquhoun is in charge.…96)
W.J. Colquhoun is mentioned here… even with the intrusive "J" it must be our William. Perhaps he referred to himself as William John after his father John.
In the same year William's daughter Annie Cochrane (our Grandma Colquhoun) was born on 5 Dec 1884 at Vulture St…41) and then his next daughter Janet (Jean) Brymner on 16 May 1886.
In 1885 William was central to an historic event for the Presbyterian community.
A meeting of persons interested in the formation of a Presbyterian church, to supply the wants of Kangaroo Point, East Brisbane and Woolloongabba, was held last evening in the Free Methodist Church, East Brisbane, the Rev. D. P. Mitchell being in the chair. It was announced that Mrs. Mowbray had very generously given two allotments of land, situated at the corner of Glenelg-street and Mowbray-terrace, East Brisbane, on which to build the edifice, the value of the land being estimated at £124. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs. Mowbray for this magnificent donation. During the evening it was announced that subscriptions had already been promised to the extent of £100 towards the building fund, and also that one gentleman also had generously offered to contribute £20 per annum towards the stipend fund. On the motion of Mr. Colquhoun it was resolved,—“That this meeting is of opinion that the time has arrived when advantage should be taken of Mrs. Mowbray's offer of a site on which to build a Presbyterian church and that a committee be appointed to consider the best steps to be taken towards raising a sufficient sum to erect same.” On the motion of Mr. Cameron it was agreed that the committee consist of Messrs. W. Colquhoun, J. P. Wilson, A. Love, G. T. C. Lang, J. Mowbray, and the mover. Mr. John Mowbray was appointed honorary treasurer and Mr. A. S. Lang convener, A vote of thanks to the Rev. Osborne Lilley for granting the use of the church in which the meeting was held, and a similar vote to the committee, terminated the proceedings. …97), 97b)
William's daughter Annie Cochrane (our Grandma Colquhoun) was married in this church. On 2 Oct 1907 William EWART married Annie Cochran COLQUHOUN at the Presbyterian Church, Mowbraytown East Brisbane, Qld. See her continuing story in the EWART chapter here.
Click on this thumbnail of Annie's marriage for a full image with text.
OR click on the text link to the image …#38.
In 1886 there were only 6 houses on his side of the street between Wellington Rd and Norman's Creek!…59) In 1905 William was living at Vulture St in the 7 house from Wellington Rd, in between Fisher and King Streets…59)… See 5 images of William's home above. When we look at the first 4 images above, we see a small weatherboard house with wooden steps at the front. The present-day 5th image shows the original house was demolished and a post 1905 Kingfisher Lane now extends through the R of the property enabling subdivision into 4 new blocks opening onto the lane. Does the present day subdivision have relevance to the 1906 notice below?
In 1892 the Great Depression was having a bad effect on iron moulders and their allied occupations. William represented the iron moulders in a deputation to the Board of Waterworks about the manufacture of iron pipes in the Queensland colony required by the board. The deputation made the point:
…that at present the moulders numbered seventy members, and during tho last few months only twelve of that number had been in full employment. There had been one job they had been employed upon, and that was making some special castings for the board, and when that was finished they saw no other in anticipation except the making of the 1650 tons of pipes required for the board.…98)
William's death and gravestone.
William, iron moulder, died on 17 May 1906 at Vulture Street East Brisbane, from heart disease at the age of 64. His brother Archibald was the informant, who gave the name of William's mother as Janet DRYSDALE (a matronymic?).…14) Not a bad life span bearing in mind his extremely hard work and health standards of the time. The notice of his Estate Transmission told us of his occupation and also the property he had accumulated.
Name of Deceased Proprietor.—William Colquhoun, late of East Brisbane, iron moulder. Date of Death.—17th May, 1906. Name of informant.—Mary Colquhoun, of Vulture-street, East Brisbane, widow of deceased. Description and Situation of Land.—Subdivision 69 of eastern allotment 128 and resubdivisions 328 and 329 of subdivision 2 of suburban portion 177, county of Stanley, parish of South Brisbane.…20)
Note: 3 images relating to the COLQUHOUN grave at South Brisbane Cemetery:
From L: In the 1970's…#17;
2020 JUST GRASS!…#20
Click on these thumbnails for full images with text.
OR click on the text link to the image eg …#17.
William was buried in the South Brisbane Cemetery General Part A, portion 11B, number 246. In this grave were also buried the following COLQUHOUNs: (name / burial date)… John / 9 Jun 1881 (son from 1st marriage); William / 19 May 1906; Mary /20 Apr 1932 (2nd wife); Marion / 25 May 1881 (1st wife); Jennet B. / 29 Mar 1890 (James Buchanan's daughter). …34) William's daughter Janet LOWTHER (née COLQUHOUN) was buried next to the rest of her family at portion 11B, number 247, with the name of Janet Brymmer LOUTHER / 21 Sep 1950 on the cemetery records…34) and her name was placed on the bottom of the family gravestone. This gravestone did not survive in situ.…#17
Gregory Davis comments on the fate of the gravestone of John Patient Smith, buried in 1882 in Portion 11B allotment 84:
Unfortunately there is no evidence of his grave in present times. Huge floods had devastated this area in 1893 and again throughout the 1900's. The flood waters reached high levels in the grounds of the cemetery and many of the graves and headstones disappeared. The location of this grave is in the lower area on the river side and consequently would have been effected by the flood waters.…44)
Council removal in the 1970's of approximately 1,000 headstones has been described. Great credit to the Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC) for preventing this attempt to turn the area into a lawn cemetery. It seems that portion 11B was part of this effort when “slabs from some of the graves were also used in the foundation during construction of the wall along part of TJ Doyle Memorial Park Drive, on the riverside boundary of the cemetery”.
Fortunately the Brisbane City Council photographed the area with the COLQUHOUN grave and also transcribed the inscription. See …#17. Particular thanks to Tracey Olivieri, President of the Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC) for obtaining this photo and transcription.…135) Also included in the photogallery is a present day image of the COLQUHOUN grave surrounding area to show how it was changed into a "Lawn Cemetery". See …#18. The grave is next to the boundary between portions 11B & 11A and 47.2ft from the internal cemetery road.…48) Shouldn't be too hard to find on the ground, even though there is now no monument or marking… just grass! The sad news of the fate of this grave is at …#20.
Parts of the COLQUHOUN gravestone found!
Albany Creek gravestones present at the beginning of the FOSBC group visit on 19 Mar 2022. Views of bank from L: 1. Superior view. 2. Lateral view of edge. Note the Colquhoun base stone top L, water on R. …#68
Click on thumbnails for full images with text.
OR click on the text link to the image eg …#68.
Tracey Olivieri (Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery or FOSBC) was told that gravestones were found in a flood mitigation wall next to a residential development at Albany Creek, 21 km north of the South Brisbane cemetery travelling via the Old Northern Road. She recognised part of a gravestone coming from the COLQUHOUN grave!…135) See the following sequence of photos below: …#17 Original COLQUHOUN grave in South Brisbane Cemetery (General Part A, portion 11B, numbers 246 & 247) with gravestone in 1970's ➨ …#20 Present day view of COLQUHOUN gravesite (just grass!) ➨ …#65 View after the FOSBC visit on 19 Mar 2022, from watercourse towards an Albany Creek residential development over a levee and gravestones in the foreground ➨ …66 View after the FOSBC visit, from from the residential development, across the levee with a detailed view of the COLQUHOUN gravestones… beyond the gravestones you can see water in a watercourse.…133) Check the inscriptions against the original intact gravestone in South Brisbane Cemetery
to validate the identification!
The stones remaining in …66 mention Janet B. LOWTHER (née COLQUHOUN) d. 1950 with the saying “So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”. These were too heavy for FOSBC to remove and Council advised me they will use a contractor to remove them. Will the Council find more COLQUHOUN stones when they reconstruct the flood mitigation wall? UPDATE! On 14 Jul 2023 a Council contractor visited the site with an excavator and removed various gravestones. See the last thumbnail …67 showing the two-part COLQUHOUN pedestal attached to an excavator bucket. The gravestones were then transferred next to the machinery shed at the South Brisbane Cemetery site for safekeeping. Unfortunately, Council was unable to locate, or recover the COLQUHOUN tablet/headstone. Council has no immediate plans to return two part pedestal with its plinth to Portion 11B – grave sites 246+247.
A satellite view of the gravestone area shows that it is the outer part of an Albany Creek meander. This would cause erosion with the higher stream velocity and undercutting of the bank. Looking closely you can see the residential development with grass extending to the top of the bank, a fence and three small awnings. Add these details to the swimming pool image …136) here, you will see plastic lounge chairs under the three small awings, next to large pot plants. Any fluvial geomorphologist could have forecast the fate of a levee when gravestones were apparently merely dumped on the surface, neglecting the inevitable undercutting by the creek. This bank is within Moreton Regional Council boundaries and the historic gravestones are the responsibility of Brisbane City Council which has the opposite bank in its boundaries. Who will fix this?
The next questions must be… when were the gravestones taken to Albany Creek and who did it? Council removal in the 1970's of approximately 1,000 headstones from South Brisbane Cemetery has been described by FOSBC.…130) The COLQUHOUN gravestone shows that the Albany Creek stones were part of this group. Were they taken directly here or placed in store elsewhere? Who was responsible for the final placement of the stones? The residential development was on a 3.2ha parcel owned by the Hawkins Nursery and Garden Centres (head office at 623 Albany Creek Rd) which was sold to the property developer Unison in 2014.…131) This led to the Preston Point 74 townhouse development which started in 2016, which was operational in 2022.…136) The owner of the Garden Centre, John Hawkins, started his gardening career in 1973…134) and his Centres included landscaping in their advertised expertise.…132) Did Hawkins obtain these gravestones for landscaping? Matthew Campbell was a child when Hawkins purchased the property at auction. Matthew remembers standing next to his father who was bidding against John Hawkins and places the auction date and purchase of Hawkins Garden Centre site at abt 1977.…129) This shows that John Hawkins owned the Garden Centre from 1977 to 2014. If we add this information to FOSBC which said "A smaller, second wave of removals occurred in 1978"…130) it is possible to suggest that Hawkins took the COLQUHOUN gravestone directly to Albany Creek in 1978.
Sources… COLQUHOUN gravestone:
14) Death of William COLQUHOUN. Reg#1906/B 006748. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
20) Notice of the Will of William COLQUHOUN. Brisbane Courier; 24 Sept 1906: 8.
34) Brisbane City Council: Cemetery Search. See here.
44) Gregory Davis family history. See here.
48) Portion plans of the South Brisbane Cemetery. Available from the Toowong Cemetery office.
129) Matthew Campbell. Pers. com. 2022. Matthew and his father (d. 2014) are / were
local historians and real estate agents in the Albany Creek Qld area.
130) Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC). The 1970s ‘Beautification Scheme’.
See here.
131) Media hunt. Unison snaps up Hawkins site; 10 Oct 2014. See here.
132) HotFrog. Hawkins Nursery Garden Centres. This lists landscaping services, garden supplies, garden…
with the address 623 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek QLD, 4035. See here.
133) Chris Dawson. The Brisbane Floods and a 50-Year-Old Lost Headstone Mystery. See here.
134) John Hawkins. Linkedin profile. See here.
135) Pers.comm. Tracey Olivieri, President of the Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC).
136) Preston Point residences. See here.
137) Margaret Verran. Removed headstones Dutton Park Cemetery, South Brisbane.
Genealogical Society of Queensland, Wollongabba; 1989: 5 and 13.
Compiled from Brisbane City Council listing of “unsightly/damaged or broken headstones” sic.
The story continues.
William's daughter Annie Cochran married William John EWART on 2 Oct 1917 at the Presbyterian Church, Mowbraytown East Brisbane.…39) See the EWART Chapter 3 here. Annie's marriage…#38.
There is a mention of William's wife Mary selling real estate in 1925 which was 400m E of 487 Vulture St:
I HEREBY withdraw the sale of my two Allotments, situated comer Vulture and Didsbury Streets, East Brisbane, from all agents; Mary Colquhoun. …37)
Next year in 1926, Mary‘s younger daughter Janet (a stenotypiste) aged 40 was still living with her mother at Vulture St.…33) Mary continued living at 487 Vulture St until her death on 20 Apr 1932.…40) Probate of her Will was granted to the executor “Janet B. Colquhoun, East Brisbane, spinster. Realty and personalty, £400.” …38) Cause of death was given as "Senility, cardiac failure". However, an inquest of Death was held in Brisbane on 12 July 1932 by H. Harris Coroner.…40)
Mary‘s younger daughter Janet then married Ernest LOWTHER, monumental mason. The background to this marriage might have been the beautiful marble headstone…#17 provided for Janet's parents by Ernest? An advertisement said: “LOWTHER'S MARBLE WORKS. Monuments, Sculptors, late Petrie’s Bight. 411 Brunswick-st, Valley, Tel 2582, Ernest Lowther, prop.”…53) Ernest's Marble Works were separate to the main family factory for P. J. Lowther & Sons. Pty., Ltd. at 108 Lutwyche Rd Bowen Bridge Qld. Ernest came from a family who lived at “Hambernia”, Free St, Kelvin Grove and were very well-known providers of Brisbane gravestones and memorials. Ernest's father John was a monumental mason (1853-1918) and his male children were: Philip James (1877-1948)- monumental mason, Ernest (1881-1947)- monumental mason, Charles (b. 1888-1962)- sculptor, Arthur ( 1891-1929) - marble mason. Ernest was the last remaining LOWTHER in the LOWTHER family home in 1931. Two years later he married and moved into the COLQUHOUN family home at 487 Vulture St. Our cousin Bev Ewart (b. 1936) said that her g-aunt Janet or Aunt Jinny as she was known, was married to a stonemason and that as children they were fearful of the grave monuments scattered around the yard of Janet's Vulture St home!
The LOWTHERs did not have any children following their marriage on 26 Jul 1933, though sadly there were still-born LOWTHER children buried in Toowong cemetery on 25 Mar 1935 and 16 May 1936.…34) Ernest and Janet LOWTHER still lived at 487 Vulture St in 1943.…33) Janet died on 20 Sep 1950 at the age of 64, and Ernest died on 10 Aug 1947. Janet was buried
next to the rest of her family at South Brisbane Cemetery General Part A, portion 11B, number 247, with the name of Janet Brymmer LOUTHER (sic) on the cemetery records.…34) Ernest LOWTHER was buried at Toowong Cemetery at portion 12 number 5, with 5 other LOWTHERs.…34), …48)
See: Daughter Janet Colquhoun…#08.
Ernest possibly constructed the COLQUHOUN gravestone, since he married Janet COLQUHOUN, whose inscription is on the gravestone base found at Albany Creek. Close examination of this base stone might show the monumental mason’s plaque? This is worth a closer look when the stones are all returned from the wilds of Albany Creek? Failing a plaque on the base stone, has the South Brisbane Cemetery burial register survived which might show the monumental mason who provided the gravestone for the COLQUHOUN grave?
James Buchanan
Click on this thumbnail of the Britannia Foundry for full images with text.
OR click on the text link to the image eg …#12.
BDM events:
Parents: James Buchanan COLQUHOUN (24 Jul 1855- 12 May 1931) and Harriet SARGEANT (1855- 14 Nov 1915).
Children: Sarah May Clarkson (1884-?); James Holland (1886-1955); John (1887-1954); Janet Bremmer (1890–1890); Malcolm (1892-1892); Janet Brymer (1894- ); Tom Clarkson (1897-1908) .
Parents: James Buchanan COLQUHOUN (24 Jul 1855- 12 May 1931) and Eliza Ann DARBY (-). Children: Nil.
We noted in the emigration paragraph above: William (with his wife Marion) and James Buchanan COLQUHOUN left London on 12 Apr 1877 and arrived in Brisbane on 2 Jul 1877 on the ‘Rodell Bay’.…11)
On 31 Dec 1881 James Buchanan COLQUHOUN, boiler maker, married Harriet SARGEANT, 4½ years after he arrived in Brisbane. It is probable that he was employed by the Sargeants at that time. “The engineering and iron founding firm of Harvey Sargeant & Co. was founded in 1880 and was part of the fledgling heavy engineering industry in Queensland. It produced ironworks, brick making machinery, girders, and agricultural machinery. The ironworks necessary for much of the building boom carried out in Brisbane in the 1880s were supplied by this company. Their Britannia Foundry…#12 was built in Alice St in 1887.”…21d)
The father of the bride at the wedding was Aaron SARGEANT, iron moulder, from Preston, Lancashire and his children Henry and Lucy Sultana SARGEANT were the witnesses. The SARGEANTs immigrated on the ship 'Sultana' and arrived in Brisbane on 1 Nov 1862. Lucy was born at sea, thus given the name Sultana. After Aaron's death in 1907, Henry was in charge of the Britannia Foundry. He suffered a terrible accident at the foundry in 1911 and died the following day.…21c) This accident illustrates the dangerous jobs the COLQUHOUNs undertook.
In 1909 James Buchanan was still a boiler maker and lived at Burlington St Woolloongabba Brisbane with his wife Harriet, son James Holland (engineer) and daughter Sarah Mary Clarkson (tailoress).…33) Harriet died on 14 Nov 1915. She must have had independent assets, since after her death her Estate was subject to "Orders of Administration".…32) James Buchanan then re-married to Eliza Ann DARBY on 17 Apr 1923 and lived with Eliza at Station St Manly in 1925 and 1928.…33) He died on 12 May 1931 and was buried in Balmoral / Bulimba Cemetery, Brisbane, portion 1, number 178-9 with his wife Harriet bur 15 Nov 1915 and sons Tom Clarkson COLQUHOUN d. 19 Jun 1908 & John COLQUHOUN d.14 Jun 1954, bur 4 Sep 1954.…34) An undated photo of a broken gravestone in this cemetery shows part of the inscription as "Mother & Tom COLQUHOUN". See here. The Australian Cemetery Index website does not identify the burial plot it was found in.…45) Fortunately Billion Graves independently photographed the broken gravestone etc in situ on Jan 2016… including a foot-stone flower receptacle engraved "John Colquhoun| Died 14-09-1954| At rest. See here.
Colquhoun.-The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. James Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs. John Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook (Sydney), Mr. and Mrs. B. Clarke are invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Father and Father-in-law (Mr. James Buchanan Colquhoun) to leave the residence of the Misses Campbell, “Drysdale”, King-street, East Brisbane, This (Wednesday) Afternoon, at 3.45 o'clock, to the Bulimba Cemetery. JOHN HISLOP & SONS, Undertakers.
Colquhoun.-James Stodart Lodge, No. 38, U.G.L.Q (United Grand Lodge of Queensland).-Officers and Members of the above Lodge are invited to attend the Funeral of their late Brother, James Buchanan Colquhoun, P.M., (Past Master) to leave the residence of his Nieces, Misses Campbell, "Drysdale," King-street, East Brisbane, This (Wednesday) Afternoon, at 3.45 o'clock, for the Bulimba Cemetery. By Order, W.M. …31)
Sources… Chapter 1:
1) COLQUHOUN, JOHN. Old Parish Registers Marriages 470/30 260 Alva. Page 260 of 321. National Records of Scotland.
2) Scotland Census. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh. 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1891.
2b) England and Wales Census, 1841.
3) Ordnance Survey Maps - Six-inch 1st edition, Scotland, 1843-1882
National Library of Scotland. See here.
4) Slum housing Garngad. Glasgow City Archives, Department of Architectural and Civic Design. See here.
5) Royston Road Project: Schools. See here.
6) Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950.
6b) Scotland marriages, 1561-1910.
7) Marriage of William COLQUHOUN. Banns according to the forms of the Free Church of Scotland. Genfindit transcription. Strong 580; 644/10-317 Hutchesontown. (FHL Film Number: 6035516).
8) Records of William Dixon Ltd, coal and iron master, Govan, Glasgow. See here.
9) Ship ‘Young Australia, 1868-1869.’ Register of passengers on immigrant ships arriving in Queensland. Queensland State Archives. See here.
10) Ship ‘Indus’ 1870-1873. Register of passengers on immigrant ships arriving in Queensland . Queensland State Archives. See here.
11) Ship ‘Rodell Bay’ 1877. Register of passengers on immigrant ships arriving in Queensland.
Queensland State Archives. See here.
11b) Shipping intelligence—immigration: Rodell Bay. Telegraph; 21 Jun 1877:2.
12) Obituary of Archibald COLQUHOUN.Brisbane Courier; 3 Oct 1919.
13) Obituary of Mrs M.S.B. SHAPTER (née COLQUHOUN). Macleay Argus; 29 May 1923:3.
14) Death of William COLQUHOUN. Reg#1906/B 006748. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
15) Death of Mary COLQUHOUN (née HUTCHISON). Reg# 1932/B/17044. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
16) Death of Mary COLQUHOUN (née CORSON). Reg# 81/B 014089. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
17) Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922.
18) Australia Death Index, 1787-1985.
19) Death of Annie Cochrane EWART (née COLQUHOUN). 1980/21823. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
20) Notice of the Will of William COLQUHOUN. Brisbane Courier; 24 Sept 1906: 8.
21) Iron Foundries↓
21a) The Iron Trade in Brisbane. Queenslander; 28 Mar 1874: 9. See here.
21b) The Iron Foundries of Brisbane. Brisbane Courier; 13 May 1882: 6. See here.
21c) Recent terrible accident: Magisterial inquiry. Brisbane Courier;17 Mar 1911: 9. See here.
21d) Britannia Foundry. Wikipedia. See here.
22) Death of William COLQUHOUN. Reg#1906/B 006748. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
23) Marriage of Archibald COLQUHOUN & Frances AITKEN (née ALLEN). Reg# 1881/675. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
24) Birth of Sydney Alex Colquhoun. Reg# 1873/000750 Mar. Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922.
25) Death of Sydney Alex Colquhoun. Reg# 1874/B/8695 Mar. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
26) Marriage of Margaret Shaw Colquhoun & William James Bowyer. Reg# 1875/4747. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
27) Marriage of Margaret S Colquhoun & Charles H Shapler. Reg# 4565/1881. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
28) George Curan's family papers.
29) Death of Margaret S Colquhoun. Reg# 8692/1923. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
30) Marriage of James Buchanan Colquhoun & Harriet SARGEANT. Reg# 82/B 007559. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
31) Funeral notices: James Buchanan Colquhoun. Brisbane Courier; 13 May 1931: 12.
32) Orders to administer: Harriet Colquhoun. Brisbane Standard; 26 Nov 1915: 2.
33) Australian Electoral Rolls.
34) Brisbane City Council: Cemetery Search. See here.
35) Marriage of Mary HUTCHISON & William COLQUHOUN. Reg#1882/000445. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
36) Obituary Mrs Frances Burrows. Toowoomba Chronicle and Darling Downs Gazette; 30 Sept 1925: 5. See here.
37) Houses and land for sale: Withdrawal from sale. Telegraph; 30 Oct 1925: 13. See here.
38) Probate granted: Colquhoun, Mary, East Brisbane, widow. Central Queensland Herald; 8 Sept 1932: 24.
39) Marriage of William John EWART & Annie Cochran COLQUHOUN. Reg# 1907/5936. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
40) Death of Mary COLQUHOUN. Reg# 1932/B/17044. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
41) Birth of Annie Cochran COLQUHOUN: Reg# 1885/B 033431. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
42) Matronymic: Sometimes Scottish women use their mother’s original surname as their maiden name
instead of their father's surname. This is matronymic as opposed to the usual patronymic.
43) Inmate’s file card. Dunwich Benevolent Asylum. Thanks to John Winterbotham.
44) Gregory Davis family history. See here.
45) Probable headstone from James Buchanan COLQUHOUN's grave. Photo by contributor 195, Sarah Johnston.
Australian Cemeteries Index. See here.
46) Headstone of Charles and Margaret Shapter. Australian Cemeteries Index. See here.
47) --
48) Portion plans of the South Brisbane Cemetery. Available from the Toowong Cemetery office.
49) 1861 England Census.
50) England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915.
51) Death of John Colquhoun. Reg# 13503/1909. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
52) John COLQUHOUN grave. Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current. See here.
53) Lowther‘s Marble Works. Brisbane Courier; 28 Apr 1926: 6. See here.
54) Boggo. The Brisbane Courier; 8 Apr 1871: 5. See here.
55) Death of Charlotte COLQUHOUN. Reg#1876/001765. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
56) Death of John COLQUHOUN. Reg#1876/001770. Registrar of BDM, Qld.
57) Margaret Hampton. Dissertation for M. Phil. Typhoid fever in colonial Toowoomba and Brisbane.
University of Southern Queensland; 2005: 204. See here.
58) C.J. de Vis. Origin of typhoid in Queensland. Brisbane Courier. 7 Jun 1884:6. See here.
59) Brisbane Post Office Directory.
60) Annie Mackenzie. Memories along the Boggo track. Boolarong Publications, Yeronga; 1992.
61) Charles Melton. When Woollongabba was wattle scented. Read at a meeting of the Historical Society of Queensland; 26 Apr 1918. Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland volume 1 issue 6: 341-351. See here.
62) Municipal Elections: Mr. A. Colquhoun at Woolloongabba. Telegraph; 7 Jul 1893: 6
63) South Brisbane Municipal Council. Brisbane Courier; 1 Mar 1898: 6.
64) Council nominations. Brisbane Courier; 1 Jul 1893: 4.
65) History of Blocksidge Real Estate Agents. See here.
66) Campaign speech. Telegraph; 17 Mar 1893: 5.
67) Mr A. Colquhoun at Woollongabba. Telegraph; 7 Jul 1893: 6.
68) Municipal election: No. 3 Ward, South Brisbane. Telegraph; 11 Jul 1893: 5.
69) Annual Municipal Elections. Nomination of Candidates: South Brisbane. Telegraph; 24 Jan 1908: 5.
70) South Brisbane Gas Company. Lively discussions, strong languag, strong measures. Telegraph; 17 Feb 1899: 6.
71) South Brisbane Small Debts. Telegraph; 24 Jun 1897: 4.
72) South Brisbane Small Debts. Telegraph; 30 Jul 1903: 2.
73) Eileen B. Johnson.They came direct: ‘Young Australia’ 1862. Gould Digital, South Australia; 2010: 12.
74) Land Orders 1862-1878. Queensland State Archives. Land order number 978. QSA ref: IMM/252, Item ID 18775,
M/film no: Z2517. Records in this item for SHIPP… Charlotte, Martha, (3 Sept 1862 & 28 Aug 1864);
John, Robert, Sarah.
(17 Sept 1862 & 29 Aug 1864). Initial order made by the shipping agent (George) Raff & Co. & the final by Robt Shipp.
75) Bannockburn, suburb of Logan Logan City Council; See here.
76) Rod Fisher / Colin Munro. Fern Vale or the Queensland squatter. Boolarong Press, Salisbury Qld; 2011:16.
Note: The information about Archibald COLQUHOUN is correct. However, the citation…
(Brisbane Courier BC 11 Aug 1873,3 for Colquhoun) is incorrect. Try instead …84) below.
77) Pastoral and agricultural: Sugar in the Albert district. Queensland Times; 5 Oct 1869: 13.
78) Bannockburn. Logan City Council. See here.
79) Passenger list of the 'Young Australia' voyage arriving Brisbane in 12 Aug 1862. Queensland State Archives Item ID 18474 page 160.
Note: This was transcribed incorrectly after the 1893 floods with the right title but the wrong passengers. The QSA cannot change this information since it is regarded as an original record under the Public Records Act 2002.
80) Arrival of six immigrant ships. Courier 16 Aug 1862: 3. See here.
81) Chris Horgan. SHIPP family tradition about their immigration.
See here.
82) Assault.—Colquhoun v. Colquhoun. Queenslander; 24 Jun 1876: 4.
83) Christian Seipel summoned Archibald Colquhoun. Brisbane Courier; 12 Oct 1880: 2.
84) Metropolitan district court. Munro v. Ranking. Brisbane Courier; 11 Aug 1870: 3.
85) Partnership Notice. Harvey, Sargeant & Co.: Archibald Colquhoun retiring. Brisbane Courier; 3 Nov 1884: 8.
86) Funeral notice Charlotte Colquhoun. Brisbane Courier; 10 Jul 1876: 1.
87) Land selections. Brisbane Courier; 5 Mar 1873: 3.
88) Land forfeitures. Brisbane Courier; 14 Jun 1875: 3.
89) Supplementary annual electoral list. The Telegraph; 10 Oct 1895: 5.
90) Will and Probate of Archibald Colquhoun. Queensland State Archives will no. 1919/843; item ID 743016.
91) Special July electoral list. The Telegraph; 13 Jul 1899: 6.
92) Will and Probate of Frances Colquhoun. Queensland State Archives will no. 1925/661; item ID 743297.
93) Lionel Gossman. A stained glass masterpiece in Victorian Glasgow. See here.
94) A serious accident. Brisbane Courier; 9 Apr 1894: 5.
95) Thom Blake Historian. How much is it worth?
A simple program for calculating historical money rates for Australia. See here.
96) Messrs. Sutton and Co.'s Foundry. Brisbane Courier; 19 May 1884: 5. See here.
97) New Presbyterian church. Brisbane Courier; 22 Apr 1885: 4. See here.
97b) A Heritage Study: Brisbane places of worship pre 1940; Volume 1 Heritage:133-137 See here.
98) Manufacture of iron pipes. Brisbane Courier; 26 Mar 1892: 6. See here.
99) Samuel Lewis. A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland: Comprising the Several Counties, Islands, Cities, Burgh and Market Towns, Parishes, and Principal Villages, Volume 2. S. Lewis, London; 1846: 313.
100) 1861 Clackmannannshire Ordnance Name Book. See here.
101) Register of Parliamentary Voters, Burgh of Glasgow.
102) Scotland, National Probate Index (Calendar of Confirmations and Inventories), 1876-1936.
103) Pers.Comm. Angus Gardner; 2019.
104) England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1861-1941.
105) Pers.Comm. Jervis Shuttleworth; 2019.
106) Baptism: 26/12/1812 Colquhoun, John (Old Parish Registers Births 525/10313 Lismore Appin and Duror) Page 313 of 365. Note: a record adopted by others for our John without logical basis.
107) Scotlands Places: Farm Horse Tax 1797-1798, Volume 01. Hugh MacColl and John MacIntyre at Ledgrianich. See here.
108) Defence of the country: Subscriptions from the United Parishes of Lismore and Appin, in Argylleshire.
The Caledonian Mercury, Edinburgh Scotland; 17 May 1800: 4. See here.
109) Aitken, Patrick Henderson. History of the Hammermen of Glasgow; a Study Typical of Scottish Craft Life and Organisation. A. Gardner, Paisley; 1912:
Requisites for membership pg 9; John Colquhoun 324; Daniel Robertson Gardner 332; John Colquhoun Gardner 352.
110) Death of John COLQUHOUN in 1863. National records of Scotland. Statutory registers Deaths 644/1 1908.
111) Marriage of Janet COLQUHOUN and William ELSTON in 1867.
National records of Scotland.
Statutory registers Marriages 644/1 51.
112) Post office general and trades directory for Ayr, Newton and Wallacetown. 1873-1874. Observer Office, Ayr:36.
113) Death of Janet ELSTON in 1876. National records of Scotland. Statutory registers Deaths 578/ 458.
114) Death of Janet INNES, nee Janet Drysdale COLQUHOUN in 1907. Deaths in the Parish of Cathcart,
in the County of Renfrew. Page 45, No. 135.
115) Death of Daniel Robertson GARDNER in 1877. Deaths in the District of Hutchesontown, in the County of Lanark. Page 101, No. 303.
116) Marriage of Janet COLQUHOUN and Daniel Robertson GARDNER in 1861.
National records of Scotland.
Statutory registers Marriages 644/1 198.
117) Rev, ROBERT SMALL, D.D., Edinburgh. History of the congregations of the United Presbyterian Church,
from 1733 to 1900. Riverside Press, Edinburgh; 1904: 64-65. See here.
118) N. D. DENNY. Temperance and the Scottish Churches, 1870-1914. Scottish Church History; 1988: 222. See here.
119) Birth of Janet COLQUHOUN in 1839. National records of Scotland.
Old parish registers Births 466/ 60 322 Clackmannan, page 322 of 577.
120) St Vincent Street Church, Glasgow. Wikipedia. See here.
121) James Hunter. Culloden and the last clansman. Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh; 2001: 133.
122) Duror map, sheet XLIII published 1876. Ordnance Survey Maps - Six-inch 1st edition, Scotland, 1843-1882 National Library of Scotland. See here.
123) Duror and Kentallen community site. See here.
124) Death of Sarah COLQUHOUN in 1875.
National records of Scotland.
Statutory registers Deaths 525/4 5.
125) Pers. Comm. Neill Malcolm; 2019-2020.
126) Neill Malcolm. Cuil a history and a survey. Royal commission on the ancient and historical monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS); 2012: 5. See here. Note: RCAHMS is dedicated to the recording and promoting Scotland's built heritage.
127) Stuart E. Fleming (ed). Argyllshire monumental inscriptions. Scottish Genealogy Society, Edinburgh; 2002.
128) Friends of Keil. Keil Chapel. Adopt-a monument Archaeology Scotland. See here.
Note: Contains a plan of the site, photos of each gravestone and transcriptions. The area contains the remains
of James Stewart, or better known as James of the Glen or Seumas a’Ghlinne, showing the Jacobite link.
129) Matthew Campbell. Pers. com. 2022. Matthew and his father (d. 2014) are / were local historians and real estate agents in the Albany Creek Qld area.
130) Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC). The 1970s ‘Beautification Scheme’.
See here.
131) Media hunt. Unison snaps up Hawkins site; 10 Oct 2014. See here.
132) HotFrog. Hawkins Nursery Garden Centres. This lists landscaping services, garden supplies, garden… with the address 623 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek QLD, 4035. See here.
133) Chris Dawson. The Brisbane Floods and a 50-Year-Old Lost Headstone Mystery. See here.
134) John Hawkins. Linkedin profile. See here.
135) Pers.comm. Tracey Olivieri, President of the Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC).
136) Preston Point residences. See here.
Acknowledgements… Ch.1 :
Particular thanks to George Curan. We have had many e-mails and phone conversations. I am grateful for correspondence and conversations with my other relatives. Kind permission was received by the following to use their family photos: Annette Nicholson… photo of Archibald COLQUHOUN and his 2nd wife; George Curan… Margaret Shaw Buchanan SHAPTER (née COLQUHOUN). Then there were the kind people on the Wikimedia Commons, separately acknowledged. Thanks for the kindness of Anne Hutchison and the Hutchison family originally from Mt Irving, Qld., descendants of our Mary COLQUHOUN's brother Cochran HUTCHISON. Anne gave permission to use 2 copies of original photos of Mary COLQUHOUN (née HUTCHISON) from her photo book. Many thanks to Tracey Olivieri, President of the Friends of the South Brisbane Cemetery (FOSBC) for obtaining a Brisbane City Council photo and transcription of the William COLQUHOUN family grave. Thanks to Angus Gardner (descendant of Janet COLQUHOUN) for permitting me to visit his private AncestryCom Tree.
The Story Continues
- Chapter 2 This page describes Annie’s mother Mary HUTCHISON and her family from Dartries, Co. Londonderry, Ireland..