Appendices to FOSTER of Launceston, Australia
… page 3.

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The appendices are arranged as follows:

This page contains appendix 6 and 7.

Appendix 6:


Descendancy of McLEANs & associated Mull Families.

It would be great to receive information which might fill the gaps in these descendancy reports, or even provide detailed backgrounds on any of the people listed. Please see the e-mail link at the bottom of this page. One of the purposes of these integrated descendancy reports is to show the common locations & relationships between the McLEAN & McINNES & McDONALD families.

Note the common and/or neighbouring locations of Druimfionn / Druim Fhionnghail / Penmore / Penmollach / Ben Moloch; and also Tobermory / Achacharra / Achecher… these give an indication of the location of the McLEANs through the locations of the in-laws.

See here for detailed discussion and acknowledgements of the Mull material which is contained in these reports.

MULL SOURCES for McLEAN descendants:
Lists of Old Parish Records, Mull Genealogy Website:
1) Baptism of Ann McLEAN on 21 Nov 1826, Penmore, Isle of Mull.
2) Grace McGUINESS / McINNES on 14 Jul 1808, Penmore, Isle of Mull.
FamilySearch International Genealogical Index:
3) Christening of Ann McDONALD on 2 Jan 1796, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 6934223, 74.
4) Marriage of Roderick McLEAN & Effie McLEAN on 20 Dec 1825,
    Parish of Kilninian. Film: 6934224, 96; ALSO M115444, 0100 I.
5) Christening of Ann McLEAN on 21 Nov 1826, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 7005125, 30.
6) Christening of Mary McDONALD on 29 Mar 1791, Penmollach,
    Parish of Kilninian. Film: 6934223, 74.
7) Christening of Hector McLEAN on 24 Dec 1826, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 005125, 57.
8) Christening of Grizzel (Grace) McINNES on 14 Jul 1808. Parish of Kilninian & Kilmore.
    C115442-(1766 - 1820 ); 1041080; Film 6900486.
  — — — further research is needed on the relevance of the following OPRs…
  —Christening of Children born to John McLEAN & Mary McDONALD, Parish of Kilninian & Kilmore.—
      9) Roderick on 15 Feb 1794, Kilmore. Film: 7001309, 86. (Mother; Mary KENNEDY… an alias?
        Kilmore; between Penmollach & Aintuim).
      10) Donald on 13 Dec 1802, Auchnansaul. Film: 7001309, 84. (Achnasaul; SW of Tobermory?)
     11) Hugh on 29 Oct - 26 Nov 1803, Aintuim. Film: 7001309, 84.
      12) Neil on 12 Jan 1806, Aintuim. Film: 7020101, 7. (Mother: Mary McDonald alias Mary Kennedy).
      13) Allan on 1 May 1808, Aintuim. Film: 701309, 84.
      14) Mary on 1 Feb 1814, Penmollach. Film: 701309, 85.
  — — —


MULL SOURCES for McINNES descendants:
Christening of Children born to Donald McINNES & Ann McCALMAN, Parish of Kilninian & Kilmore.
    IGI Reference: C115442-(1766 - 1820 ); 1041080; Film 6900486.
1) Flora McINNES on 29 Dec 1793. ditto
2) Effy McINNES on 18 Feb 1798. ditto
3) Mary McINNES on 13 Jan 1806. ditto
4) Grizzel McINNES on 14 Jul 1808. ditto
5) Marriage of Donald McINNES & Ann McCALMAN on 9 Mar 1793, Parish of Kilninian & Kilmore.
    IGI Reference: M115442 (1766 - 1820); 1041080; Film 6900487.
Lists of Old Parish Records, Mull Genealogy Website.
    Christening of Children born to Donald McINNES & Alan McCALMAN.
6) Flora McINNES on 29 Dec 1793, Treshnish, Isle of Mull.
7) Malcolm McINNES on 13 Mar 1796, Treshnish, Isle of Mull.
8) Effie McINNES on 18 Feb 1798, Treshnish, Isle of Mull.
9) Grace McINNES on 14 Jul 1808, Penmore, Isle of Mull.
10) Alexander McINNES on 15 Jun 1812, Penmore, Isle of Mull.


MULL SOURCES for McDONALD descendants:
FamilySearch International Genealogical Index:
  — — —
1) Marriage of Roderick McLEAN & Effie McLEAN on 20 Dec 1825, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 6934224, 96.
2) Christening of Ann McLEAN on 21 Nov 1826, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 7005125, 30.
3) Marriage of Finlay McDONALD & Catherine McLEAN on 19 Jan 1790, Penmollach, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 6934225, 77.
4) Christening of Hector McLEAN on 24 Dec 1826, Parish of Kilninian. Film: 005125, 57.
  — — —
  —Christening of Children born to Finlay McDONALD & Catherine McLEAN,
      Parish of Kilninian & Kilmore.—
Locality: Penmollach, Isle of Mull.
5) Christening of Flora McDONALD on 10 Apr 1793, ditto. Film: 6934223, 74.
6) Christening of Mary McDONALD on 29 Mar 1791, ditto. Film: 6934223, 74.
  — — —
      Parish of Kilninian & Kilmore.— Locality: Achacharra ( Achecher… north of Tobermory), Isle of Mull.
7) Ann McDONALD on 2 Jan 1796.      ditto. Film:6934223, 74
8) Catherine McDONALD on 20 Dec 1801. ditto. Film:6934223, 75
9) John McDONALD on 2 Jun 1805.       ditto. Film:6934223, 75
10) Alexander McDONALD on 21 Jan 1811. ditto. Film:6934223, 75
  — — —
11) E-mails by Doreen Hornsby and Ida King to the Mailing List. 1 June, 2006.
  and Doreen Hornsby, 17 Oct 2003.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Doreen Hornsby for the locations of Penmollach and Achacharra obtained from the films. These were of great significance in tracking the McLEANs! Thanks also to Ida King who has an especial interest in the McLEANs of Mull. Ida kindly made a number of look-ups in the microfiche of Mull OPRs.

Sydney STEVENS & the annual smoke concert.

ANNUAL SOCIAL GATHERING. The first annual smoke concert and social gathering in connection with the local branch of the Postal and Telegraphic Service Association was held in the Masonic Hall, Collingwood-street, on Saturday evening, and the reunion proved altogether enjoyable. Mr G. Levy, chairman of the branch, presided, the vice-chair being occupied by Mr Seymour. Mr Stevens, Chief Postmaster, was present, and the Wakapuaka telegraph staff was represented by Messrs Heron, Brookes, White, Allan and Esson. Apologies for unavoidable absence were read from Messrs Twyford (Eastern Extension Cable Company, Cable Bay), Marony, Robertson (Inspector), McDonald (Riwaka), and T. H. Bannehr.

During the evening an excellent programme of music was rendered, Mr White doing yeoman service as accompanist. Messrs Heron and White played a violin and piano duet (selection from Verdi's “Il Trovatore ”) ; songs were sung by — “Major” Erskine, “The Powder Monkey” ; Mr Levy, “The Skippers of St.” and as an encore “The Admiral's Broom” ; Mr Brooks, “Jack’s the Boy” ; Mr Armstrong, “The Last Muster” and Mr Hounsell. Recitations were given by Mr. Rudman, “The Battle of Black Magersfontein”; Mr Blake, “The Fisherman's Story” ; reading, “An Irish Subscription List,” by Mr Kennedy. Mr Blake danced with much grace a sailor's hornpipe, and in an interval Mr Esson (Cable Bay) showed beautiful lantern views of Cable Bay, Nelson, the West Coast, Christchurch, etc., taken from time to time by the cameras of Messrs Heron, Allan, and Esson, In the course of the evening a presentation was made to Mr A. G. Stapp, formerly of the Department, as a mark of esteem for long and faithful services and popularity among his comrades. Mr Stapp was unavoidably absent, being at Glenbrook, but he sent a feeling letter of apology for absence, which was heard with applause. Mr Ernest Stapp, his brother, was asked to take charge of the presentation ; and convey to him the good wishes of the staff. Mr Ernest Stapp appropriately responded. The presentation took the form of a pair of handsome field glasses.

The list of toasts was as follows : — Mr H. O. Livick (Secretary to the Branch), proposed the toast of the King, the Royal Family, and the Governor, which was duly honoured, a verse of the National Anthem being sung. Mr Seymour proposed the toast of “Our Department” coupled with the name of Mr Stevens, Chief Postmaster. (Applause). He said since he joined the Service he had seen it grow considerably. Mr Seymour gave reminiscences of the early days, when there were no cables, and the mails and telegrams had to be brought ashore and distributed from Nelson. The younger hands in the Department could hardly realise the old conditions, now that there was cable communication with the whole world. There were now 4000 men, women, girls and boys in the Department, and it was a creditable thing and a proud boast that never a secret of the Department was divulged. (Applause.) He was sure Mr Stevens would be able to give many interesting reminiscences. Sir Joseph Ward, the head of the Department, was the ablest man in the colony, and all admired his pluck in reducing the cost of telegrams and postage. It was feared that there would be loss, but the enormous increase more than justified results, and showed that New Zealanders were the greatest letter writers in the world.

Mr Stevens, Chief Postmaster, responded amid applause. He said he joined the Department on 13th May, 1863, 40 years ago, when the General Post Office staff at Auckland consisted of two. There were now 97 officers in the Head Office. On the 31st December last the total number of employees on the permanent staff was 2401, exclusive of country post masters and others. In the early day English mails did not come in bags, but in screwed down boxes. The Maori war broke out, and often 200 boxes of mail came out with very few to sort them, as so many had been called away on military duty. He (Mr Stevens) joined the cavalry He was one of 20 told off from his troop to carry despatches. Unlike their predecessors, they were not deterred by fences, or trees across the road. For eighteen months he was in the saddle three nights a week, and had his day's work to do also. Mr Stevens gave interesting reminiscences of the early system of delivering letters, which was primitive in the extreme. Letters were laid out on a table, alphabetically as far as possible and newspapers were kept in bins. (Laughter). Often an English mail took 30 or 40 hours to sort, as most of the hands were away on military duty. Stamps were not perforated in those days, and they had to be cut up with scissors. This was his duty, and if he cut too much he got a box on the ears. (Laughter). There was a monthly overland mail from Auckland to Wellington via Wanganui. Some times the mail got through — sometime it was never heard of again. They could congratulate themselves in the postal staff on being a very steady body of men (Applause). He read Sir Joseph Ward's complimentary reference to the absence of complaints, the loyalty of the officers, good conduct, efficiency, and the practical absence of grave offences. Another thing the officers could congratulate themselves on their improved position. They could now depend on promotion for ability, and had something to look forward to. (Applause.) The Department was not only postal, but also a revenue collecting office, and the work, though arduous and intricate, had been cheerfully and efficiently performed. (Applause) There were now 1807 post offices in the colony, increasing at the rate of 100 a year, and the increase would be greater still. To show the advance of Nelson, he could state that the work had doubled in 12 years. (Loud applause.) Mr Poole proposed the toast of the “Post and Telegraph Officers’ Association” coupled with the name of the Chairman of the Branch, Mr G. Levy (Applause.) The staff were exceedingly fortunate in having Mr Levy as chairman. He had made the Association what it was in Wellington, and it was during his connection with the Wellington branch that it received the recognition of the department. In Mr Levy coming to Nelson, Nelson had gained and Wellington had lost. (Applause.) Mr Poole referred to the needs and claims of the officers, and alluded to the question of the compassionate allowance to widows and retiring allowance to old servants. He contended that a widow should receive payment by scale, according to service, etc, and the allowance should be set apart by law, under a proper scheme. He would like to see the Nelson branch take up this and other important questions and lay it before the Association.

Mr Levy, in responding to the toast of the Association, gave a history of its establishment in 1890, and its rapid spread, showing how it had been merely desired to have a body to place the views of the rank and file before the Government. The Association was now officially recognised, and the P.M.G. took an active interest in affairs of the Association; in fact looked to it to voice the views of the rank and file. Mr Levy said with reference to the question of allowances, that he hoped a superannuation fund would he in existence by next year. (Applause.) Mr Levy welcomed the Wakapuaka boys—(applause)—and hoped this would be one of the first reunions of many. (Applause.) A hearty vote of thanks to Mr Esson for displaying some beautiful lantern views was carried with acclamation.

Mr H. O. Livick proposed the toast of the ladies, especially mentioning the members of the Telephone Exchange, and Mr Blake responded. The toast of the Press brought a very pleasant evening to a termination some time before midnight.

The arrangements in connection with the concert were carried out by Messrs G. Levy (chairman), Seymour, Poole, Stapp, Heron, Armstrong, and H. O. Livick (Secretary), and they are to be congratulated on the success of their efforts.

Source: Postal and telegraphic staff annual smoke concert. Nelson Evening Mail; 20 Jul 1903;2.
Note: Ths account was included to describe Sydney STEVENS’ work history, and the history of the Post and Telegraphs of NZ. It is also a fascinating historical document which demonstrates the attitudes and customs of the time.

Return to the description of the McLEAN origins here… OR to the story of Sydney STEVENS’ family here.

The Story Continues

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