PATFIELD: Alma… Chapter 4
The "Patfield" section of this site is in memory of my mother, Alma Maud STRONG (née PATFIELD). It is not intended to be a full account of the PATFIELDs, since this is covered by other publications. My narrow focus is on our part of this family. Please read in sequence by following the links at the bottom of each page or use the "Quick Nav" at top right. If you wish to select individual chapters, please click on the top left link to the "Sitemap" page. Note that it is intended that the chapters develop the story of our family and appendices will contain supporting data. The section is integrated with the Photo Gallery: “Alma PATFIELD… her father's & mother's lines.” This gallery illustrates Alma's early German heritage, her grandparents, parents & siblings, and her own life. Note the styles: links to individual images: …#2 . Note in some cases these image links are clarified by the separate addition of hyperlinked thumbnails. Citation of sources is shown as …ix).
Contents of this Website are subject to Copyright © by Philip Strong, & allow fair academic use. See here.
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This chapter traces Alma Maud STRONG’s maternal ancestry (and mine).
![View of panorama of Höhefeld, Wertheim, Baden, Germany. Photo: Gerhard Klinger. Image of view of panorama of Höhefeld, Wertheim, Baden, Germany. Photo: Gerhard Klinger.](images/pat_4.jpg)
Alma’s g-grandmother Maria Dorothea (Dora) ROOS (née MARQUARD) came from this village.
Dora married Johann Leonhard (Leonard) ROOS from Eichel… they emigrated to NSW and their story is below.
Alma Maud STRONG’s Maternal Ancestry
The material in this section has arisen from a long correspondence with Olga Irene Mary (Olga) MARQUET (née WILSON) of Paterson, from about 1997 until her death in 2013. Olga and I worked together with our ROSE, MARQUET, SOPER and PATFIELD families. In 1999 she introduced me to Anthony J. (Tony) BENHAM of Glenmore Park, who gave me a ream of printout (old-fashioned tractor-feed pages) of descendancy reports for the ROSE & MARQUET families. Tony was later reported suffering from advanced dementia in 2015 …i) and his family could not be contacted. I entered the relevant information into bound booklets which I sent to Olga. She forwarded my ROSE booklet to a ROSE historian, Beryl DAVY of Maitland (d. 2003) who reviewed my work, and then kindly forwarded her ROOS and MARQUART German documents and translations through Olga.
i) Amanda Benham takes care of her father. Penrith Press. 5 Apr 2013. See here.
Up to now I have not used this material, since I was unsure how to proceed with my PATFIELD family, and also there was such a large amount of data. Now that I have "bitten the bullet", I wish I had started earlier. The three people who would have known the origin of this large body of research and of individual entries have all died or are incapacitated. Somebody somewhere must have collected a lot of BDM certificates to produce this material! This must be the golden rule… ask questions while you can! Since that time I have both verified and added to the information using various sources including AncestryCom's access to valuable German and immigration databases.
I have divided this chapter into separate parts, each with a body of text with citations, with a supporting descendancy report. These reports run sequentially. The descendancy reports are minimal and truncated and do not include cited references… all in an effort to reduce the size of this document and to focus on establishing Alma PATFIELD's maternal line and also indicating those people who might share it.
The volume of material for this chapter has grown so much that I have created a new chapter 5 for Dora ROSE’s families.These chapters follow sequentially. See the following links:
Inside this chapter 4: Location overview|
Earliest German |
Emigrants |
1st Generation ROSE |
Inside following chapter 5: |
Dora’s 1st family |
Dora’s 2nd family |
Initial overview of locations
This chapter presents information on locations which are unfamiliar to the average reader. In an effort towards easier comprehension, a simple Wertheim am Main tourist map is included. People who consider visiting the area might fly to to the international airport at Frankfurt am Main, then perhaps travel east along the River Main in one of the many river cruises to Wertheim am Main. Wertheim is on the junction of the Main and Tauber Rivers and surrounded by the German states of Bayern (or Bavaria) , Baden, and Württemberg… all labelled on the map below.
![Tourist map around Wertheim, Baden, Germany. Photo: Gerhard Klinger. Image of tourist map around Wertheim, Baden, Germany.](images/pat_29.jpg)
Go to the bottom corner of the map where the River Tauber is obscured by the hikers' feet. Here is Niklashausen next to the river, where Johann Adam MARQUARD was baptised and where he married Ottilia DEUFEL. Adam's brother Christopher and sister Maria Dorothea (Dora) were also married here. Höhefeld is just above Niklashausen and is where the MARQUARDs were born. Above Höhefeld is Kembach… the location of our earliest maternal ancestors. Go back to Wertheim… travel a little east along the Main to Eichel where Dora's husband Johann Leonhard ROOS was born.
Earliest German maternal ancestors:
Castle (#15), Town Square (#16), Tauber R. from Castle (#13).
Our earliest maternal ancestors were near Wertheim am Main …images #12, #14, #15, #16, the northern most town in the Grand Duchy of Baden (Großherzogtum Baden) on the delta of the river Tauber flowing into the river Main …image #13, and bordered to the north by the Kingdom of Bavaria.These ancestors lived around the upper reaches of the Tauber river valley in the villages of Kembach …images #2, #3, Höhefeld …#4, #5 and Niklashausen …#7, #8, #9, #10, #11.
Our earliest maternal ancestor is Eva BAUER who married Johann Jacob (Hanss) WIRSCHING on 11 Sep 1753 …ii), and the record mentions Eva's father Sebastian BAUER. However, there is no location or further detail for Eva. Eva & Hanss had two daughters who were both baptised in Kembach in 1761. They were (our) Maria Dorothea & a sister Anna Elisabetha .
Consequently, our earliest maternal ancestor with a precise location is Maria Dorothea WIRSCHING from Kembach. She married the widower, Johann Peter MARQUARD from Höhefeld at Niklashausen on 17 May 1803 …iii). Kembach is only 3km N from Höhefeld and these villages are served by the church in the nearby village of Niklashausen. The road from Höhefeld to Niklashausen goes past the village of Gamburg …#6.
The MARQUARD name has been confusing to officials and descendants and has been given at various times as MARQUART, MACHHARD, MARQUET, MARQUARDT. However, the Germans are usually precise between MARQUARD and MARQUART in this area. This name is uncommon in the Höhefeld area, but there is still a grassy area in Höhefeld with the old name of Marquardgärten …iv).…#5. Is this where our family lived? Perhaps if this area had the right soil, slope and aspect the MARQUARDs might have grown grapes here …since they said they were vine-dressers in their emigration documents (1852 & 1854)? However, at that time, emigrants represented themselves as vine-dressers regardless of their occupation in an effort to gain approval from the immigration agent.
The MARQUARDs had two daughters, Eva Catharina (1804-1860) & our Anna Dorothea (1806-1855) …v).
Anna Dorothea MARQUARD was then recorded in the German emigration documents (Auswanderungsakte) having three illegitimate ("unehelich") children: Johann Adam b. 4 Nov 1827; Johann Christoph b. 17 Dec 1829; and (our) Maria Dorothea b. 17 Jul 1833, all with the surname MARQUARD. There was no mention of a subsequent marriage to legitimise these children, otherwise there would be the notation: "Unehelich, Annerkennung bei Heirat" or illegitimate, acknowledged by marriage …vi).
The birth of "our" Maria Dorothea MARQUARD was described as follows:
In the year 1833 on the 17th July at 11pm Anna Dorothea Markart, the daughter of Peter Markart and his deceased wife Maria Dorothy née Wirsching, gave birth to an illegitimate female child. The child was baptised on the 20 July 1833 at 2pm in the afternoon and named Maria Dorothea. Godparents were Maria Dorothea Rind and Joseph Rind. Witnesses were Adam Wicher and Christoph Schliβmann. Niklashausen 21 Jul 1833 I.E.W. Schnueh Pastor. …vii)
“Earliest German maternal ancestors”:
ii) Marriage of Eva BAUER & Johann Jacob WIRSCHING, 11 Sep 1753, Kembach, Baden, Germny.
Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929. FHL Film: 1272369.
iii) Marriage of Maria Dorothea WIRSCHING & Johann Peter MARQUARD, 17 May 1803, Niklashausen.
Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929. FHL Film: 1272847, 3.
iv) Gerhard Klinger. Pers. comm. 2015.
v) Baptism of Anna Dorothea MARQUARD, 13 March 1806, Niklashausen.
Germany, Births & Baptisms, 1558-1898. FHL Film: 1272847.
vi) Emigration of Maria Dorothea MARQUART: Auswanderungsakte, Landesarchiv
Baden-Württemberg - Staatsarchiv Wertheim.
Ref# 39o/5994, 6o36
vii) Baptism of Anna Dorothea Markart, 20 Jul 1833.
Baptismal register, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg - Staatsarchiv Wertheim.
Acknowledgements… “Earliest German maternal ancestors”:
Especial thanks to Olga MARQUET, Tony BENHAM and Beryl DAVIES, each described in the introduction above. Thanks to my German friends Gerhard Klinger and Marlise Düx for kindly coping with my bad German and supplying images.
Earliest German maternal ancestors… Descendancy Report:
- (1) Johannes (Hanss) WIRSCHING
- | (2) Johann Jacob WIRSCHING
- | & Eva BAUER
- | m. 11 Sep 1753, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | (3) Anna Elisabetha WIRSCHING
- | | bp. 1761.
- | | (3) Maria Dorothea WIRSCHING
- | | b. 4 Oct 1761.
- | | bp. 4 Oct 1761, Kembach, Baden.
- | | & Johann Peter MARQUARD
- | | b. Höhefeld, Baden, Germany
- | | m. 17 May 1803, Niklashausen
- | | | (4) Anna Dorothea (Dorothea) MARQUARD
- | | | b. 13 Mar 1806, Höhefeld, Baden.
- | | | bp. 13 Mar 1806, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | d. 13 Mar 1855, Germany
- | | | & UNKNOWN (see shipping lists information below…xiv), xvi), xvii))
… report continued below.
The Emigrants
The three MARQUARD siblings each married just before they separately emigrated to Australia on the 'Marbs' …xiii), 'Triton' …xi) and the 'Cateaux Wattell' …xii).
"Our" Maria Dorothea MARQUARD married Johann (Jacob) Leonhard ROOS from Eichel on 4 Nov 1854 …viii). The marriage register stated:
In the year 1854 on the 4th November at eleven o'clock Johann Leonard Roos from Eichel, single son of Johann Roos and his wife Appolonia née Volz from Hufelberg, and Maria Dorothea Marquard, daughter of Peter Marquard and his wife Dorothea née Wirsching were married by German laws and regulations. Duly witnessed and signed the register. Niklashausen 4 Nov 1854 Reverend Herzfern …ix).
(#18), Village boundary of Eichel (#19), The Veitskirche (St Vitus Church) at Eichel (#20)
Eichel is a village on the river Main, next to Wertheim … images …#17, #18, #19, #20. I could not find a village called Hufelberg mentioned in the above register entry and accordingly I re-checked the difficult Kurrentschrift (old German cursive hand writing) in this document.
Maria Dorothea’s parents shown in this register are actually her grandparents, suggesting that Maria Dorothea’s mother Anna Dorothea MARCHARD permitted her illegitimate children to be raised by Anna Dorothea's parents. Maria Dorothea’s shipping immigration stated her parents were Johannes and Dorothea MACHHARD, mother living. This must refer to her grandparents Johann Peter and Maria Dorothea see here. Johann Leonhard ROOS’ name in this register has caused some confusion since he was originally baptised as Jacob and later took on his father's first name which was commonly done in Germany… no idea where the name Leonhard came from. The emigration files identify him as Johann (Jakob) Leonhard ROOS. His baptismal register details are:
On the 25 July 1826 at about 10 o'clock a male child named Jacob was born. His father is Johannes Roos, a citizen and farmer and his mother Appolonia née Volz from Eichel. The child was baptised at 2 o'clock in the church in Eichel. Godparents were Jacob, son of Michael Zambith and (??). Witnesses were Michael Pfalz, bricklayer and farmer and his wife. Wertheim 13 July 1826. Reverend Schmidt. …x)
Note i: I need to do more work on the Kurrentschrift for the second godparent!
Note ii: Eichel church image …#20
Anna Dorothea’s husband Leonhard was required to meet number of bureaucratic requirements before he could emigrate. His statement written at Wertheim on 18 Oct 1834 by the solicitor Seldimar said:
Leonhard Roos of Eichel appeared today and stated: I intend, as the Burgermeisteramt (Registrar) most probably stated, to emigrate to Australia. I am 29 years old, married, a citizen and farmer. My wife intends to come with me. I owe no money. My wealth is 160 florins. I herewith ask permission to leave the state and the permission to emigrate to Australia for me and my wife. I would like to add that there is no need to call for creditors as I have a guarantor should anyone come forward. …viii)
The guarantor was the citizen Michael Vebolz from Eichel, who had made a witnessed statement the previous day to the magistrate and barrister Arthur Weer that he would pay any creditors. Leonhard had already called for creditors through solicitor Weer, since a newspaper advertisement had been placed as follows:
Leonhard Roos, living in Eichel, intends to emigrate to Australia. Any creditors are asked to come forward on Tuesday 17 October in the year 1854 at 8am. Anyone not coming forward on this day will not be considered at a later date.
Wertheim 7 Oct 1854 for the Town Clerk Mr Kraft. Solicitor Werr. …viii)
Note: Jenny Paterson refers to Leonhard’s advertisement placed in the Main- und Tauberbote no. 2, 13 Oct 1854. Perhaps this was the same advertisement? …xii) … p27.
The MARQUARD siblings or husband had secured Australian employment through the NSW immigration agent Wilhelm Kirchner, who was born in Frankfurt am Main and had a network of agents in Germany. Kirchner obtained employers as follows: Johann Adam MARQUARD on the ‘Marbs’ — Francis Robert Chester-Master, at “Gladfield” …xviii) 20km NE from Warwick, Darling Downs, Qld …xiii)…pg14, xvi); Johannes Christof MARQUARD on the ‘Triton’ — Alexander Park, at “Lewinsbrook” 4km SE from Gresford NSW …xi)…pg 22, xvii); (our) Johann Leonhard ROOS with his wife Maria Dorothea on the ‘Cateaux Wattel’ —Alfred Holden, at "Penshurst" 9km NNW from Gresford and towards Lostock NSW …xii)…pg 20, xiv).
Note: See the Appendices 2 & 3 for details of what happened to
the brothers of "our" Maria Dorothea (Dora)…
Johann Adam and Johannes Christoph.
It was hoped that the immigration lists would tell us the paternity(ies) of the illegitimate MARQUARD children. Dora gave the information about her parents: "Johannes (father) and Dorothea Machhard (mother) mother still alive". Adam said: "Adam (father) Dorothea (mother) mother alive". Christoph may have supplied the most honest information: "Dorothea Marquart (mother) does not know his father's name". In view of the wrong information which Dora supplied at her marriage (see above), we will never know the answer. Dora's death certificate said that her father's name was not known, which may have shown that she and her family finally realised that it was not really that important. …xiv), xvi), xvii), xxx)
I will now focus solely on “our” family Johann Leonhard ROOS with his wife Maria Dorothea on the ‘Cateaux Wattel’. Jenny Paterson establishes the correct spelling and also the correct port of origin for the Dec 1854 voyage from Antwerp Belgium and NOT from Hamburg Germany …xii)…p.10! There has been much confusion here, even in official records. Robert Soper refers to the "Catteuax Wattel" (sic) and said "it was before the railway would have made things marginally easier, so the ROOS family would have made their way to the Baltic coast and Hamburg on foot using a hand cart for all their belongings" (sic) …xx).
'Twas not so! Jenny Paterson quotes" the Klein letter" from emigrants from Frankfurt am Main, just down the river Main from the ROOS' home at Eichel. In Baden the rivers were important transport, and easy to travel to Frankfurt. The Klein letter refers to the trip from Frankfurt to the Rhein at Mainz, which was either by the new (international) railway …xix)…p.10, or via river transport along the river Main. Then the Kleins went by river transport down the Rhein to Köln in one day, meeting other emigrants on the way. On the next day at Köln they took a train reserved for the emigrants, through Belgium to Antwerp… this trip also took one day …xii)… pp8-10. The whole trip sounded very organised by the immigration agent's officers, except at some stages it was crowded. It is most likely that our ROOS family travelled with the KLEINs? I have discussed elsewhere the reasons for German emigration and incidentally the establishment of a railway system …xix)…p10, which removed the need for emigrants to "use a hand cart for all their belongings". It is paradoxical that the railway which expedited emigration, also facilitated economic change which caused poverty for sections of the population, compelling them to emigrate.
Some indication of the emigrants’ various destinations from Baden is given in the official site LEO-BW. Höhefeld emigrants were recorded emigrating over a period of 1743 to 1957, with destinations of: unknown 137; North America 80; Australia 47; Prussia 2; Holland 1; Canada 1. Applying the dates supplied, there were 28 emigrants in the 1700's, 191 in the 1800's and 33 in the 1900's xx…a).
Eichel showed the following results with figures from 1752 to 1914: Destinations: unknown 32; Prussia 9; North America 3; Switzerland 3; Hungary 1; Denmark 1. Applying the dates supplied, there were 14 emigrants in the 1700's, 20 in the 1800's and 8 in the 1900's xx…b).
In both cases it was a pity about the “Ziel unbekannt” or destination unknown, which included our relatives as well as the HORNS of “Penshurst” then Lostock, who did leave for Australia! xx…a), xx…b).
Sources… “The Emigrants”:
viii) Emigration: Auswanderungsakte, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg - Staatsarchiv Wertheim.
Ref# 387/191o/75/27
ix) Marriage of Maria Dorothea MARQUARD & Johann Leonard ROOS, 4 Nov 1854.
Niklashausen marriage register, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg - Staatsarchiv Wertheim.
x) Baptism of Jacob ROOS, 25 July 1826.
Eichel baptismal register, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg - Staatsarchiv Wertheim.
xi) Jenny Paterson. (TRITON) German immigrant ships to eastern Australia- resources and problems: Part 10: Triton 1853, (Hamburg to Sydney). Ances-tree; Burwood & District Family History Group; vol.19 no.1: Mar 2006.
xii) Jenny Paterson. (CATEAUX WATTEL) German immigrant ships to eastern Australia- resources and problems: Part 12: Cateaux Wattel 1855, (Antwerp to Sydney). Ances-tree; Burwood & District Family History Group; vol.20 no.3: Nov 2007.
xiii) Jenny Paterson. (MARBS) German immigrant ships to eastern Australia- resources and problems: Part 14: Marbs 1855, (Hamburg to Moreton Bay). Ances-tree; Burwood & District Family History Group; vol.22 no.2: Jul 2009.
xiv) Arrival of ‘Cateaux Wattel’ 9 Mar 1855 NSW. State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood New South Wales, Australia; Persons on bounty ships to Sydney, Newcastle, and Moreton Bay (Board's Immigrant Lists); Series: 5317; Reel: 2469; Item: [4/4946]
xv) Departure of ‘Marbs’ from Hamburg 15 Nov 1854. Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten; Microfilm No.: K_1703
xvi) Arrival of ‘Marbs’ 22 Mar 1855. NSW.State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood New South Wales, Australia; Persons on bounty ships to Sydney, Newcastle, and Moreton Bay (Board's Immigrant Lists); Series: 5317; Reel: 2471
xvii) Arrival of ‘Triton’ 3 May 1853. State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood New South Wales, Australia; Persons on bounty ships to Sydney, Newcastle, and Moreton Bay (Board's Immigrant Lists); Series: 5317; Reel: 2465; Item: [4/4936]
xviii) Thomas Hall. The early history of Warwick District and pioneers of the Darling Downs. Robertson & Provan; 1922: 39.
xix) Jürgen Tampke. The Germans in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 2006. Contents…Why do people migrate: pp 6-20; development of the railway system: p 10.
xx) Robert Soper. The Dorset Sopers. Pompacalie; 2012; 180.
xx…a) Auswanderer aus Höhefeld. Published in LEO-BW, which is the information system for regional studies of Baden-Württemberg - at the initiative of the State of Baden-Württemberg and its Arts Education and Information Society. See here.
xx…b) Auswanderer aus Eichel. Published in LEO-BW. See here.
Acknowledgements… “The Emigrants”:
Especial thanks to Olga MARQUET and Beryl DAVY, both described in the introduction above. Many thanks to Colin Horn whose ancestor Johannes HORN came from the same town (Eichel) and out on the same boat as Leonard ROOS… Colin made the pilgimage to Eichel and then kindly shared his photos. Our correspondence has been most valuable.
Emigrants… Descendancy Report:
…continued from earlier report.
- | | | | (5) Johann Adam MARQUARD
- | | | | b. 4 Nov 1827, Höhefeld, Baden.
- | | | | bp. 8 Nov 1827, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | | d. 21 Sep 1860, Calandoon Station, Qld,
- | | | | bur. Calandoon North, Qld
- | | | | em. 15 Nov 1854, Hamburg, Germany.
- | | | | im. 22 Mar 1855, Moreton Bay NSW, on “Marbs”.
- | | | | (5) Ottilia DUFFEL
- | | | | b. 1830, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | | d. 10 Jan 1916, Goondiwindi, Qld
- | | | | em. 15 Nov 1854, Hamburg, Germany.
- | | | | im. 22 Mar 1855, Moreton Bay NSW, on “Marbs”.
- | | | | m. 1854, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | | (5) Johannes Christof (Christopher) MARQUARD
- | | | | b. 17 Dec 1829, Höhefeld, Baden, Germany
- | | | | d. Feb 1868, “Caergwrle”, Allyn River, NSW.
- | | | | im. 29 Apr 1853, on “Triton”
- | | | | & Anna Maria (Maria/ Mary) FÜNKNER
- | | | | b. 25 Nov 1831, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | | d. 14 Apr 1893, Wallarobba, near Dungog, NSW.
- | | | | bur. Hanley’s Flat, Dungog.
- | | | | im. 29 Apr 1853, on “Triton”
- | | | | m. 9 Oct 1852, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | | (5) Maria Dorothea (Dora) MARQUARD
- | | | | b. 17 Jul 1833, Höhefeld, Baden.
- | | | | bp. 20 Jul 1833, Niklashausen, Baden.
- | | | | d. 2 Mar 1913, Gresford NSW.
- | | | | bur. 3 Mar 1913, St Anne’s C of E Gresford NSW.
- | | | | em. 9 Dec 1854, Antwerp, Belgium.
- | | | | im. 9 Mar 1855, on “Cateaux Wattell”.
- | | | | & Johann (Jakob) Leonhard (Leonard) ROOS (ROSE)
- | | | | b. 25 Jul 1826, Eichel, Baden.
- | | | | d. 20 Jan 1900, Clevedon, NSW.
- | | | | bur. 22 Jan 1900, St Anne’s C of E Gresford NSW.
- | | | | em. 9 Dec 1854, Antwerp, Belgium.
- | | | | im. 9 Mar 1855, on “Cateaux Wattell”.
- | | | | m. 4 Nov 1854, Niklashausen, Baden.
… report continued below.
First Generation ROSE Family in NSW.
Johann Leonhard ROOS with his wife Maria Dorothea arrived at Alfred Holden’s property “Penshurst” to find that employment was uncertain. Holden appeared three times on the NSW Insolvency Index. Holden's estate was sequestrated on 9 Dec 1845, 19 Jul 1856 and 10 Mar 1863 …xxii). He advertised the sale of some of his “Penshurst” farms in 1855 on 10 Feb, 31 Mar, 13 Apr …xxi) which were close in time to the arrival of the ‘Cateaux Wattel’ on 9 Mar 1855! Jenny Paterson cites Colonial Secretary correspondence which shows that Holden may not have even paid for his immigrants on the ‘Cateaux Wattel’:
In April 1856 a “Promissory Note for the sum of fifty eight pounds ten shillings given by Mr A. Holden of Penshurst Gresford, on acount of German Immigrants introduced by him in pursuance of the Foreign Immigration Regulations of the 17th October 1853” was dishonoured. Holden asked for a delay in the recovery procedure, but the Agent was not inclined to grant it …xii), xx).
The registration of the births of Leonhard's children in the below table show that he has now anglicised his first name to Leonard and that his surname presented some confusion for the locals. It made things hard for the present day family historian trying to track down registrations! The first five columns come from the NSW BDM registration index, apart from the material in the squared brackets, the columns 6 & 8 from Tony Benham's huge mass of data referred to in the introduction to this chapter. The "place of birth" columns 6 & 7 allow us to conjecture on Leonard's early movements in the colony of NSW.
Registration# | Surname | First Name | Father | Mother | Place of birth (Benham) |
Registered Place of birth (certificates) | Date of birth |
6836/1856 | ROSEN | Mary xxxiii…b) | Leonard | Dorothea | “Penshurst” Mount Rivers |
Penshurst Upper Paterson | 2 Mar 1856 |
9866/1857 | ROSEN | Catherine xxxiii…c) | Leonard | Dorothea | Allyn River | Paterson River | 29 Apr 1857 |
11069/1859 | ROSE | (male) [Dorothea/ Dora] …xxxiii) | Leonard | Margaret | Orindinna | Gresford, Paterson.…xxxiii) (when married registered as Orinauma)…xxxvii) |
19 May 1859 |
11195/1861 | ROSE | Male [George] xxxiii…e) | Leonard | Dorothea | Orindinna | Orindinna Gresford | 29 Apr 1861 |
11843/1863 | ROSE | Ottil xxxiii…d) | Leonard | Dorothea | Orindinna | Trevallyn | 10 Jun 1863 |
13015/1866 | ROSE | Barbara xxxiii…f) | Leonard | Dorothea | Orindinna | Orindinna | 31 Mar 1866 |
14631/1868 | ROSS | Elizabeth xxxiii…a) | Leonard | Mary D. | Orindinna | Orindinna | 13 Oct 1868 |
15677/1871 | ROSS | Selina Annie xxxiii…g) | Leonard | Mary Dorothea | Orindinna | Orindinna | 12 Jul 1871 |
I suspect that the fine details in columns 6 & 8 from Tony Benham's data came from contemporary documents such as a family bible. Benham's dates of birth check out completely with each certificate obtained and the places correspond to some degree. See transcriptions here. However, even the certificates can add confusion. Dora's birth certificate showed that Leonard (as informant) could not read or write and probably had very poor English. The date was right, Dora's sex was wrong. His wife's name of Margaret was OK as a derivative of Maria, but a maiden name of "Thoriday"? Perhaps Leonard thought that he was being asked what day his child was born and he said "Thursday", which was correct? He said their were 3 girls living (apart from the present birth), but he included the present birth in his total. Orindinna was a hard one to communicate, but the district of Gresford was recognisable to the Registrar at Paterson. On the other hand, when Mary Dorothea went to Paterson 9 years later, to register Elizabeth's birth, everything was precise and accurate… the number of children was right and so on. See transcriptions of eight certificates in the appendix for all of Leonard and Dorothea's children.
Every attempt has been made to secure photos of Leonard and Dorothea's children. In the absence of a photo of my g-grandmother Dora ROSE, it is hoped that photos of Dora's sisters might give some indication of Dora’s likeness? See Catherine …#56, Ottil …#60, #57; Selina Annie …#59; Elizabeth & her BUTLER family …#58. Can some kind person help with photos of more of the sisters as young women which would include Mary, Dorothea, Barbara and Elizabeth?
Catherine ROSE (#56), Ottil ROSE (#57), Elizabeth ROSE & her BUTLER family (#58), Selina Annie ROSE (#59), (#60) Ottil ROSE.
Continuing with the “place of birth” data. Was Leonard's residence at “Allyn River” or "Paterson River" in 1857 a move to an outlying farm on Holden's “Penshurst” between the Allyn and Paterson Rivers, or was it a quite different property? Holden's insolvency had probably released Leonard from any obligations? However, it would seem that he had cut his links with Holden by 1859 when "our" Dorothea was born at "Orindinna"…xxxii) or "Orinauma" (sic)…xxxvii). Orindinna was located just S of St Anne's Church, Gresford and on the E side of the Paterson river… hence Dorothea's place entry in her birth registration of "Gresford, Paterson"…xxiii) was quite logical. The previous year (1858) John GLENNIE had formally occupied Orindinna as his new property …xxiii)…p51
Notice. Having taken possession of the Farm of Orindinna, near Gresford, I hereby give notice, that all STOCK found TRESPASSING in the paddocks will be impounded. All the goods, Chattels, and stock on the farm are my property, and I hereby caution all parties from interfering with the same. John Glennie. Gresford, August 25, 1858. …xxiii)…a
Leonard may have received one of the first jobs and a place to live with Glennie in 1858. In 1858 GLENNIE advertised for a cooper…xxiv) and in 1861 for a respectable married couple …xxv):
Wanted, a cooper, to work in a vineyard, and make himself generally useful, when not employed at his trade; must be a steady sober man. Apply to the undersigned, John Glennie, Orindinna, Gresford, Sept. 22 1858. …xxiv)
Wanted, a respectable married couple without incumbrances—the man as a general farm servant, and his wife as cook and housekeeper to a single gentleman where there is no famihy. Testimonials as to respectability and trustworthiness, are required. Apply to John Glennie, Orindinna, Gresford. …xxv)
Leonard may have been successful with either or both of these advertisments, since the table of births above shows that Leonard lived at Orindinna from about 1858 (birth of Dorothea in 1859) until at least 1871 (birth of Selina Annie). He was presumably found by John Glennie to be sober, respectable and trustworthy over his 13 years of employment. Note there seems to be an interruption in Leonard's employment in 1863 when the family was at nearby "Trevallyn" for the birth of Ottil.
![Orindinna homestead about 1932. Photo: courtesy of Clint Brosie. Image of Orindinna homestead about 1932. Photo: courtesy of Clint Brosie.](images/pat_41.jpg)
Note: George GLENNIE sold Orindinna to Ivy’s father Andrew Roy CHICK in 1926,
who then demolished the old homestead in 1939. …xxiii) p 189.
in Greville's 1872 Gresford list …xxvi), Leonard is recorded: "ROSS Leonard labourer Orindinna Gresford" together with "GLENNIE John vigneron Orindinna". However, in the 1878 Gresford list …xxvii), Greville records Leonard as: "ROSS Leonard labourer", together with "GLENNIE John vigneron Orindinna"… which infers that Leonard had left Orindinna and was now living in Gresford. There were no other men listed for Orindinna in the Greville records. Leonard did not appear in the electoral rolls since he was not a property holder.
Always looking for a record of my g-g-grandfather Leonard ROSE. A photo, anything! Finally found his handwriting, declaring his name, occupation and residence on an 1884 Gresford Post Office petition, together with his 23 year old son George's entry. See copy below.…xxxviii)
His German documents quoted above had said his name was "Johann Leonard Roos from Eichel" or "Leonhard Roos, living in Eichel". "ROOS" in Low German is pronounced with the sound of ö or o umlaut… the sound approximates to the English "ROSE". Note that in Low German, Swiss German, Dutch and Estonian, “Roos” means “Rose”. Leonard in German is pronounced with all letters sounded, with the final "d" sounded as a soft "t".
Let's look at the Leonard's petition entries below. Leonard wrote phonetically which would match what he heard in NSW. The English pronunciation leaves out the "o" of Leonard and the final "d" is a hard consonant. Leonard's first try in the petition was "Lenart", then changed it to "Lenard". "ROSE" was an easy choice since it sounded like the German "ROOS" and meant the same. See the full petition document here, then go to page 60. Leonard's petition entry in 1884 also gave his residence as 'Caware', a phonetic version of 'Cawarra', just across the river from 'Orindinna' where he had lived at least from 1858 to 1872.
![ROSE signatures Image of ROSE signatures](images/pat_69.jpg)
Leonard's handwriting in 1884 was good and must have improved after he had been the illiterate informant for the births of his children. His son George had even better handwriting, showing the Rose family's respect for education for their children.
Leonard must have confused the local registrar with his German accent when he made the birth registrations of his children! The result when Leonard verbally gave information as an illiterate was: 2 births by Leonard (his X mark) ROSEN; 3 by Leonard (his X mark) ROSE. There was no confusion with his wife Dorothea when she wrote the information for the later births. Her first record was by “Dorothea ROOS, mother" when she wrote that “Leonard ROOS" was the father! See here for transcriptions of the births of all of Leonard's children. Note that Dorothea also recorded the births of her last 2 children, identifying Leonard ROSS as the father. She had the final say with Leonard's death certificate where she named him John Leonard ROSE.
Leonard's employer John GLENNIE died on 19 Aug 1893 at Orindinna aged 72 years.…xxiii…b) The following year Harold McKenzie visited Orindinna and its new owner, John's son George GLENNIE. He described Orindinna in an extended article, …xxiii…c) which has significance to the 1932 images of the original homestead. See Ivy CHICK at the front entrance, then either the thumbnail on L, or click on the thumbnail for the large image. Just looking at these images, I was struck by the size of the verandah, the trelliced plants next to the house and the slope of the land. McKenzie's observation explains the use made of the slope of the land in the cellar construction, and he comments on the prominent verandah and trellice:
The cellars, unlike the majority, are under-ground, and have a holding capacity of 10,000 gallons, being built immediately under the house, a fine, cool, roomy building, a feature of its verandah being a colossal vine measuring about 50 feet in length, grown presumably for the shade it affords. …xxiii…c)
When McKenzie visited, John GLENNIE had died and his son George was the owner. Our Leonard the vinedresser was 68 now, but there was no sign of him pottering around Orindinna with the small workforce. Out with the old, in with the new? McKenzie continues:
The 480 acres of which Orindinna is composed is utilized as vineyard and farm, there being a sufficient area of grazing land to carry a fair amount of stock. The vines, all in full bearing, are of the three varieties alluded to in former articles, the soil upon which they are cultivated having been continuously worked for the last 25 years, and the properties it may be added have neither been stimulated by manuring or other artificial means. The appearance of the vineyard (10 acres) is remarkably clean, if not cleaner than most in this district, weeds being very rare in any part. When it is considered, too, that Mr. Glennie himself a hard worker, is assisted only by another young man and a boy, the appearance of the vines reflects great credit upon him. …xxiii…c)
Where was Leonard in 1894? Perhaps he was across the paddock in Gresford village? McKenzie describes Orindinna's location:
(Orindinna) is but a stone's throw, so to speak, from the East Gresford Post Office, the site of the house commanding a fine view of the Paterson valley, whilst in the immediate foreground is the local cricket ground, given over at time of my first visit to the Gresford school feast. …xxvii…b)
Leonard living in Gresford village might be a correct suggestion? In 1891 his youngest daughter Selina Annie (Annie) took Walter Patrick RUSSELL to court for support of their child Walter Russell ROSE xxvii…a), b). Annie identified Gresford as the place where she now lived with her parents after working as a servant at Lindeman’s “Cawarra”. We must admire the strength of character shown by Leonard and Dora in the support of their 19 year old daughter and in standing up for what they felt was right, in the face of probable public disapproval at that time. The case lasted a whole day in the Gresford Police Court and was reported at length by the Maitland Mercury …xxvii…a). See details here. Now-a-days the event would not cause a ripple! Perhaps Leonard and Dora thought that enough was enough after their similar experience with their daughter Dora 12 years ago (see next section). Without going too far off-topic, there was a happy ending to this story… Walter (Senior) eventually got out of gaol, 3 years later Annie married Hugh Alexander McDONALD …xxvii…c), Walter (Junior) was adopted and became Walter Russell McDONALD and enlisted in WWI under that name …xxvii…d). Walter (Junior) returned safely from the war with a Military Medal …xxvii…e). Walter (Junior)'s MM citation is shown here.
Fuller details and transcriptions of documents relating to Selina Annie ROSE & Walter Patrick RUSSELL are given in in the Appendix.
![Walter off to WWI Image Walter off to WWI](images/pat_70.jpg)
Off to WWI.
Photo: Kind permission of Susan Colwell (Walter's granddaughter).
The Greville lists also tell us about the Gresford families and their locations into which Leonard's children married etc. In 1872 there were Adam BIDNER, farmer of "Norwood"; Edmund and George FURNER, farmers of "Colstoun"; Arthur F. & Arthur H. & Henry John LINDEMAN, vignerons of "Cawarra". Then in 1878-79 there were Adam BIDNER, of "Lewinbrook"; Frederick BIDNER of "Norwood"; Edmond and Stephen FURNER farmers of Coulston; Arthur H. & Henry John LINDEMAN, vignerons of "Cawarra"; George SOPER of "Cawarra". More details will be given about Leonard's daughter (our) Dora and her relationship with the LINDEMANs and SOPERs in the next sections.
No further details can be found about Leonard and his wife until they died. Can anyone help?
John Leonard ROSE died on 20 Jan 1900 from a stroke, at "Clevedon". See “Clevedon” homestead at …#23, 24. This homestead is 5km SW of East Gresford, off Gresford Rd and the estate was subdivided from "Trevallyn" …xxxi). Was Leonard living there? His cause of death was given as "senile decay, hemiplegia, exhaustion… duration of last Illness one week", which suggests residence at least for one week. Leonard's wife "Mary" gave her own address as "Gresford", which at the least meant Gresford district… thus she could have lived at "Clevedon as well? Leonard was buried at St Anne's Cemetery, Gresford …xxix). No gravestone could be found.
We have found Leonard's records in Orindinna, Trevallyn and Clevedon. Was this due to the interconnected family relationships of the owners which allowed portability of workers between properties? Then, records which gave a locality of Gresford, could have been any of these properties or even the village!
Dora ROSE died on 2 Mar 1913 from a stroke, at Gresford. There was the unhelpful lack of detail in her death certificate "usual residence" entry which merely said: "Wallarobba Shire". This Shire Council was established in 1906, and covered the rural areas of the Williams and Allyn Valleys, including Gresford. Perhaps this included "Clevedon"? The informant was Dora's daughter Catherine ROSE ‡ from Penshurst. Dora was buried at St Anne's Cemetery, Gresford …xxx). No gravestone could be found.
‡ Note: Catherine had married (1876) Walter SOPER, the younger brother of George who lived at "Cawarra", mentioned in the Greville list above. Catherine's obituary said she had lived for a number of years at Mount Rivers (Penshurst), and tells us about her sisters: Mrs Soper is survived by three sisters, Mrs SHELDON (Sydney) [Ottil ], Mrs H. McDONALD (Newcastle) [Selina Annie]," and Mrs W. BUTLER (Paterson) [Elizabeth] …xxviii).
We have run into a brick wall in finding more details about the lives of my g-g-grand parents Leonard and Dora ROSE in NSW, distinct from the lives of their children. I have summarised below the efforts made in this area. Some kind reader might have real inspirations here for future directions in our research? I would be grateful to hear from you... please use the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.
- 1) Social media: FaceBook Group “Lost Paterson and Allyn Valleys”… interest expressed, but generally no result. However, one member took photos of the site of Leonard & Dora's grandaughter's home at Tackbear, Vacy. See next chapter.
- 2) Mailing List: . See here… no replies
- 3) Gresford District Historical Society… no result.
- 4) Death Certificates (both Leonard and Dora obtained).
- 5) Birth Certificates (all children’s births obtained)… here.
- 6) Greville’s 1872 & 1878 Post Office directories. Mentions found… see here and here.
- 7) Newspapers (Trove) One report only… here.
- 8) Gresford cemetery details: no monument… see here. St Anne's Anglican Cemetery Trust register not found… one story was the documents were destroyed when lodged in Gresford Rectory, another story xxxiv) was that rats made a nest in them when stored in the vestry of the church and they were then burnt in the 1960's.
- 9) Relatives: written to all I can find… no result. Relatives have mentioned a ROOS Reunion some years ago at the Gresford showground about 1985… no details.
- 10) Paterson Historical Society… no result.
- 11) Maitland and District Genealogical Society. … no result. Paterson Historical Society said that the MDGS is the society with the interest in family history in the Hunter Region, whereas the PHS is an historical society.
Sources… “First Generation ROSE Family in NSW”:
xii) Jenny Paterson. (CATEAUX WATTEL) German immigrant ships to eastern Australia- resources and problems: Part 12: Cateaux Wattel 1855, (Antwerp to Sydney). Ances-tree; Burwood & District Family History Group; vol.20 no.3: Nov 2007: 22 & 28.
xx) SRNSW: CGS 5248. Immigration. Copies of letter sent to Colonial Secretary re migration to NSW, 1841-1859. 4/4621 (letters 1856) p. 154 letter 56/184, 14 Apr 1856 Agent for Immigration to Colonial Secretary, forwarding Mr. A. Holden’s dishonoured Promissory note for collection.
xxi) Advertising the sale of A. Holden's Penshurst farms. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser. 10 Feb: 1; 21 Mar 1855: 3; 21 Apr: 4.
xxii) NSW State Archives insolvency index here. Search for Alfred Holden.
Jack Sullivan. Patch and Glennie of Orindinna, Gresford; Series 1 of wine growing in the Paterson valley. Paterson historical society; 2006: 15, 43 48, 51, 189.
John Glennie. Notice 25 Aug 1858. Northern Times. 1 September 1858: 1.
xxiii…b) John Glennie obit: District News Paterson.
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser: 26 Aug 1893: 2.
Harold M. Mackenzie. Among the Pastoralists and Producers: Orindinna and Torryburn. Maitland Weekly Mercury. 1 Dec 1894: 12.
xxiv) Wanted, a cooper. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser: 28 Sep 1858: 1.
xxv) Wanted, a respectable married couple. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser: 28 Sep 1858: 1.
xxvi) Greville's 1872 Post Office directory.
xxvii) Greville's Official P.O. Directory of NSW 1878-79.
xxvii…a) Annie ROSE v. Walter Patrick RUSSELL. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser: 7 Feb 1891: 6S. See here.
xxvii…b) Birth of Walter R. ROSE. *Reg# 28496/1891. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxvii…c) Marriage of Hugh A. McDONALD & Selina A. ROSE. Reg# 4666/1894. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxvii…d) Walter McDONALD- Army personnel record. Series no.: B2455; Control symbol: MCDONALD W; Item title: McDonald Walter: Service Number - 1188 : Digitised item: Yes; Item barcode: 1843862. National Archives of Australia. See here.
xxvii…e) Award of Military Medal to Walter McDONALD. Second Supplement to the London Gazette. 13 May 1919: 57. See download here.
xxviii) Obituary Late Mrs C. SOPER. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser. 17 Oct 1941: 1
xxix) Death of John Leonard Rose. Reg# 1900/3039. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxx) Death of Dora ROSE. *Reg# 1913/3638. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxi) Sullivan, J. George Townshend 1798-1872 & Trevallyn, Paterson River. Paterson Historical Society, 1997; 35.
xxxii) Data from Tony Benham and Olga Marquet… both deceased.
xxxiii) Birth of Unnamed male ROSE (Dora ROSE). *Reg# 1859/11069. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…a) Birth of Elizabeth ROSS. *Reg# 1868/14631. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…b) Birth of Mary ROSEN. *Reg# 1856/6836. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…c) Birth of Catherine ROSEN. *Reg# 1857/9866. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…d) Birth of Ottil ROOS. *Reg# 1863/11843. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…e) Birth of Unnamed male ROSE (George ROSE). *Reg# 1861/11195. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…f) Birth of Barbara ROSE. *Reg# 1866/13015. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiii…g) Birth of Selina Annie ROSS. *Reg# 1871/15677. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxiv) Pers. comm. 2016. David Wells, current maintainer of the St Anne's Gresford Anglican Cemetery records.
xxxvii) Marriage of Dora ROSE & Thomas SOPER. Reg# 4443/1879. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxxviii) 1884 Gresford Post Office petitions. National Archives of Australia. Gresford Post Office file [Box 299]. Series number; SP32/1. Control symbol: GRESFORD PART 1. Item ID: 435385. See here… then go to page 60.
Acknowledgments… “First Generation ROSE Family in NSW”:
Especial thanks to Olga MARQUET and Tony BENHAM, both described in the introduction above. Pam McRae and Beth Pardy kindly provided a photo of Ottil (Matilda) ROSE. Beth also sent me a photo of Selina Annie and elderly Elizabeth & Ottil. The photos are linked to this text, … and gave us some idea of what Dora might have looked like. Thanks also to Beth for sending two ROSE family birth certificates. I appreciate the correspondence with Colin Horn in discussing the movements of Leonard ROOS and his ancestor Johannes HORN around Gresford. Both our ancestors came from the same village and migrated together on the same ship, both brought to “Penshurst” by the same shipping agent. Thanks to Delma Lawrence of the Gresford District Historical Society and also the Dungog Shire Council for kindly providing photos of “Clevedon” which are linked to text of this section. Ian Butler kindly helped me in my search for a photo of the Orindinna homestead. Finally, Clint Brosie sent me photos of the Orindinna homestead which included an image of his mother, permitting us to date and verify the photo. All this help is much appreciated.
First Generation ROSE family in NSW… Descendancy Report:
…continued from earlier report.
- | | | | | (6) Mary ROSE
- | | | | | b. 2 Mar 1856, “Penshurst”, Mount Rivers, NSW.
- | | | | | d. 29 Apr 1914, Hospital for the Insane, Stockton, NSW
- | | | | | bur. Raymond Terrace, NSW
- | | | | | & Frederick BIDNER
- | | | | | b. 18 Aug 1849
- | | | | | d. 18 Sep 1909, King’s Creek, Krambach, NSW
- | | | | | bur. 20 Sep 1909, Krambach General Cemetery, NSW
- | | | | | m. 18 Oct 1875, Gresford NSW.
- | | | | | (6) Catherine (Kate) ROSE
- | | | | | b. 29 Apr 1857, Allyn River, NSW.
- | | | | | d. 21 Sep 1941, West Maitland Hospital, NSW.
- | | | | | bur. St Anne’s C of E Gresford NSW
- | | | | | & Walter SOPER
- | | | | | b. 8 Mar 1846, Maiden Newton Dorset, England.
- | | | | | d. 1 Oct 1933, Martins Creek, NSW.
- | | | | | bur. St Anne’s Gresford, NSW.
- | | | | | m. 4 Sep 1876.
- | | | | | (6) Dora ROSE*
- | | | | | b. 19 May 1859, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 4 Nov 1898, Lennoxton, NSW.
- | | | | | bur. 6 Nov 1898, St Ann’s C of E Cemetery, Gresford, NSW.
- | | | | | & Unnamed LINDEMAN??
- | | | | | unmarried abt 1877
- | | | | | (6) Dora ROSE*
- | | | | | b. 19 May 1859, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 4 Nov 1898, Lennoxton, NSW.
- | | | | | bur. 6 Nov 1898, St Ann’s C of E Cemetery, Gresford, NSW.
- | | | | | & Thomas SOPER
- | | | | | b. 20 May 1857, Lostock NSW
- | | | | | d. 7 Nov 1937, ‘Glen Albyn” Vacy, Bolwarra Shire, NSW
- | | | | | bur. 8 Nov 1937, St Paul’s Paterson Cemetery NSW. Section 10.
- | | | | | m. 30 May 1879, Gresford, NSW.
- | | | | | (6) George ROSE
- | | | | | b. 29 Apr 1861, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 15 Aug 1934
- | | | | | bur. Whittingham, NSW.
- | | | | | & Sarah GARLAND
- | | | | | b. 15 Jul 1878
- | | | | | d. 18 Jan 1953
- | | | | | bur. Marrickville, NSW
- | | | | | (6) Ottil Matilda (Matilda) ROSE
- | | | | | b. 10 Jun 1863, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 20 Jul 1944
- | | | | | bur. Woronora Sutherland NSW
- | | | | | & Henry SCHMUTTER / SHELDON
- | | | | | b. 26 Mar 1868, Armidale, NSW.
- | | | | | d. 27 Mar 1935, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | | | bur. Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland
- | | | | | m. 25 Feb 1891, St Anne's C of E Church, Gresford, NSW.
- | | | | | (6) Barbara ROSE
- | | | | | b. 31 Mar 1866, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 9 Feb 1903, Allynbrook, NSW.
- | | | | | & Edmund FURNER
- | | | | | b. 15 Jun 1859, Paterson, NSW.
- | | | | | d. 10 Apr 1928
- | | | | | bur. Allynbrook, NSW.
- | | | | | m. 7 Jul 1886, C of E Church, Gresford, NSW.
- | | | | | (6) Elizabeth (Lizzie) ROSE
- | | | | | b. 13 Oct 1868, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 5 Jul 1948
- | | | | | bur. Paterson Cemetery
- | | | | | & James William BUTLER
- | | | | | b. 17 Sep 1865, Berkshire, England.
- | | | | | d. 23 Oct 1949
- | | | | | bur. Paterson Cemetery
- | | | | | m. 1889, Paterson NSW.
- | | | | | (6) Selina Annie (Annie) ROSE
- | | | | | b. 12 Jul 1871, Orindinna NSW.
- | | | | | d. 17 May 1949
- | | | | | crm. Beresfield Crematorium NSW.
- | | | | | & Hugh Alexander McDONALD
- | | | | | b. 3 Dec 1871
- | | | | | d. 19 Apr 1946
… report continued in descendancy reports in chapter 5.
The material below has been transferred to chapter 5 since chapter 4 had become too large. My apology to the reader. Please click on the chapter 5 link.
Dora ROSE (b. 1859) & her First Family
Identical twins?
Minnie PRESLAND (née ROSE)
Dora ROSE’s Second Family
It would be great if descendants of the ROSEs, or people with knowledge of this family, could make contact with me. I know remarkably little about g-grandmother Dora ROSE. It would be great to find her photo, or even more photos of of her sisters. Can anyone help with more information? See the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.
The Story Continues
- Chapter 5 …Dora ROSE (b. 1859) & her first & second families.