The STRONGs of Ulster, Ireland, Chapter 9
The "STRONG Family" section of this site is divided into 13 chapters and 9 appendices. Please read in sequence by following the links at the bottom of each page or use the "Quick Nav" at top right. If you wish to select individual chapters, please click on the top left link to the "Sitemap" page. Note that the chapters develop the story of our family and the appendices contain supporting data… for example the Descendancy Report in Appendix 1 with BDM records and photos of family members.
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Lives of William Aberdare STRONG’s Sons
- Now read on… in the following chapters: |
- Ch 8: Robert William STRONG |
- Ch 8: Sources |
- Ch 9: David Wallace STRONG |
- Ch 9: Sources |
- Ch 10: Joseph Lane (Joe) STRONG |
- Ch 10: Sources |
- Ch 10: Special Acknowledgement |
David Wallace STRONG
David Wallace was born on 10 Apr 1907 in Pukehohe West, near Drury NZ i),x). He attended Drury School from Oct 1913 to Dec 1920 v), iv). The only insight into his family life was a music certificate dated 1918 from the Auckland University College NZ School of Music. This stated Wallace had satisfied two examiners in the Primary Grade, subject Piano, marks gained 80 (1st class) vi). At that time he was aged 11, and must have had a piano in the home and the encouragement to keep up his practice. Also in 1918, Wallace won a prize at Drury School for an essay on the meaning of Anzac. Below are photographs of David at various ages. Photos: Courtesy of Brian STRONG & Heather Trigg ii), iii).

Courtesy: Brian Strong & Heather Trigg.
Wallace won a Junior Scholarship, which he used to attend Auckland Grammar (1921-22) ix) ii). He matriculated from the Grammar School, with the award of a Senior National Scholarship, tenable for three years viii). Using his matriculant status, he gained entrance to the teaching service in 1924 as a Pupil Teacher (Pb) at Drury and Papakura schools xii). While he was at Drury and Papakura (1924-25) Wallace qualified in a two year Teachers' Saturday Science course at Auckland in Agriculture xi). He completed his Teacher Training in 1926-27 at the Auckland Training College for Teachers, and then received his "Trained Teacher's Certificate Class C" on Feb 1, 1928 vii).
Full details of his teaching career are tabled below xii) and show his teaching extended over 53 years. .... A really remarkable length and range of service!
David's electoral roll records also show his travels over NZ. They are listed here. 1935: Makarau. 1938: 25 Kamo Rd, Whangarei. 1949-1954: 63 Armagh St, Fendalton (Central Christchurch). 1957: 92 Opawa Rd, Lyttelton. 1963: 6 Rotherham Rd, Riccarton. 1969: 403 Papanui Rd, Papanui. 1972-1978: 14 Airedale place, Christchurch Central. 1981: 10 Feast Place, Sydenham (he was retired by this stage).
David W. STRONG:Teaching Service Yr of Service Year Age Place Yr of Service Year Age Place * Relief: W Spreydon, Belfast, Somerfield, Harewood Transit, Coutts Isl, Hornby, Darfield
** Relief: Wanganui, Glen Innes, Manurewa Intermediate Schools1 1924 17 Drury, Papakura 28 1951 44 Christchurch Sth Inter 2 1925 18 Papakura 29 1952 45 Christchurch Sth Inter 3 1926 19 Teachers' College 30 1953 46 Christchurch Sth Inter 4 1927 20 Teachers' College 31 1954 47 Christchurch Sth Inter 5 1928 21 Papatoetoe 32 1955 48 Christchurch Sth Inter 6 1929 22 Mata 33 1956 49 Christchurch Sth Inter 7 1930 23 Mata 34 1957 50 Linwood Ave 8 1931 24 Mata 35 1958 51 Linwood Ave 9 1932 25 Mata 36 1959 52 Linwood Ave 10 1933 26 Makarau 37 1960 53 Linwood Ave 11 1934 27 Makarau 38 1961 54 Linwood Ave 12 1935 28 Makarau 39 1962 55 Wairaki Central 13 1936 29 Makarau, Whangarei 40 1963 56 Wairaki Central 14 1937 30 Whangarei 41 1964 57 **Retired, then Relief Teacher 15 1938 31 Whangarei 42 1965 58 Wanganui, Glen Innes, Manurewa Inter 16 1939 32 Whau Valley 43 1966 59 Papakura Inter 17 1940 33 Whau Valley 44 1967 60 Papakura Inter 18 1941 34 Whau Valley 45 1968 61 Geraldine, Timaru W, Papakura 19 1942 35 Whau Valley 46 1969 62 Papakura, Makarata, Bishopdale, Franz Joseph 20 1943 36 Whau Valley 47 1970 63 Avonhead, Redwood, Redcliffs, Amberley 21 1944 37 Whau Valley 48 1971 64 Christchurch Sth Inter, Redcliffs, Amberley 22 1945 38 Fiji Grammar School 49 1972 65 Otira, Westburn 23 1946 39 Fiji Grammar School 50 1973 66 Franz Joseph, Ross, Aorangi 24 1947 40 Fiji Grammar School 51 1974 67 Hororata, Rosedale 25 1948 41 * Relief Teacher 52 1975 68 Addington, Avondale, Freeville, Woolston, Te Anau, Lyttelton 26 1949 42 Christchurch Sth Inter 27 1950 43 Christchurch Sth Inter 53 1976 69 Hanmer Springs, Addington Source: xii)
David would be most qualified to comment on problems in the NZ system, by virtue of the duration, geographical spread and variety of his service. In 1964 when he retired after 41 years service, he was at executive level in the schools. In 1974, after a further 10 years of service as a relief teacher, he made submissions to the Ombudsman about education in New Zealand. Presumably, he wrote to the Ombudsman rather than use normal Departmental channels to avoid his file being buried and not receiving attention. Ironically, access to this file is restricted until 2049 xiv).
In 1938 when David Wallace was 30, he first married 26-year-old Phoebe Kitty Emma DOAR xiv). Their children were Brian David and Heather Phoebe.

Courtesy: Heather Trigg (née Strong) iii).
See the photo of their marriage, which is included above in full, since it is such a marvellous photo. Details from L to R: Standing: Joe STRONG, Wallace STRONG, Phoebe Doar, Wilf Doar (Phoebe's brother who gave the bride away) and Charlie Curtis (from a neighbouring farm). Seated: Daisy Doar (Phoebe's sister), and Phoebe's cousins Thelma Adams, Joyce Adams. Photo: Courtesy Heather Trigg (née STRONG iii)).
Wallace and Phoebe separated in 1943 xv) and Wallace took up a teaching appointment in Fiji from 1945 to 1947 xii) , returning to teaching in NZ after their divorce was finalised. He was a prominent golfer in Christchurch and in 1947 was made a life member of the Hagley Golf Club (in the centre of Christchurch). His son Brian tells the story, that when Wallace found that he was dying of cancer, he was concerned that his golf clubs were passed onto someone worthwhile. The golf club thought so highly of him that they arranged a competition between the most promising juniors in the area with the prize offered of Wallace's clubs ii).
In 1956 when David Wallace was 48, he second married Claudia Roberta (Bobbie) HOLMES, in New Zealand xviii. Bobbie died in Christchurch NZ, on 1 Oct 1989; she was 79 ii), xix), xx). Note that David’s first wife Phoebe Kitty Emma died in Whangarei, NZ., on 6 Feb 2004 on the day the Treaty of Waitangi is celebrated; she was 91 iii). David Wallace remained in the home he shared with Bobbie at 5 Feast Place Christchurch xxi) and died on 29 Nov 1995. His funeral notice said:
"STRONG, David Wallace- on November 29 1995 at Windsor House, Christchurch. Loved husband of the late Claudia Roberta, second son of the late William and Margaret STRONG [Drury], father and step-father of Brian, Heather, Kevin, Elaine and Michael, granda of his twelve grandchildren and great granda of four great grandchildren; aged 88 years. Flowers respectfully declined. The entire funeral service will be held at the Opawa Baptist Church, Wilsons Road, Christchurch tomorrow [Friday] at 11.30 a.m. G. Barrell and Sons Ltd." xvii)
The ashes of David Wallace and Bobbie were placed in the Ruru Lawn Cemetery together xvi). The photo of their gravestone is below, and indicates a deep religious faith in the family.

Photo: Anon, 2006.
Sources: for Chapter 9 and David Wallace STRONG:
i) Birth of David Wallace STRONG. Reg# 1907/1610. Registrar of BDM, NZ.
ii) Pers. comm. Brian Strong.
iii) Pers. comm. Heather Trigg (née Strong).
iv) Pers. comm. Jill Cargill.
v) Drury School records.
vi) Auckland University College NZ School of Music. Certificate of Primary grade music: Wallace Strong, 23 May 1918.
vii) NZ Education Dept. Trained teacher's certificate, awarded to David Wallace Strong. Dated 1 Feb 1928.
viii) National Scholarship awarded to David W. Strong from Auckland Boys' Grammar. Dated for 3 years from 1 Jan 1923.
ix) NZ Education Dept. Certificate of Proficiency. Awarded to Wallace Strong of Drury School. 26 Nov 1920.
x) Certificate of date of birth of David Wallace STRONG. Issued by the Registrar of BDM, NZ.
xi) NZ Education Dept. Certificate of practical course in Science subjects. Awarded to David W. Strong, 10 Dec 1925.
xii) Salary card of David Wallace Strong. Christchurch reg office, Archives NZ. Agency: CASY; accession CH278; Box 7.
xiii) Education system in New Zealand - General - Ombudsman correspondence - Mr D.W.Strong. NZ Archives. Years 1974 - 1974. Agency: ABEP. Series: 7749; accession: W4262; box/item: 730; record: 17/1/32; part: 1; location: Wellington.
xiv) Marriage of David Wallace Strong & Phoebe Kitty Emma Doar. Reg# 1938/2638. Registrar of BDM, NZ.
xv) Divorce of Strong, Phoebe Emma Kitty and Strong, David Wallace. Auckland reg office, Archives NZ. Agency: BADF; series: 20086; accession: A1583; box: 145; record no: D147.
xvi) Christchurch Library Cemeteries Database. See here.
xvii) Funeral notices of David Wallace Strong. The Press, also NZ Herald; 30 Nov 1995.
xviii) Marriage of David Wallace Strong & Claudia Roberta Holmes. Reg# 1956/2609. Registrar of BDM, NZ.
xix) Death of Claudia Roberta Holmes. Reg# 1989/22192. Registrar of BDM, NZ.
xx) Death of Claudia Roberta Holmes: obit in NZ Herald 3 Oct 1989.
xxi) Electoral rolls.
xxi) Probate for STRONG David Wallace. Ref# CAHX 2989, CH989/Box65, CH 1770/1995. NZ Archives.
xxii) Clarke, Ernest. Chalk Cheese and Chimney Pots- A History of the Drury School and Districts. Wright & Jacques, Auckland NZ; 6.
The Story Continues
- Chapter 10 The life and times of Joseph Lane (Joe) STRONG, the son of William Aberdare STRONG.