Appendices to FOSTER of Launceston, Australia
… page 2.

The "FOSTER Family" section of this site is divided into 13 chapters and 8 sets of appendices. Please read in sequence by following the links at the bottom of each page or use the "Quick Nav" at top right. If you wish to select individual chapters, please click on the top left link to the Sitemap page.

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The appendices are arranged as follows:

This page contains appendix 5.

Appendix 5: Descendancy Reports

The reports are as follows:


Descendants of Jane FOSTER

I am hoping for contact with present-day descendants of Jane FOSTER and James FRANCIS. No record of the death of Jane and James has been found… still a mystery! It would be great to receive information which might fill the gaps in this descendancy report, or even provide detailed backgrounds on any of the people listed. Please see the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.

Sources:  i) Microfilm of Registers held by Tasmanian Archives.
        ii) "Digger" Victorian & Tasmanian CDs, Cornelian Bay Cemetery Index… thanks to Gaylene McCooey for assistance with look-ups.
        iii) Australian Vital Records Index… thanks to Mayina Moxley for assistance with look-ups.
        iv) Indexes to Notices (Birth, Marriage & Death) in the Hobart Mercury. Family History Society Inc. Hobart Branch.
          … thanks to Mayina Moxley for assistance with look-ups.
        v) Archers of Tasmania website. Details of Eric le POER KERMODE and his family.
Note:     Please advise if living relatives have been included (by error) in this report.

Descendants of Thomas FOSTER

It would be great to receive information which might fill the gaps in this descendancy report, or even provide detailed backgrounds on any of the people listed. Please see the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.

Note: Please advise if living relatives have been included (by error) in this report.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to the relatives who have contributed material. They included: Bruce Foster, Lorraine Foster, Neil Foster, Dorothy Charnley, Nance Friend.

Descendants of Catherine FOSTER

It would be great to receive information which might fill the gaps in this descendancy report, or even provide detailed backgrounds on any of the people listed. Please see the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.

Note: Please advise if living relatives have been included (by error) in this report.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to the relatives and friends who have contributed material. They included: Alice Martyn, Brendan Christie, Robert & Peter McClure, Allen Glasson, Margaret Donker, George & Maureen Jury, Helen Lauenstein, Sandra Hewitt.

Descendants of Annie FOSTER

It would be great to receive information which might fill the gaps in this descendancy report, or even provide detailed backgrounds on any of the people listed. Please see the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.

Note: No living relatives have been included in this report.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to the relatives who have contributed material. They included: Jill Gooden, Lorna and Murray Barclay, Lorraine and John Stevens, Judie O'Connell.


Descendants of Roderick McLEAN

It would be great to receive information which might fill the gaps in this descendancy report, or even provide detailed backgrounds on any of the people listed. Please see the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.

I am grateful to Elaine Hall, research officer of the Raymond Terrace Historical Society (RTHS) who has provided much guidance and information. The RTHS documents have been invaluable. They included transcriptions of the Raymond Terrace Courthouse records, burial records, headstones, newspaper articles, maps etc., which reflect the dedication of the Society volunteers. Thanks also to Marea Moxy who has shared her detailed knowledge of the McLEANs from the viewpoint of the MOXY family who were next door neighbours from the very beginning. Thanks to Doreen Hornsby who obtained the most significant location "Penmollach" for the above events from the OPR films, elucidated McDONALD—McLEAN relationships through correspondence in an Isle of Mull mailing list thread and also alerted me to the Treshnish McINNES records. Also to Lurline Lane who shared the family tradition that Hector McLEAN had married his cousin… and to Kerrie Wheeler who shared the other family tradition that Roderick McLEAN had married twice, together with data on Roderick's first marriage & its descendants. Kerrie's information included material from the research of Frances Lorraine (Pax) Armstrong (d. Apr 2004). Thanks also to Mavis McLean whose long-term research interest in in the McLEAN family history (visited Mull twice) led her to find relationships between Allan, Roderick & Hector McLEAN. Mavis also provided the DOBs of Hector and Mary's children. Karinya Montgomery and Bronwen Hughes provided a break-through with the 1901 death notice for Archibald BLAIR, which established a source linking the McLEANs to the BLAIRs and the LOCKHARTs. Websites written by Bronwen Hughes & Gary Robertson have provided much important data about the BLAIRs. Karinya Montgomery kindly gave detais of the Maud LOCKHART descendants. Last, but not least… Keith Sanger who suggested that the localities of Penmollach and Druim Fhionnghail might have relevance to my search for Ben Moloch and Druimfionn, which enabled another breakthrough.

Return to the Roderick McLEAN story here.

The Story Continues

Please browse the research that has been done on families that are related to the FOSTERs, all contained on this web site: