Appendices to ‘The STRONGs of Ulster, Ireland’.
… section 6
The "STRONG Family" section of this site is divided into 12 sections and 9 appendices. Please read in sequence by following the links at the bottom of each page or use the "Quick Nav" at top right. If you wish to select individual chapters, please click on the top left link to the "Sitemap" page. Note that the chapters develop the story of our family and the appendices contain supporting data… for example the Descendancy Report in Appendix 1 with BDM records and photos of family members.
Contents of this Website are subject to Copyright © by Philip Strong, & allow fair academic use. See here.
Do you have information, opinion or a question relating to either this site’s contents or its copyright? Please use the e-mail link available at the bottom of each page. I look forward to corresponding with you.
… note that this page contains section 6, and that there is a separate page for each section of the appendix.
- Appendices Section 1: Miscellaneous
- Appendix 1: A Descendant Report of the STRONG Family— BDM records + photos
- Appendix 2: Internet sites that have been useful in researching this site
- Appendix 3: Some thoughts on the use of DNA technology
- Appendix 4: 'Similar'. Speculation concerning photograph identification
- Appendices Section 2: Belfast Records
- Appendix 5: 'Stayed in Belfast'. What if Robert STRONG had brothers who remained in Belfast and did not emigrate?
- Appendices Section 3: Hamilton STRONG in the USA.
- Appendix 6: ‘The search for Hamilton STRONG’ Did he emigrate to the United States?
- Appendices Section 4: Further Biographical Details.
- Appendix 7: Obituary of John Burgess MACKAY:
- Appendices Section 5: Holywood Records.
- Appendix 8: Accumulated data relating to the STRONGs and SLOAN(E)s of Holywood Parish & Knocknagoney Townland.
- Appendices Section 6: CALLAGHANs… the family next door. See this page.
- Appendix 9: CALLAGHANs lived next door to David STRONG. The two families were significant to each other and David's son Edward STRONG married Ruby CALLAGHAN.
- Appendix 10: Family of Isabella CALLAGHAN (née WHITE).
Appendix 9: CALLAGHANs lived next door to David STRONG. The two families were significant to each other and David's son Edward STRONG married Ruby CALLAGHAN.
This section is presented for the benefit of the CALLAGHAN family, which was important to my grandfather David STRONG family. Callaghans… would you please have a look at the data and the photos and see if you can provide any extra information? You might be able to identify the people in the photos?
The STRONGs bought "WEDEMEYER", 18 Manning Road, Waverley on 19 Aug 1909 from the original owners of the house, H H & W Bartrop (builders)…i). The CALLAGHAN house "Kendall" is next door and has the same front as the STRONG's house. We can assume that both houses were built by Bartrop about the same time. I visited Beryl CALLAGHAN in "Kendall" in about 2000, and she told me her house had the same internal plan as "Wedemeyer…ii). Examining the 2009 street photo beneath, it appears that the "Kendall" has been renovated without regard to the original materials. The roof is now red terracotta and the barge boards are not ornamented. Beryl died in 2015, but the house remains in CALLAGHAN hands…iii).

CALLAGHANs' home "Kendal"(house on the right) 20 Manning St. Photo: 2009.
The STRONGs and CALLAGHANs had common backgrounds. David STRONG had emigrated from Belfast, Ireland in 1874 as a 4 year old boy on the 'William Aberdare'…iv). His father-in-law (Louis WEDEMEYER) was born in Goslar Germany and had emigrated in 1854, aged 30, on the 'Peru'…v). Similarly, the death certificate of the father (Michael CALLAGHAN) of the owner of "Kendall" next door (Michael Joseph) showed he was born in Cork, Ireland and also that he immigrated to NSW as a 25 year old in 1867 (ship unknown)…vi). Michael Joseph's father-in-law (Louis WHITE) was born in Frankfurt Germany …vii) and immigrated to NSW in March 1865…ix) as a 28…vii) year old seaman on the 'Himalaya'…ix). His future Irish wife Margaret GRAHAM was a passenger on the same ship …viii), x). All good German and Irish heritage!
The photo of the STRONG and CALLAGHAN houses above, shows that they were a matter of inches apart! The CALLAGHAN children were 6 girls and 3 boys, who were around the same age as the two STRONG boys, Robert (b. 1896) and Eddie (b. 1901). I cannot work out how all the CALLAGHANs fitted into their house? The two photos below (taken by my father) were about 1925, which was when my mother Alma was married. I assume that she was not yet married and her brother Sam PATFIELD travelled to Sydney as her chaperone so that Alma could meet Robert's parents. The house looks like the CALLAGHAN's "Kendall"… the name plate isn't "Wedemeyer".

2 unknown CALLAGHAN girls in background. Photo: 1925? Robert STRONG with glass negative camera.
The next photo must have been taken at the same time, about 1925, which was when my mother Alma Patfield was married. It was also outside “Kendall”. Doris(?) and Ruby Callaghan wear the same dresses as in the first photo. The girl on the far left in a school uniform was probably the youngest Callaghan daughter, 17 year old Sadie. In the middle is Sam Patfield, then on the R are Ruby and Eddie.

Photo: 1925? Robert STRONG with glass negative camera.
My father's photos show that the two families got on, thus there would be no surprise that David STRONG’s son Eddie would marry Ruby, who was the girl next door when he lived at Manning St, on 18 Jan 1930 at St Mary’s Church of England, Waverley, NSW. Eddie's brother Robert performed the ceremony…xi).

Eddie and Ruby's place in the extended CALLAGHAN family is shown in the photo below.

Note that probably each branch of this family received this great professional photo. A good idea for every family!
Edward (Eddie) STRONG back row, 2nd from the R. Diagonally down from Eddie is his wife Ruby, Michael Joseph (Pop) CALLAGHAN with Eddie's son Barry on his lap. Seated next to Pop is his wife Isabella (Nan) CALLAGHAN (née WHITE).
Photo: Late 1937 photo by Glaister. Thomas Glaister (d. 1904) was one of Australia's most important early photographers.
The photo is dated by the age of the child …xxx) seated on Sadie's lap (next to Isabella) and also by Barry's age.
Here is a transcript of the Marriage Register for Edward James STRONG & Ruby Grace CALLAGHAN, included perhaps for sentimental reasons?
I, Robert George David Strong, being a Clerk in Holy Orders do hereby certify that I have this day at St Mary’s Church of England Waverley duly celebrated Marriage between Edward James Strong, Engineer, Waverley, Bachelor and Ruby Grace Callaghan Home Duties, Waverley, Spinster after Declaration duly made before me as law required.
Dated this eighteenth day of January 1930. R Strong Signature of Minister. Signatures of Parties to Marriage Edward Strong (Bridegroom) Ruby Callaghan (Bride). Signatures of Witnesses Sadie Ethel Callaghan, John A Callaghan.
Declaration before Minister. I, Edward James Strong, Engineer of 18 Manning St., Waverley Bachelor being duly sworn, do on my oath declare that I have attained the age of twenty-one years— and I believe there is no impediment or lawful objection by reason of any kindred, relationship, or alliance, or any former marrige, or the want of consent of parents or guardians, or any other lawful cause, to my being married to Ruby Grace Callaghan, Home Duties of 20 Manning St., Waverley Spinster daughter of Michael Joseph Callaghan of Waverley Market Attendant and I hereby further declare that I have full knowledge that if I swear falsely I shall be guilty of perjury, and be liable to be punished accordingly. Signature of Bridegroom Edward James Strong
And I, the said Ruby Grace Callaghan, Spinster being duly sworn, do on my oath declare that I have attained the age of twenty-one years— and I believe there is no impediment or lawful objection by reason of any kindred, relationship, or alliance, or any former marrige, or the want of consent of parents or guardians, or any other lawful cause, to my being married to the said Edward James Strong and I hereby further declare that I have full knowledge that if I swear falsely I shall be guilty of perjury, and be liable to be punished accordingly. Signature of Bride Ruby Grace Callaghan. Declared and sworn by both parties named, this twentieth day of December 1929. Before me, Signature and Designation of Minister R Strong.
Bridegroom: Birthplace: Sydney NSW. Age: 28. Father’s Name: David Strong. Father’s Rank or Profession: Cleaner. Mother’s Name: Minnie Wedemeyer.
Bride: Birthplace: Sydney NSW. Age: 23. Father’s Name: Michael Joseph Callaghan. Father’s Rank or Profession: Market attendant. Mother’s Name: Isabel White. …xi)
CALLAGHAN Descendancy Report.
Note: No details of living people in these reports
- (1) Timothy CALLAGHAN
- occ. Land Steward
- & Mary KEEFE / O’KEEFE
- | (2) Michael CALLAGHAN
- | b. 1842, Co. Cork, Ireland
- | d. 7 Jan 1888, Sydney N.S.W
- | cod. Accidental injuries. Inquest finding: “We find that the said Michael Callaghan at the Sydney Hospital Sydney in the Colony aforesaid on the 7th day of January AD 1888 died from the effects of injuries accidentally received on the same day.”
- | im. 1867, Sydney N.S.W. Ship unknown.
- | & Eliza BURKE / BOURKE
- | b. 1847, Ireland
- | m. 24 Feb 1868, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, NSW.
- | | (3) Michael Joseph CALLAGHAN
- | | b. 21 Apr 1873, Ultimo, NSW.
- | | d. 1943, Waverley, NSW.
- | | occ. Labourer at his own marriage. Market Attendant at marriage of daughter Ruby
- | | & Isabella Annabella WHITE ( Baptised as Ann Isabella White)
- | | b. 23 Apr 1872, Ultimo, NSW.
- | | bp. 9 Jun 1872, St Andrew’s C of E Cathedral Church, Sydney, NSW.
- | | d. 25 Jun 1956, 20 Manning St Waverley, NSW.
- | | bur. 27 Jun 1956, Eastern Suburbs Crematorium, NSW.
- | | m. 9 Sep 1897, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | (4) John Arthur CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 1898, Sydney
- | | | d. 29 Apr 1978, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick NSW.
- | | | & Agnes Dora THOMPSON
- | | | b. 1903, St Peters, Sydney
- | | | d. 3 Oct 1980, Randwick, NSW.
- | | | m. 1933, Canterbury, NSW.
- | | | (4) Doris Muriel CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 1899, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. 14 Aug 1979, Manly, NSW.
- | | | (4) Marjorie Isabella CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 25 Jul 1901, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | & Harold NELSON
- | | | b. 24 Apr 1900
- | | | m. 20 Jan 1923, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | (4) Lillian (Lily) CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 1903, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. 29 Sep 1989
- | | | & Reginald William WILLIAMS
- | | | m. 1933, Waverley, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | (4) Marion (Timmy) CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 1905, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. Jun 1996
- | | | & James Sey ALEXANDER
- | | | m. 1936, Waverley, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | (4) Ruby Grace CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 18 Nov 1906, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. 10 Aug 1994, Eddystone Nursing Home, Bexley, NSW.
- | | | bur. Woronora Crematorium Sutherland “Wall of Memories” 29GG, #290 or 291.
- | | | crm. Woronora Crematorium Sutherland, NSW.
- | | | & Edward James STRONG
- | | | b. 9 Oct 1901, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. 24 Jul 1994, Eddystone Nursing Home, Bexley, NSW.
- | | | bur. Woronora Crematorium Sutherland “Wall of Memories” 29GG, #290 or 291.
- | | | crm. Woronora Crematorium Sutherland, NSW.
- | | | occ. Fitter & Turner. Served his apprenticeship with the Randwick Tram workshop, the became a tradesman with the NSW Railways at Eversleigh Workshop until he retired at age 58 years.
- | | | m. 18 Jan 1930, St Mary’s Church of England, Waverley, NSW.
- | | | (4) Sadie Ethel CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 1908, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. 16 Jan 1997, Avalon, NSW.
- | | | & George Australian Thomas GREEN
- | | | m. 1932, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | (4) Reginald Michael CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 14 Jun 1910, Ultimo, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. c1989
- | | | & Beryl Nellie COLBRAN
- | | | d. Dec 2015
- | | | m. 1950, Hurstville, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | (4) Victor Sydney CALLAGHAN
- | | | b. 18 Apr 1912, Sydney, NSW.
- | | | d. 1981, Lismore, NSW.
- | | | & Florence Enid HOOK
- | | | b. 1915
- | | | d. 29 Oct 1984
- | | | m. 1939, Sydney, NSW.
Family of Isabella CALLAGHAN (née WHITE).
Oral History & Isabella's father
- My cousin David asked me to look at his Nan CALLAGHAN's German origins... see the report below. David told me that his grandmother Isabella had told him that her father Lewis "was German and had changed his name"…xii).
- Isabella's daughter Sadie had conversations with her daughter Deidre GREEN. She recalls: “The way my Mother said it ......sounded like: Ludvig Von Veezel. I am writing it the way it sounded; I imagine the ‘V’ would be spelled with a ‘W’. (Veezel would give a German spelling of WIESEL) And she told me (that she'd been told) (Lewis) was captain on a ship coming from England or Ireland and on-board was a lovely Irish lass; they married and settled in Oz. My Mum's info. was 'flimsy' by her own admission, so don't know how close to actual historic fact this may be.” …xxx) Sadie's story was right about Lewis meeting his Irish wife on the ship, but she promoted Lewis to captain when he was only a seaman on the ship.
I could not find WIESEL in a dictionary of German surnames…xxviii) though it can be used as a German nickname since it means "weasel". However, WIESEL is a a common Jewish name, never (?) with the aristocratic "von". Perhaps the German spelling for what she heard Sadie possibly mispronouncing was WEISEL, which is a middle high German name meaning leader, head, chief.…xxviii) The name Ludwig could have been right, since Louis, Lewis and Ludwig are all forms of the same name. Did Sadie had a sense of humour or exaggeration in giving Lewis the 'von" of nobility. One branch of the von WEISEL family is said to originate in Upper Hessen and took it's name originally from the village of Weisel, now called Nieder-Weisel.…xxix) - Isabella's son John Arthur CALLAGHAN's family had information passed down to Isabella's g-grandson John CALLAGHAN: “… father told him that a female relative was German, pronounced as Weegel (which would give a German spelling of WIEGEL), and that it was a bit of a family secret that she could have been Jewish.”…iii) Note that WIEGEL is derived from a middle high German name meaning warrior.…xxviii). Presumably the female relative was John's g-grandmother Isabella.
- Marion Mary WHITE’s family had the tradition that Lewis’ name was WEIGAL… written in the documents of Marion’s daughter Stella. Marion was Isabella’s sister.…Lii) This is a very likely lead, suggesting his name was probably the more common WEIGEL.
- Looking at WHITE oral history beyond the CALLAGHANs, two AncestryCom Family Trees have Lewis' name as "Lewis (Louis) White (Weiss/Weisz)". I have written to these "Tree" owners… no conclusive answer yet. The WEISZ name is often an Hungarian Jewish name.
Let's list the most likely names to the least likely: Firstly the two names which were reported… WIESEL, WEIGAL and WIEGEL. It is interesting that they are close in spelling! Then the names which would also lead to mispronunciation… WEISEL, WEIGEL which would sound like WHITE to an English speaker and consequently anglicised. Finally, on mere conjecture, perhaps everybody was wrong and Louis' English name WHITE was a straight translation of a German name WEISS or WEISZ? Note that WIESEL, WIEGEL, WEISEL, WEIGEL, WEISS, WEISZ are all used as Jewish names in Germany.
Lewis' History
Lewis WHITE was born on 17 Nov 1836 in Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany…vii). Lewis' original Christian name was Louis…ix),xvi). The date of birth of 17 Nov 1836 which he gave at his naturalisation…vii) was probably accurate, since the other DoB's hovered around 1837…vii),ix),xv-xvii), xxiv)… also his place of birth was probably Frankfurt am Main since this information was given on two occasions…xiv), vii). His spelling of Frankfurt as Frankfort suggests that Lewis spoke a Hessian dialect… which might help us locating his specific birth place. On the other hand, his surname is uncertain, as mentioned above.
Lewis died in 106 Eveleigh St Redfern, Sydney, NSW, on 11 Sep 1915 at the age of 79 at the home of his daughter Sarah Hazell. He was buried on the 12 Sep 1915 in Old Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood, Sydney, NSW,…xxiv) section DD, row 6 with his wife Margaret. The headstone inscription reads: “Wife of Lewis White” followed by "Husband of the above".…xxvii)
He emigrated on the ship ‘Himalaya’, which had sailed from Glasgow via Plymouth , and arrived at Sydney NSW on 14 Mar 1865 as an able seaman at the age of 28.…ix) Subsequently he may have had regular employment on the coastal schooners since he was recorded as a "foreign" seaman on the 'Vibilia' on 17 Feb 1866 at Sydney.…xxxvi)
Lewis’ wife Margaret GRAHAM
Shortly after on 9 Apr 1866 when Lewis was 29, he married 25 year old Margaret GRAHAM in Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW.…xv) Margaret had come out with her sister Matilda on the same ship as Lewis in 1865, both girls from Galbally townland Co Tyrone, were C of E, could both read and write, with the occupation of “servant”…x), xLvii). Margaret was born in 1839(?) in Galbally, Dromore Parish, Co. Tyrone, Ireland the daughter of James GRAHAM & Ann McGUIG(G)AN…viii), x), xLiii), xlviii) In 1835 Galbally townland had 25 houses, 125 inhabitants,128 arable acres, 50 acres of bog, with the non-resident proprietor General Archdall.…xLix)
Health problem in family?
Margaret died of phthisis. This is an old term meaning a wasting disease, especially applied to tuberculosis of the lung… if it were phthisis pulmonalis we could be sure of a TB of the lung diagnosis. She died at her residence, 55, Ultimo-road, Sydney NSW, on 13 Aug 1884; she was 45, and was buried in Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW…xxvii), xxxv), xLiii). Note that her sister Isabella also died young, aged 42 in 1894 (also) at 55, Ultimo-road, of granular kidney which could have been differentially diagnosed in modern times as tuberculosis.…xLviii) Putting these deaths into context, mortality rates in Australia from TB per 100,000 population were: 1881-90… 150; 1891-1900… 120; falling to 1981-90… <1; when TB was controlled.…Lvii) Also note that Robert Koch had just published his discovery of the TB bacillus in 1882!
# | Event | Calculated Date of Birth |
Date of Death | Date of burial | Notes |
1 | Death Certificate …xLiii) | ~1839 | 13 Aug 1884 | 15 Aug 1884 | Lewis WHITE informant. |
2 | Inscription on headstone | ~1839 | 13 Aug 1884 | — | See photo below. |
3 | 5 X Death notices …xxxv) | — | 15 Aug 1884 | — | Eg… "In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother, who departed this life August 15, 1884, at her residence, 55, Ultimo-road". etc. Publ. on 16 Aug 1884 |
4 | Immigration Journal …x) | ~1841 | — | — | — |
4 | Shipping Register …xLvii) | ~1841 | — | — | — |
4 | Cemetery Records …xLi) | ~1841 | — | 15 Aug 1884 | — |
4 | Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions, 1837-2003…xxvii) |
~1841 | 13 Aug 1884 | — | — |
4 | Marriage …xv) | ~1841 | — | — | — |
It was hoped that Irish records would solve the ambiguity of Margaret's DoB. However, the Irish Family History Foundation did not have Church of Ireland records for Galbally townland in the Parish of Dromore.…xLiv), xLiv—a) Further research confirmed that these records were destroyed in the 1922 fire in the battle of Dublin.…xLv) Pity, since Holy Trinity Dromore was the church the GRAHAMs had attended. This church is only 2 miles north of Galbally and the rector at the time was Rev. Henry Lucas St George…xLvi) who gave the references for four of the GRAHAMs when they emigrated.…x) The Rev St George must have been independently wealthy apart from the tithes of £694.…L) In 1832 he commenced building a new Rectory "a spacious fine house",…xLix) (The Glebe House) and in 1846 he built a new church to replace the old one built in 1694.…xLvi), xLix), L) All this where “the situation of the people (was) poor to a great degree (and) their domestic comforts (were) very limited”…xLix). Also: “the generality of the cottages in this parish are of a very wretched description”!…xLix)
Search for the GRAHAM homeland… where did Margaret come from?

Finding your way around the map
The thick red lines are the borders between the town lands; thin red lines are the boundaries of the Lots which all contain a red number. The 1860 Griffiths Valuation book…Li)—a) lists these numbered Lots with the names of the occupiers and the people holding the lease (lessors). Using the book and the map…Li)—b) we have located the various GRAHAMs. Single black lines show the boundaries of the paddocks; parallel black lines show roads which in some cases have the name of the road (placed there from modern maps… eg New Park Rd). If you want to see fine detail such as these road names, use the zoom option on your browser. Large italicised lettering names the various townlands. If you start at the bottom R corner of the map, you find Galbally townland. Then move diagonally up to New Park townland, which you find extends diagonally NW to the top L corner of the map. Now go down to the bottom L corner past Tullywee townland to Dergany (Neville) townland, then to the E is Dergany (Maguire) townland. There is a lot of detail on these maps… you can see hedgerows, houses, even ancient circular forts or raths. A feature of this map is the Londonderry — Eniskillen railway line marked diagonally NE, starting from the bottom. This is shown by parallel red lines enclosing black marking.
James GRAHAM ~1860 to 1883… Margaret’s father
Follow the railway from the bottom of the map…Li)—b to where it crosses the intersection of 3 townlands. James GRAHAM’s property (house and land) is in lots 4 A & B, in Galbally townland, on both sides of the railway. Here the map shows “Galbally Br”… a bridge…Liv) , minimising problems of splitting the Graham property. James’ 4A & 4B properties are only small (only 1 acre, 3 roods and 5 perches). How could James survive on a small garden plot? The Griffiths annual revision lists showed that James continued to occupy 4A & 4B at least up to 1881.…Li)—c). The subsequent lists showed that James’ name as occupier was scored out and his wife Anne’s name superimposed, then Anne is scored out and Mary Swanston written.…Li)—c) James died of heart disease on 1 Mar 1883…Liv), Lv) and Anne died a little later.
GRAHAMs of New Park ~1860… establishing relationships
The 1860 Griffiths Valuation…Li)—a) lists more GRAHAMs in the next townland New Park… and there we have the properties of George GRAHAM (Lot 15a, 54 acres) and Charles GRAHAM (Lot 18, 18 acres). These properties are continuous with each other and also with James GRAHAM’s railway access property… this must have been the importance of James’ property… the railway! Consequently the GRAHAM properties are also continuous with the Galbally Lough… water for stock, fishing etc! The GRAHAMs were also landlords in New Park… the immediate lessors… Charles rented out lot 17 (8 acres), George rented out 15B (house and office). Can we assume that the GRAHAM properties were part of the same business operation? George and James were brothers, shown by immigration details…Lvi where George's son John was sponsored on the ship 'Himalaya'' by uncle John Graham the drayman, who also sponsored James' daughters Margaret and Matilda on the same ship, also as uncle John GRAHAM the drayman. John's relationship to the GRAHAM's was confirmed in his immigration details on the ship 'Sabrina' in 1854 when his parents were described as William and Margaret, both dead. John's property could not be located in Co. Tyrone. Probably Charles on Lot 18 was also a brother?
The Griffiths Revision Lists…Li)—c) give the hint of when George, his wife Catherine and also his possible brother Charles died. In 1860-63 George was on Lot 15. Then in 1864-79 Catherine GRAHAM struck out, John KELLY inserted on Lot 15. Note that George Graham died on 1 Aug 1867…Lxiii and his wife Catherine died on 7 Jan 1885…Lxiv, both at New Park. In 1860-63 Charles was on Lot 18. Then in 1864-79 William Smith was on Lot 18.
GRAHAMs in the Tithe Applotment ~1835… the breakthrough…Lix, Lx
The Index to the Dromore Parish Books gave the following entries: GRAHAM, George New Park; GRAHAM, James New Park; GRAHAM, William Garbally; GRAHAM, William Jun. New Park; GRAHAM, William Sen. New Park.…Lix
Pam Birchall kindly sent me sheets out of the Tithe Applotment Books…Lx which included the GRAHAMs and their relatives in our target area. Pam's sheets only related to two of the above GRAHAMs. The book entries for each occupier usually include:
- The occupier only is mentioned.
- The area is measured in detail, the quality of the land is assessed as A, B, C etc, the measures which might be produced of oats and wheat are given, and the rate per measure is given, based on the average price of oats and wheat.
- Some occupiers were exempt: eg George Graham.
- The amount of the tithe is stated.
# | Last Name …Lx |
First Name …Lx |
Lot …Lx |
Townland …Lx |
Our Notes | Subsequent Events in 1860 (Griffiths Valuation)…Li)—a) | Griffiths Revision…Li)—c) |
1 | CHARLETON | Henry | 6 | Galbally | Daughter married John GRAHAM's son. | Henry dead(?) since his wife Sarah on Lot 1A , 1B Galbally 1860. | Lot 6…Henry on 1A, 1B in 1882 - 1898 Valuation Revision! Henry's son? |
2 | GRAHAM | William Senr | 4 | New Park | Likely to be the father of our GRAHAMs. He died before 1854, | Lot 4…Bernard GALLAGHER |
— |
3 | GRAHAM | George | 5 | New Park | Exempt note in applotment book. | Lot 15…George GRAHAM |
Lot 15…George in 1860-63. Lot 15…Catherine GRAHAM struck out, John KELLY inserted in 1864-79 |
4 | GRAHAM | Robert | 2 | Dergany (Maguire) | Not related? On border with New Park, and New Park Rd runs through Lot 2 |
Lot 2…Terence McALEER |
— |
The bottom line? We may have found the ancestral home of our GRAHAMs at Lot 4 & 5, New Park townland!
How to get to the GRAHAM properties in modern times
Refer to the map above which has modern roads superimposed on the historic map. In each case, start at Dromore.
Route 1: Go 2½ miles south from Dromore on the B46 (Galbally Rd). Find the 2½ milepost then turnoff right (R) to New Park Road, just 300m past the Togherdoo Methodist on the L. Galbally Rd’s intersection has New Park Rd on the R and Aghnamoe Rd on the L. Now travel 800m along New Park Rd. You are now where New Park Rd used to cross the railway line, and just N of the GRAHAM lots 4A and 4B. If you cannot travel here, Google this address: 8 Newpark Rd Omagh BT78 3JR, UK; click on maps, click on street view, rotate the view appropriately and there you are travelling on (virtually) the road to our ancestors!
Now continue on New Park Rd
past James’ property. On the L is Charles Graham’s Lot 18… his house was on the NE corner of his Lot, just next to the road. The next Lot along the road was George GRAHAM’s Lot 15. His house was close to Charles’ house, and was on the R side of the road. A distance further, around a few turns, New Park Rd skirts through Dergany (Maguire) townland. Here was Robert GRAHAM’s Lot 2… no house was shown on the map.
Keep continuing along New Park Road, now through Tullywee townland, until it meets Longhill Rd. Then turn R along Longhill Rd to the ancestral home in New Park townland of all our GRAHAMs which was at Lots 4 & 5, 400 metres on the L on Longhill Rd from that intersection.
Route 2: Go 2 miles from Dromore down Tummery Rd or the A32, find the 2 milepost at the turnoff. Then turn left at Longhill Rd until you cross Esker Rd, then Lots 4 & 5 are only 150 metres on the right from Esker Rd. If you cannot travel here, Google this address: 73 Longhill Road Dromore Omagh BT78 3LB UK. Then again, click on street view etc and travel (virtually) along Longhill Rd.

The railway ran across the road here. See the house on the left of the road at this position… this must be a house built on the GRAHAM property?
Back to Lewis
Lewis settled down after his marriage and lived in the Ultimo area, shown by the place of birth of his children. This is supported by oral history from Glen Hielscher's branch of the family:
After his marriage he set up in the Sydney markets auctioning produce brought in by the coastal schooners.…xxxvii)
Glen Hielscher's oral history then suggests that at least one of Lewis' children continued and expanded this family business:
Lewis WHITE (*Jnr) was a storeman and auctioneer at the Sydney markets. He had a horse-drawn underslung wagon, used to transport cattle one at a time from the North Coast paddle steamers to be auctioned with his poultry etc at the markets. …xxxvii) *Note: for clarity this Lewis WHITE (1870-1950) will be referred to as Lewis (Jnr), and his father as Lewis (Snr) (1836-1915) in line with the 1903 electoral roll entries described below..
Lewis and Margaret had the following children:
i. Frederick William (1867-1923). Residence when married in 1889- Ultimo…xviii). Born Chamber street Glebe…xvi).
ii. John James E. (1869-1932), m. 1903.
iii. Lewis (Jnr) (1870-1950), m. 1896.
iv. Isabella Annabella (1872-1956). Residence when married 1897- Ultimo…xix). Born Ultimo…xix).
v. Margaret Jane (1874-1943), m. 1911. Born Ultimo Rd Pyrmont…xvii).
vi. Marion Mary (1876-1955), m. 1902
vii. Sarah (1878-1962), m. 1904
vii. George (1879- 1950).
All of their children apart from Frederick and George were baptised at
St Andrew’s C of E Cathedral Church, Sydney, NSW.…Lxii)
Lewis continued living at 55 Ultimo road, which was in the Paddy’s Markets area at Pyrmont, Sydney NSW. The surviving documents of the 1901 Census show that Lewis lived there with 2 other males and 3 females.…xx) From the marriage data on his children above, he probably would have lived with his children John, George, Margaret, Marion and Sarah. This is confirmed in part by the 1903 Electoral Roll for 55 Ultimo Rd, Pyrmont, Sydney NSW, which showed that WHITE, Lewis, Senior was a storekeeper who lived with his son John James WHITE (clerk).…xxi ) On 1 Jul 1903 a business named "L WHITE" was registered at Thompson Street Drummoyne. It was run by Louis WHITE and sold confectionery & groceries.…xxxii) If this was our Lewis, he may have kept his original name "Louis" for important documents? The Sands Directory had no entry for 1890, but included an 1892 entry for "L White" at Thompson Street Drummoyne.…xLii)
Lewis (Snr)'s address can be confused with the address of his son Lewis (Jnr). Lewis (Jnr) is recorded as WHITE, Lewis, Junior in the 1903 Electoral roll at 171 Jones St, Ultimo, Sydney NSW, also with the occupation of storekeeper.…xx) This meant that it was Lewis (Jnr) who lived in 1905 at 171 Jones St, Ultimo, Sydney NSW,…xxii) and also in the 1900 Sands Directory.…xxii) 171 Jones street is present-day terrace housing, between MacArthur St & Mary Ann St.
Lewis (Snr)'s final home from at least 1911…vii) until he died in 1915 was 106 Eveleigh St Redfern, Sydney, NSW, probably with his daughter Sarah during that period. At the present day, this is an area of Aboriginal housing and slum demolition.
Lewis (Snr) took the Oath of Allegiance in his Naturalisation application on 18 May 1911 in Sydney NSW.…vii) It is interesting that Lewis WHITE (Louis WIESEL?) was naturalised in 1911 when he was aged 74. Was this in response to any anti German feelings just before WWI …xiii) ?
The majority of enemy aliens were of German-origin. An average of 190 Germans and 23 Austrians were becoming naturalised each year in the five years leading up to the war (1909-1913), and in the year the war began (1914) these figures increased to 596 Germans and 64 Austrians being naturalised. It is likely that the majority of these occurred in the rush of applications during the first five months of the war between, August and December 1914…xiii).
Jürgen Tampke describes the "Australianisation" of German nationals in this period before the war and their rejection of Deutschtum or Germanness promoted by overseas Pan-German ideologues. …xxxi) Gerhard Fischer says: "I don’t think Australian residents of German origin had reason to be nervous in 1911, but that does not mean that some people may not have had misgivings about the political situation in Europe, notably the escalating tension over the ‘arms race’ between Imperial Germany and Britain. I don’t think there was a great deal of anti-German feeling in Sydney directed specifically at Sydney residents." …xxxiii)
Lewis led a varied life in his occupations. He was recorded as seaman,…xiv), …ix) laborer,…xvii) wharf labourer,…xix) wharfinger,…xviii) store keeper…xxi), …xxxii) and finally wool storeman.…xxiv) At the end, …xxiv) he must have suffered kidney problems over a significant period, perhaps arising from his occupations, and died of uraemia and asthenia. On the other hand, he may have received a TB infection transmitted by his wife Margaret or sister-in-law Isabella who had both lived with him at 55, Ultimo-road. (See above).
His death notice suggests that he was employed by or associated with the Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company for 40 years… at least from about the time he married in 1866…xv) to the time he registered his shop on 1 Jul 1903…xxxii):
WHITE.—September 11th, 1915, at the residence of his Son-in-law, Mr. Hector Hazell, 106 Eveleigh-street, Redfern, Lewis White, for 40 years with the Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company, aged 78 years. …xxxiv)
We should note that the "Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company" was only formed in 1891 following the amalgamation of the Hunter River New Steam Navigation Company with the Newcastle Steamship Company.…xxxviii) The only record we have of Lewis' employment in NSW before his marriage was on the 'Vibilia',…xxxvi) but this schooner was owned by a consortium of share owners and not solely by a steamship company.…xxxix) After his marriage, his arrangement with the shipping companies to auction their goods at the Sydney markets…xxxvii) was probably a contractural arrangement, rather than direct employment.
Lewis was buried with his wife Margaret and sons Frederick and George at Rookwood Cemetery.…xL), xLi See the image and details below.

Rookwood Cemetery in Zone B; Old Church of England; Section: DD; Row: 6; Grave Numbers: 237 and 238.
Sacred to the memory of
Margaret, late beloved wife of Lewis White, who departed this life,
13th August 1884 aged 45 years, May her soul rest in peace.
Also Lewis White, husband of above,
died 11th September 1915, Aged 78 years.
Also Frederick William White, son of the above,
Beloved husband of Elizabeth White,
Died 17th August, Aged 56 years.
Also George White, Youngest son of above,
Died 24 December 1950, Aged 67 years
Rest in Peace
Let's review the collated records tabulated below:
1 …xiv) | 1861 English Census on the ship 'Jane Goudee'. | 7 Apr 1861 | Luis WHITE | 1837 | 24 | Continent, Frankfort on the Main | Seaman | Married | Thomas Hunter, Ship's master. |
2 …ix) | 'Himalaya' arrives Sydney | 14 Mar 1865 | Louis WHITE | 1838 | 27 | British | Able seaman in crew | - | Reginald Barrett Ship's master. |
3 …xv) | Marriage of Lewis Reg# 305/1866 | 9 Apr 1866 | Lewis WHITE | 1834 | 32 | England | Mariner | Bachelor | Bride & Groom |
4 …xvi) | Birth of son Frederick William Reg# 3254/1867 |
19 Jun 1867 | Louis WHITE | 1837 | 30 | Germany | Mariner | to Margaret Graham | Margaret |
5 …xvii) | Birth of daughter Margaret Jane Reg# 538/1874 |
22 Jan 1874 | Lewis WHITE | 1839 | 35 | Germany | Laborer | to Margaret Graham | Margaret |
6 …Liii) | Birth of daughter Marion Reg# 933/1876 |
15 Mar 1876 | Lewis WHITE | 1837 | 39 | Frankfort on the Maine | Mariner | to Margaret Graham | Lewis |
7 …xviii) | Marriage of son Frederick William Reg# 709/1889 | 1 May 1889 | Lewis WHITE | - | - | - | Wharfinger | to Margaret Graham | Bride & Groom |
8 …xix) | Marriage of daughter Isabella Reg# 6650/1897 |
9 Sep 1897 | Lewis WHITE | - | - | - | Wharf labourer | to Margaret Graham | Bride & Groom |
9 …xxi) | Electoral Roll: 55 Ultimo Rd Pyrmont | 1903-1904 | Lewis WHITE | - | - | - | Storekeeper …xxi), …xxxii) |
- | - |
10 …vii) | Naturalisation NAA: A1, 1911/8835 | 18 May 1911 | Lewis WHITE | 17 Nov 1836 | 74 | Frankfort Germany | None | Wife dead | Lewis |
11 …xxiv) | Death of Lewis WHITE Reg# 10117/1915 | 11 Sep 1915 | Lewis WHITE | 1837 | 78 | Germany | Wool storeman, old age pensioner | to Margaret Graham | Sarah Hazell daughter |
12 …xxvii) | Headstone | - | Lewis WHITE | - | - | - | - | to Margaret Graham | - |
13 …xxv) | Death of son Frederick William Reg# 10532/1923 | 17 Aug 1923 | Lewis WHITE | - | - | Storekeeper | to Margaret Graham | Hospital | |
14 …xxvi) | Death of daughter Isabella Reg# 11768/1956 | 25 June 1956 | Lewis WHITE | - | - | Seaman | to Margaret Graham | John A. Callaghan, son |
The way forward in our research
We are fortunate that the Naturalisation record gives us an exact date of birth and a more or less detailed place of birth. However, Frankfurt am Main is a big place… we need more detail here to find the relevant archives. His spelling of Frankfurt as Frankfort suggests that Lewis spoke a Hessian dialect… which might help us locating his specific birth place. We don't know the names of his parents, let alone his actual surname. The entry "married" in the 1861 Census may have been an inaccurate entry by the ship's master? There has been the suggestions that Lewis may have been Jewish with a name like WIESEL, WIEGEL, and further possibilities include WEIGEL, WEISEL, WEISS, WEISZ; which might relate to a significant Jewish population in Frankfurt at the time of Lewis' emigration. Can we locate a direct male descendant of Lewis WHITE (with the surname WHITE) and persuade him to take a Y DNA test? This might demonstrate Lewis' Jewish ethnicity with possible Ashkenazi genes. The name Ashkenaz was applied in the Middle Ages to Jews living along the Rhine River in northern France and western Germany.
The researcher must avoid diversion by attractive red herrings such as the 14 year old Lewis WHITE, born in Germany, in an 1861 Census in Sheffield. His derived date of birth is 1847... a long way from the consensus of 1837 in the above table! This choice of record arises in the AncestryCom "hints"... so tempting to click on this unsupported hint and go on a wildgoose chase to Lewis' father Johann Philipp Weiss, born 24th March 1802 in Großen-Linden, Giessen, Hesse, Germany and all his family. We should always look for multiple support for our hypotheses before adopting them!
Another hypothesis is that our Lewis ran into trouble at home and changed his name. It was a dangerous time for the Ashkenazis! Perhaps Ludwig / Löb / Louis / Lewis WEISS might have been the German equivalent of John Smith?
If the reader of this page has information / stories / rumours on these unanswered questions, please contact me via the e-mail link at the bottom of this page.
WHITE Descendancy Report.
- (1) Lewis WHITE
- b. 17 Nov 1836, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
- d. 11 Sep 1915, 106 Eveleigh St Redfern, Sydney, NSW
- bur. 12 Sep 1915, Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW.
- occ. Seaman, laborer, wharf labourer, wharfinger, store keeper, wool storeman.
- res. 1903, 55 Ultimo Rd, Pyrmont, Sydney NSW
- res. 1911, 106 Eveleigh St Redfern, Sydney, NSW
- im. 14 Mar 1865, Sydney NSW on the ship ‘Himalaya’
- naturalised 16 May 1911, Sydney NSW
- & Margaret GRAHAM
- b. 1839, Galbally, Dromore Parish, Co. Tyrone, Ireland.
- d. 13 Aug 1884, Ultimo, Sydney NSW
- bur. Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW.
- im. 14 Mar 1865, Sydney NSW on the ship ‘Himalaya’
- m. 9 Apr 1866, Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW.
- | (2) Isabella Annabella WHITE ( Baptised as Ann Isabella White)
- | b. 23 Apr 1872, Ultimo, NSW.
- | bp. 9 Jun 1872, St Andrew’s C of E Cathedral Church, Sydney, NSW.
- | d. 25 Jun 1956, 20 Manning St Waverley, NSW.
- | bur. 27 Jun 1956, Eastern Suburbs Crematorium, NSW.
- | & Michael Joseph CALLAGHAN
- | b. 21 Apr 1873, Ultimo N.S.W
- | d. 1943, Waverley, NSW Australia
- | occ. Labourer at his own marriage. Market Attendant at marriage of daughter Ruby
- | m. 9 Sep 1897, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW.
i) Ownership of 18 Manning St Waverley, now Queens Park.
Land and Property Information, NSW Government. See here.
ii) Beryl CALLAGHAN. Pers. comm. 2000.
iii) John CALLAGHAN. Pers. comm. 2007, 2017.
iv) The STRONG Family. See here.
v) The WEDEMEYER Family. See here.
vi) Death of Michael CALLAGHAN. Reg# 72/1888. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
vii) Naturalisation Certificate 1911- Lewis White.
National Archives of Australia. NAA: A1, 1911/8835. See here
viii) Margaret GRAHAM 1865. Arrivals on the ship Himalaya. Sydney Morning Herald; 6 Mar 1865: 8. See here.
ix) Louis White, able seaman 1865. A list of the crew and passengers on the "Himalaya".
Unassisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1826-1922. State Records, NSW
x) Margaret GRAHAM 1864. Immigration Deposit Journals, 1853-1900.
State Records Authority of New South Wales; Series: 5264; Reel: 2671
xi) Marriage of Edward STRONG & Ruby CALLAGHAN. Reg# 3649/1930. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
Original certificate of marriage from Ministers Register held by Philip Strong.
xii) David STRONG. Pers. comm. 2016.
xiii) Enemy aliens: the treatment of people of enemy origin in WWI.
NSW Anzac centenary. State Archives, NSW. See here.
xiv) 1861 English Census
xv) Marriage of Lewis WHITE & Margaret GRAHAM. Reg# 305/1866. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xvi) Birth of Frederick William WHITE. Reg# 3254/1867. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xvii) Birth of Margaret Jane WHITE. Reg# 538/1874. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xviii) Marriage of Frederick William WHITE & Jessie LYNCH. Reg# 709/1889. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xix) Marriage of Isabella WHITE & Michael Joseph CALLAGHAN. Reg# 6650/1897. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xx) NSW Census
xxi) Electoral Rolls
xxii) Sands Directory
xxiii) Sydney, Australia, Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions, 1867-2002.
xxiv) Death of Lewis WHITE. Reg# 10117/1915. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxv) Death of Frederick William WHITE. Reg# 10532/1923. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxvi) Death of Isabella CALLAGHAN (née WHITE). Reg# 11768/1956. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxvii) Sydney, Australia, Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions, 1837-2003.
xxviii) Hans Bahlow. German names. Max Kade Institute for German-American studies;
Madison Wisconsin: 2002.
xxix) Calvin Ira Kephart. Weisel
(Von Weisel, Von Hochweisel, Von Hohenweisel) Genealogy:
Accessed 2017. See here.
xxx) Deidre GREEN. Pers. comm. 2017.
xxxi) Jürgen Tampke. The Germans in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 2006:111-126.
xxxii) Registers of firms under the Registration of Firms Act of 1902 (01/01/1903 - 31/12/1922)
Series: NRS 12961. NSW State Archives and Records.
See here.
Note: this an Index only and the packet numbers of the firms have not survived.
xxxiii) Gerhard Fischer. Pers. comm. 2017. Dr Fischer is the author of:
Gerhard Fischer. Enemy aliens : internment and the homefront experience in Australia 1914-1920.
University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia; 1989.
xxxiv) Family Notices: death and funeral notices for Lewis WHITE. The Sun; 11 Sep 1915: Page 6.
xxxv) Family Notices: death notices for Margaret WHITE. Evening News; 16 Aug 1889: Page 4.
xxxvi) Louis White, foreign seaman 17 Feb 1866. A list of the crew on the "Vibilia".
Unassisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1826-1922. State Records, NSW
xxxvii) Glen Hielscher. Descendants of Lewis WHITE.
An unpublished register report from a family history program. Printed ~2010-2014.
Note: Glen Hielscher died on 15 Jul 2014 at the age of 93.
His wife Betty was Lewis WHITE (Jnr)'s granddaughter. Margaret Loiterton kindly forwarded the report.
xxxviii) Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company Limited.
Sydney Morning Herald; 24 Dec 1891: 4. See here.
xxxix) In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas Cooper. Auction of shares in the ‘Vibilia’.
NSW Government Gazette; 28 Jan 1868 (No.23): 259. 4. See here.
xL) Sydney, Australia, Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions, 1867-2002. Operations, Inc.; 2016
xLi) Rookwood Deceased Search. See here.
xLii) Sands Directory. City of Sydney. See here.
xLiii) Death of Margaret WHITE. Reg# 01814/1884. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xLiv) Irish Family History Foundation: Co. Tyrone records. See here.
xLiv—a) Pers. comm. William O'Kane of the Irish Family History Foundation: 2017.
xLv) Church of Ireland. List of Church of Ireland parish registers.
A colour coded resource accounting for what survives; where it is; and with additional
information of copies,transcripts and online indexes; Mar 2017. See download .pdf file here.
xLvi) Holy Trinity Dromore, Co. Tyrone. See here.
xLvii) Assisted immigrants (digital) shipping lists. State records authority of NSW. See here.
xLviii) Death of Isabella MOORE. Reg# 1423/1894. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xLix) Day, A, Williams P, eds. Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland Volume 5: Parishes of County
Tyrone Vol I: 1821, 1823, 1831-36. Institute of Irish studies, Queen's University of Belfast; 1990: 93-103.
L) Samuel Lewis. Topographical dictionary of Ireland. S. Lewis; London; 1837; 508-509.
Li) Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).
—a) Griffith Valuation (VAL/2B). See here.
—b) Griffith Maps (VAL/2A). See here.
Griffith Annual Revision Lists: VAL/12/B/40/5C (1881 - 1881);
VAL/12/B/40/5D (1882 - 1898). See here.
Lii) Tania Sweeney. Pers. comm. 2017
Liii) Birth of Marion WHITE. Reg# 933/1876. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
Liv) Elwyn Soutter of “Irelndxo Reaching Out”. See here. Pers. comm. 2017
Lv) Death of James Graham. Reg# D/1883/122/1014/4/63. General Record Office of Northern Ireland (GRONI).
Lvi) Persons on bounty ships to Sydney, Newcastle, and Moreton Bay (Board's Immigrant Lists).
State Records Authority of NSW; Series: 5317; Reel: 2483.
Lvii) Milton Lewis. The people's health in Australia, 1950 to the present: vol 2. ABC-CLIO; 2003:27-28.
Lviii) Pam Birchall. Pers. comm. 2017.
Lix) Dromore Parish Tithe Applotment Book Index 1834 (PRONI FIN5A/114/1). See here.
Lx) Dromore Parish Tithe Applotment Book sheets kindly forwarded by Pam Birchall.
Lxi) Search for Northern Ireland registrations and order certificates.
General Record Office Northern Ireland (GRONI). See here.
Lxii) AncestryCom. Sydney Anglican Parish Registers, 1814-2011. See here.
Lxiii) Death George Graham. Reg# D/1867/206/1025/1/289. General Record Office of Northern Ireland (GRONI).
Lxiv) Death Catherine Graham. Reg# D/1885/206/1025/4/47. General Record Office of Northern Ireland (GRONI).
I have been collecting data on the CALLAGHANs since 1999 and am grateful for the contributions of the following CALLAGHAN relatives: Valerie Orton; Beverley Bellamy; Beryl, Greig, John, Michael, and Wendy Callaghan; David, Barry Strong, Deidre Green. All these people have kindly helped me gather a fair body of data on their family. Neville Bunce has kindly set me some BDM certificates and discussed the WHITE family with me. His assistance has been invaluable. Margaret Loiterton has just joined this cooperative effort and her assistance is proving valuable. Tania Sweeney has corresponded with me at length and has sent really useful material.
The Story Continues
Please browse the research that has been done on families that are related to the STRONGs, all contained on this web site: