The STRONGs of Ulster, Ireland, Chapter 5
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Robert STRONG's sons: Robert James, Joseph & David
- Inside this chapter: |
- Robert James |
- Joseph |
- Joseph’s Daughter |
- TIERNEY acknowledgements and sources |
- David |
Robert James STRONG
Robert James STRONG was born on 17 Feb 1863 in Belfast, Ireland …i), probably at 21 Alexander-street West.
Click on this thumbnail for a full image with text of Robert's Bible
from the Falls Road Wesleyan Sunday School.
At the age of 11, in 1874, Robert J.STRONG received a bible as a farewell present from the Falls Road Wesleyan Sunday School …ii). I found this bible amongst RGD STRONG's books. RGD was RJ's nephew and my father. This Sunday School was located at the beginning of Divis-street where it joins on Falls-road, and in easy walking distance from the STRONG home in 21 Alexander-street West (c 1862-1868) and also near their next home in 108 Dover-street (c 1870-1872). RJ's parents were married in the Donegal Square East Wesleyan Chapel on 26 Apr 1862 …iii) and thus RJ was brought up in this faith in Belfast. RJ emigrated at age 11 with his family to NZ in the ship "Baron Aberdare" and arrived in Auckland NZ on 19 March 1875 …iv). He left home some time before his father entered his first census in the family bible in Auckland on 3 Apr 1881 when RJ was aged 18 …i). RJ's death certificate does not help in telling us when he arrived in Australia… the question "How long in the Australasian Colonies or States" was answered with "35 years in New S Wales", which goes back to when RJ arrived in NZ. Perhaps the original informant meant with "35 years in the Australasian Colonies"? …v)
There is no record of RJ until he turns up in 1900 when he was a 37 year old steward, living at 12 Thompson St, Darlinghurst Sydney NSW …vi). On 14 Jun 1900, he married 26 year old Catherine Dorethna BUTLER, born in Dublin, and daughter of Elizabeth COLLINS and Michael BUTLER (deceased) at St Matthias Church of England in Paddington NSW …vi), xiv). Catherine provided a stumbling block with her (untrue) Dublin reference in her marriage details! A marriage notice probably placed by her mother enabled further enquiry:
"STRONG—BUTLER—June 14 at St. Matthias’ Church Paddington, by the Rev. J.W.C Gillett B.A.. Robert James Strong, eldest son of Robert Strong, of Auckland, NZ, to Catherine (Kitty), third daughter of Mrs Butler, of Bega.…xvi)
There were 8 children with registered births to Elizabeth and Michael BUTLER, registered at Eden (2), Bega (6).…xv) Michael lived at Wolumla (near Bega)…xiii) and the birth of our Catherine Dorethna had been registered at Bega in 1873 as a mere "Kate"xviI) with the second name Dorethna / Dorothine presumably made as a later affectation.
There is a 1902 record of Strong R.J., Secretary Mercantile Marine Club of N.S.W at Royle’s Chambers, 5 Bond St Sydney …ix). Was this our RJ? I had thought that this address was the location of the Club… however it must have been the contact details only, since the Club was a life-saving club located at Bondi.…xii)
Note: There are references to Royle’s Chambers in 1913 …ix) and in 1924…x), both at 5 Bond St Sydney. This side of Bond St was later demolished to construct the Australia Square.
In 1904 …viii) and 1903 …vii) records show Robert J. STRONG (steward) and Catherine STRONG (domestic duties) living at 4 Lincoln-street, North Sydney, which was off McDougall-street. Later, in 1906 they were not at this address …vii). In 1924 Lincoln-street was still there …x), but present day maps show that the northern end of McDougal-street together with Lincoln-street have been demolished and are now part of the Motorway.
Robert James died ten years after his marriage, in Rydalmere Hospital for the Insane, NSW, on 9 May 1909. Further information in RJ's death certificate is that he had suffered from epilepsy over a number of years, and died from epilepsy exhaustion. The certificate also shows his occupation as a barman, and also that RJ had no children …v). He was buried alone without a monument on 10 May 1909 in Rookwood Cemetery, Anglican section T, grave number 1851 by a Church of England minister Rev. CTS West, The witnesses were Charles Gittoes and Richard Rowe …v), xi). I have no subsequent record of what happened to his wife Catherine STRONG…
i) STRONG Family Bible, held by Philip Strong.
ii) Robert J. STRONG's Sunday School Bible, presented at Belfast, on 22 Nov 1874, held by Philip Strong.
iii) Marriage of Robert Strong & Jane Lain. Film # 0101434, Marriages of Belfast Ireland, #194.
iv) Port of Auckland: Baron Aberdare. Daily Southern Cross; 20 Mar 1875: 2.
v) Death of Robert James STRONG. Reg# 1909/6983. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
vi) Marriage of Robert James STRONG & Catherine Dorethna BUTLER. Reg# 1900/6859. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
vii) Electoral rolls.
viii) Post office directories.
ix) Sands Directories.
x) Wilson's 1924 Sydney street directory.
xi) Terri Napier, Cemetery Searches.
xii) How they surfed forty years ago: gallant rescue in days of Mercantile Marine Club at Bondi. Labour Daily; 26 Jan 1924: 2.
xiii) Inquest involving mention of Michael BUTLER, son-in-law of James COLLINS. Bega Gazette and Eden District or Southern Coast Advertiser; 24 Dec 1885: 2. See here
xiv) Marriage of Robert James STRONG & Catherine Dorothine BUTLER. St Matthias Church 1900 marriage register.
xv) Birth registrations made by Elizabeth and Michael Butler at Bega & Eden. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xvi) Marriage notice, STRONG—BUTLER.
Sydney Morning Herald; Jul 28 1900: 1.
xvii) Birth of Kate BUTLER. Reg# 7403/1873 . Registrar of BDM, NSW.
Joe’s Story
Life in NZ
Joseph was born on 21 Jun 1868 in 21 Alexander Street West, Belfast, Ireland…i), xi)…b, and emigrated to New Zealand at age 6 with his family in the ship "Baron Aberdare", arriving in Auckland on 19 March 1875…ii). His father recorded him living at home in Auckland in 1886 when he was aged 18…i). On 26 Apr 1893 when Joseph was 24, he married Isabella Ann (Bella) FINLAYSON in St James Beresford St Presbyterian Church, Auckland, with the witnesses being his brother-in-law Alexander Neill and his sister Mary STRONGE (note the spelling)…iv). In 1893, the Electoral Roll Auckland lists Joseph STRONG as a waiter and Bella domestic duties, both living in Beresford Road…v). Joseph and Bella then emigrated to Australia around 1895.
Sad Story in NSW
Joseph and Bella's children Robert and Dulcie were born in Sydney NSW in 1896…vi) and 1898…vii). Robert died in 1896…viii). In 1902 & 1904, Joseph and Bella lived at 149 Dowling-street Sydney…ix), xLiv), xLv) only 450m travel and 6 minutes walk from 52 Palmer St where his brother and my grandfather David STRONG lived. This house was demolished on 25 Mar 1968…xLv) in preparation for the Kings Cross Railway which opened on 23 Jun 1979.
On Oct 12, 1905, Joseph was diagnosed with "degenerated spinal tissues" and was confined to a hospital bed in the Rookwood Asylum (for the infirm and destitute). Regrettably, Joseph's only official hospital record, which has survived, is the admission date on the admissions register…x). Later, the asylum changed its name to the Lidcombe State Hospital and Home, and Joseph remained there until he died in 1930…xi). Bella "kept things going by running a little shop in Redfern"…xii), a grocery shop at 43 Abercrombie St, Redfern, NSW in 1925…xL) and the same address in 1930 when Joseph died…i). See photo below.…xLiii) At that time, this shop was 5.6km from Joseph's brother David's home at 18 Manning St Queens Park. The closeness of homes of Joseph and David suggest that the families kept in contact. The photo of a STRONG family group mentioned below may show evidence of this contact.
The "Daily Pictorial" gave this account of Joe STRONG on June 28, 1930:
Joe says it might have been worse
Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years, and wakened an old man; but in Lidcombe State Hospital there is one who has seen 26 years go without rising from his bed. It is worse to go to bed young, and wait there for age and eternity. But Joe STRONG has smiled through, and is still smiling. This month he was 62, having occupied the same bed in the same position since he was 36. "When I became helpless", said Joe yesterday, "a doctor told me that my spinal tissues had degenerated. I came in here, and thought I would try it for a few weeks. But time went on…. time goes on….."
Counts his Blessings
Joe has a smooth bright face, and a soft friendly voice. On his chest rests a huge, flat-bottomed pipe, which he sucks at will by merely catching the stem with his lips. His hands are useless. "How do I use up the hours? Well people are kind to me. I have newspapers read to me, I hear music on the radio, and I smoke. That is all I do. When you are down, make the best of it. Sometimes I say to myself, "you get tired, Joe, lying so long'. But I don't really growl. It could have been worse".
Courageous Wife
Through the years his wife has come to his bedside at least once a fortnight. She has kept things going by running a little shop in Redfern. "How’s my heart?" Joe asked the doctor at the fateful examination 26 years ago. "Sound as a bell", he was told. Today Joe still says: "My heart’s still good".…xii)

Photo: Terri Napier, 2000.
This 1930 article in the "Daily Pictorial"…xii) was found in a typed transcription, at the back of a cupboard shelf of a descendant of Joe’s brother William in NZ. Thus William Aberdare must have known about Joe’s illness and stay in hospital? Thanks to Brian STRONG for forwarding this transcript. I checked the original "Daily Pictorial" article and there was no photo. Such a photo might have cross-matched with a photo of a STRONG family group and show that Joe was taken from hospital around 1930 to for a family gathering, including David (from Sydney) and even William Aberdare (from NZ). Note that the "Daily Pictorial" newspaper became the "Daily Telegraph" in the following year (1931) when the "Daily Pictorial" merged with the "Daily Guardian", all in Sydney NSW.
Joe STRONG died in hospital on 11 August 1930, aged 62 years; the cause of death given in his death certificate was spastic paraplegia and arteriosclerosis. He was buried in Rookwood Cemetery, and was taken there in a "black covered coffin in a motor hearse". My father, Rev. Robert STRONG, officiated at the funeral…xi), xi)…a. Joseph and Bella were buried in the Church of England Section 10, grave# 4389, Rookwood Cemetery. The photo of their headstone is above…xix)…a. This part of Rookwood was not very well maintained and the long grass is seen beyond the gravestone. Joe's death notice said: STRONG.—August 11, 1930, at the Lidcombe Hospital, Joseph Strong loved husband of Bella Strong of 43 Abercrombie street Redfern. A patient sufferer at rest. (Privately interred 12th inst).…xv)
Bella’s Story.

The middle terrace house is Bella's #43.
Photo: From Demolition Books, City of Sydney, 21 Jul 1939.…xLiii)
The article quoted above, tells that Bella was "kept things going by running a little shop in Redfern"…xii). The electoral rolls show a Bella STRONG living at 43 Abercrombie St (in the Redfern area) in 1930-31, and then at 16 Abercrombie St in 1933…ix) when she had disposed of the shop. Joe's death notice confirms Bella's address in 1930…xv). The 43 Abercrombie shop had been running from at least 1901 when then owner (Mrs Christian) obtained a licence to sell cigarettes etc. A 1937 (after Bella) advertisement described the 43 Abercrombie St shop: “Businesses for sale or wanted. Fruit and Mixed Business for Sale takings £25 per week, rent £1, Peter’s Nizer. Busy suburb. 43 Abercrombie street Redfern.”…xLi) Note: Peters’ Nizer… electrical ice-cream cabinet (hired). The hirer will not use it for any purpose other than the containing of ice-cream supplied by Peters. The person who bought the shop from Bella did not keep it long, with a number of "for sale" advertisements in 1936 mentioning ill-health as a reason for sale.
The 21 Jul 1939 photo (above left) was about 18 months after the 43 Abercrombie St shop was advertised for sale on 21 Jul 1939 (text above). There is no trace of the shop in the photo. Were shop goods wheeled out on the verandah during the day, leaving the ice-cream machine and counter etc inside? Was this a common procedure in terrace shops?
The sad story continued when Bella died shortly after on 24 Sept 1933 at 186 Glebe Road, Glebe Point reportedly from breast cancer and secondary deposits asthma (metastatic lung cancer?)…xix). This address was the "Ben Ledi" Homeopathic Hospital… which practiced this now-discredited medicine and her doctor Horace Leigh Deck was a prominent homeopathist. Bella was buried with Joe… see headstone photo above.
Joe’s Daughter

with daughter Pam b. 14 Nov 1928.
Photo: Kindness of Deborah and Emily Mackay.
Joseph STRONG's daughter Jessie Dulcie Muriel (Dulcie) STRONG was born on 30 Jun 1898 in Sydney NSW…vii). Bella could not cope with the care of her daughter while her husband remained in hospital and Dulcie was given to a ROBERTS family for foster care.…xiii)
On 9 Feb 1924 when Dulcie was 25, she married 28 year old Arthur TIERNEY in St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Sydney, NSW. At her marriage, she was described as: "Dulcie Muriel Jessie STRONG, known as ROBERTS"…xiv). Dulcie shared a common background with Arthur… they were both foster children (see below)! Who were the ROBERTS foster parents ? We have photos of Mr and Mrs Roberts, but no christian names or locations. Can anyone help?
A little over a month before Arthur and Jessie's marriage they were probably reported together in the wedding party of Miss Gwendolyn Lavinia Alexander who lived at nearby Edgecliff-road, Woollahra. Miss Dulcie Roberts was the bridesmaid and Mr. Arthur Tierney groomsman!…xLii)
Arthur's Earlier History
Arthur's records said he was born in Goulburn NSW, to Nicholas Henry TIERNEY, licensed victualler, & Ernestine WATSON (WILSON?)…xiv), xxiii), though no record can be found of Arthur's birth. His mother was actually Henrietta Ernestine Charlotte BRITZ (née AURISCH)…xv), the daughter of German immigrants to Scone NSW, who died when Arthur was aged 6 in their home "Ernestine Villa", Marrickville Rd, Marrickville. His father Nicholas was busy with many interests… the publican of the "Iron Duke" Hotel, cnr. Botany Road and McEvoy Street, Alexandria at least from 1870 to 1879…xxxvi), with a residence at the Crown Hotel, Goulburn and Elizabeth streets in 1877…xxxix); in 1899 his address was the Queen’s Hotel, North Sydney.…xxxviii) Nicholas Henry died in 1909 at "Ernestine Villa" and as a further puzzle his death certificate that there were no children from his marriage! …xv).

Courtesy: Mitchell Lib. NSW…i)
When Ernestine died on 7 May 1902, Arthur was aged only 6 and Nicholas may have been too busy to look after him? The extended TIERNEY family now took up responsibility for Arthur, especially Nicholas's eldest sister Margaret Teresa, her husband William Austin Coutts STEWART and their children. These children were mentioned as follows: when he enlisted in 1917 he lived with Margaret ARMSTRONG of Marrickville (1866-1943) and called her "aunt"…xvi); later in his army records he named as his next of kin Effie IRELAND of Narrabri (1883-1973) "sister"…xvi); "aunt" Minnie GORDON-HUME (1875-1948) and her husband Eric GORDON-HUME (originally known as Emil Paul HOSCH) were witnesses at Arthur's wedding in 1924.…xiv) "Uncle" Eric GORDON-HUME later wrote a work reference for Arthur (see below).
Arthur enlisted as a Trooper in the Camel Corps Reinforcements in April 1917 in WWI. He saw service in the 12 Light Horse Regiment in Egypt and was invalided out in July 1919 with nose and wrist injuries…xvi). Arthur is pictured in uniform at left, in a copy of a portrait held in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales. The Library's kind permission is acknowledged.…xvii)
Arthur and Dulcie.
Arthur and Dulcie’s daughter Pamela Joan was born on 14 Nov 1928 at Waverley…xviii) and they lived at 450 Old South Rd Waverley NSW in 1933 when Dulcie’s mother died…xix). This was during the "Great Depression" and Arthur had been out of work for some years, receiving the dole, with occasional employment on the pick and shovel. In 1934, Arthur obtained a temporary clerical position in the Census Department in the new Australian Capital Territory (ACT). His "uncle" Eric GORDON-HUME (a chartered accountant in the Sydney CBD) wrote on Arthur’s behalf to AC Smith in the Prime Minister’s Department: "he is a good worker, writes an excellent hand, is quick and accurate at figures, and possesses a first-class knowledge of book keeping." The reply was not optimistic about continued temporary employment after July 1934, and it said that the Census department was: "under instructions to issue rail warrants to men as soon as their employment on the Census staff comes to an end, so they can return home. The object is to avoid having men hanging around Canberra without occupation". A startling insight into the social engineering of the time!! AC Smith suggested that Arthur should make "application to the Public Service inspector, Canberra for temporary employment when (his) Census work terminates…. I will do what I can personally to help his application along". The return letter to AC Smith from Arthur’s "uncle" revealed one of his motivations in securing Arthur’s employment: "the prospects of obtaining permanent employment in Sydney are very poor, and if he comes back here it will only be to live on the charity of relations. This is demoralising, and for that reason as well as others, is to be avoided."…xx)
In 1937 Arthur was working as a bookkeeper for a milk distributor (Hugh Keith) of Kingston. This was reported in a Supreme Court embezzlement court case, which made the distinction between an accountant and a bookkeeper.…xxi)

Dulcie. Courtesy: Heather Carter.
The TIERNEY family (1952) are pictured at the left, courtesy of Heather Carter. From L to R: Daughter Pamela, Arthur and Dulcie…xxii).
The Electoral Rolls show that Arthur’s application was successful… the family (including their 6 year old daughter) left their Waverley NSW address in 1934, and they remained in Canberra… 1935: Giles St Kingston, ACT; 1943: Lefroy St Griffith, ACT; 1949 and 1959: #57 Bougainville St Forrest, ACT…ix). When public servants were transferred to the ACT in those days, they were moved into suburbs according to what they could pay in rent. The TIERNEYs’ final suburb Forrest was the area where the 'upper class' Public Service etc lived. This process of leased occupation and allocation of housing, resulted in Canberra being a city arranged on "class" lines.
Arthur died at age 64, and his death certificate gave his occupation as an accountant…xxiii). The death notice said: "TIERNEY, Arthur - August 23 1960, at Canberra, of 57 Bougainville St. Forrest. Beloved husband of Dulcie Muriel, and fond father of Pamela (Mrs. J.B. Mackay, Athens), father-in-law of John, and dear grandfather of Deborah and Lisa."…xxiv)

Photo: Leslie Ashman, 2006.
Arthur’s funeral left the Parish Church of St. Paul, Manuka, for interment in the Church of England portion of the Canberra Public Cemetery (Woden). Members of the Canberra Services Club were invited to attend the funeral of their late colleague…xxiv)The photo at right, of Arthur’s gravestone was kindly provided by Leslie Ashman…xxv), and the grave is at the Lawn section, 382c…xxxvii).
After Arthur's death, Dulcie remained in Forrest until 1964, when the Electoral Roll…ix) and her death certificate show that she left the area.…xxix) The Department of Veterans’s Affairs gave me the first knowledge of Dulcie’s move, when they stated that Dulcie’s pension file was sent to their Western Australian Perth office in 1965…xxvi). Dulcie went to live near her daughter Pamela MACKAY who lived at 16 Waratah Ave Dalkeith, which was on the Swan River, near Perth…ix). Dulcie’s son-in-law, John Burgess MACKAY had transferred back to Perth from a diplomatic posting in Sweden in 1964, and Dulcie then lived in an apartment in nearby Kings Park Rd Perth. Dulcie broke her hip in c.1968, and thus moved in with her daughter at Waratah Ave.…xiii) Electoral rolls show that in 1968 Dulcie lived at Flat 22, 48 Mount St,…ix) a housing block adjacent to Kings Park Rd. Dulcie's granddaughter Deborah continues her story:
In 1970 my father was posted to Vienna, at some stage Dulcie joined us there. My mother bought her back to Perth some time about 1971. Following a stroke she was placed at the Mon Repos nursing home. …xiii)
John held the position of State Director of the Perth Immigration Office for 20 years, 1964-84. Details of John’s outstanding life and career can be found in his obituary.…xxvii) and his military record…xxxiv). John & Pam had been married at Canberra ACT in 1954, and their wedding photo is shown below…xxviii).

22 Oct 1954, St John's C of E Church, Canberra
Courtesy of Heather Carter.
This photo also appeared as "Smiling Bridal Pair" in the Canberra Times, 25 Oct 1954: p2.

Photo: Metropolitan Cemeteries Board WA.
Dulcie TIERNEY died on 30 May 1977, in the nursing home, "Mon Repos Hospital" Palmerston St., Mosman Park…xxix). A death notice in the Canberra Times gave a death notice of 31 May 1977, but no location.…xxx) Dulcie was buried in the Anglican Lawn area, Lawn 6, Grave 24 of Karrakatta Cemetery WA.…xxxi) Her memorial read:"Dulcie Muriel Jessie Tierney. 30-6-1898 — 30-5-1977. Loved and loving wife of Arthur. Mother of Pamela. Forever in our thoughts."…xxxv).
The MACKAY family then moved to 5 Platt Close, Mosman Park…ix), (see here) partly surrounded by Buckland Hill reserve. This is a most desirable area about 1 km from both ocean and river, and overlooks both. When Dulcie’s daughter Pamela Joan MACKAY died on 27 Aug 2004 at Mosman Park, she was buried in the same gravesite as her mother. Pamela's inscription read: “Pamela Joan Mackay, 14-11-1928 - 27-8-2004. Loved and loving wife of John, mother of Deborah and Lisa, grandmother of Samantha, Chris, Cassie & Emily, We miss you.”…xxxv) Pamela's husband John Burgess MACKAY died nearly a full year later, on 5 Aug 2005 at Mosman Park, and was cremated at Karrakatta Cemetery…xxxi), xxxii), xxxiii).
Further Research.
Some of Dulcie TIERNEY (née STRONG)’s personal records (old photos, diaries, letters etc) have survived in Western Australia. Old photos might resolve questions relating to the "Family Gathering" photo, shown as a thumbnail on the right. A full-sized photo is presented in the appendix, together with a discussion of who is actually present. It would be great if we could find a photo of Dulcie's mother Bella as a middle-aged woman, and even a photo of Dulcie’s father Joseph STRONG! Such photos would confirm the tentative conclusions which we have made.
Other unanswered questions relate to Dulcie’s early life, Dulcie & Arthur TIERNEY’s married life, and so on. We hope for answers.
Sources and Acknowledgements for Joseph STRONG and his descendants
i) STRONG Family Bible, held by Philip Strong.
ii) Port of Auckland: Baron Aberdare. Daily Southern Cross; 20 Mar 1875: 2.
iii) xxxx.
iv) Marriage of Joseph STRONG & Isabella FINLAYSON. Marriages in the District of Auckland. No. 93/996, NZ.
v) Electoral roll Auckland.
vi) Birth of Robert TIERNEY. Reg# 9379/1896. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
vii) Birth of Dulcie TIERNEY. Reg# 18664/1897. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
viii) DEATH of Robert TIERNEY. Reg# 00300/1896. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
ix) Australian electoral rolls.
x) Rookwood Asylum records 1901 to 1919, NSW State Archives 6/4793-805. This asylum was later re-named the Lidcombe State Hospital and Home and remained one of the State managed infirm and destitute asylums. Unfortunately, the State Archives do not hold subsequent 1930 records from Lidcombe State Hospital and Home, which are applicable to Joseph’s death.
xi) Death of Joseph STRONG. Reg# 11148/1930. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xi)…a Records of Funeral Director Timmins, Metcalfe & Morris.
xi)…b Birth of Joseph STRONGE. Certified copy of Register, District of Belfast Urban 4, Bk 9, Entry# 410, Co Antrim, Ireland, recorded in the Civil Registration for Ireland.
xii) Bed-ridden 26 years yet strong of heart. Daily Pictorial, Sydney. Jun 28, 1930; 4.
xiii) Deborah and Emily Mackay pers. comm. 2006 -2023.
xiv) Marriage of Arthur TIERNEY & Jessie Dulcie Muriel (Dulcie) STRONG. Reg# 000447/1924. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xv) Joseph Strong death notice. Sydney Morning Herald; 13 Aug 1930:12
xv)…a Death of Nicholas Henry TIERNEY. Reg# 9972/1909. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xvi) Arthur Tierney military record (service #50362). National Archives. NAA: B2455, TIERNEY ARTHUR. See here.
xvii) NSW servicemen portraits, 1918-1919 - Arthur Tierney. File FL1490468. Collection of the StateLibrary of NSW.
xviii) Birth of Dulcie TIERNEY. Reg# 18664/1897. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xix) Death of Isabella (Bella) TIERNEY. Reg# 15772/1933. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xix)…a Headstone of Joseph & Isabella STRONG. Photo: Terri Napier, 2000.
xx) Correspondence from Eric Gordon-Hume. National Archives of Australia. Series# A458; control symbol 2/4/1053.
xxi) Supreme Court: Embezzlement charge. Canberra Times, Canberra. Nov 16, 1937; 4.
xxii) Heather Carter pers. comm. 2006.
xxiii) Death of Arthur TIERNEY. Reg# 3250/1960. Registrar of BDM, NSW.
xxiv) Arthur Tierney death notice. Canberra Times; 24 Aug 1960: 16
xxv) Leslie Ashman pers. com. 2006. Photo of Arthur Tierney's grave.
xxvi) Department of Veterans’ Affairs: transfer of Dulcie TIERNEY to Perth. Phone call.
xxvii) Champion of migrants: John Burgess Mackay (obit). Sunday Times: 21 Aug 2005: 68. See here.
xxviii) Marriage of John Burgess Mackay & Pam Tierney. Canberra Times; 25 Oct 1954: 2.
xxix) Death of Dulcie Tierney. Reg# 1904/77. Registrar of BDM, WA.
xxx) Death notice Dulcie Muriel Tierney. Canberra Times; 31 May 1977: 15.
xxxi) WA Metropolitan Cemeteries Board database: Karrakatta cemetery burial details of Dulcie TIERNEY; John & Pamela MACKAY.
xxxii) Death notice / memoriam Pamela Mackay. West Australian Classified; 30 & 31 Aug 2004.
xxxiii) Death notice / memoriam John Burgess Mackay. West Australian Classified; 5, 8, 10,11, 12 Aug 2005.
xxxiv) John Burgess Mackay miltary record (service #S/6926). National Archives. NAA: A6769, MACKAY J B. See here.
xxxv) Photo of grave of Pamela MACKAY and Dulcie TIERNEY, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, WA.
xxxvi) Return of Publicans’ Licenses issued from 31 Jan 1870, expiring 30 Jun 1879.
Re-published by the NSW Treasury on 7 Feb 1879 and in the Police Gazette on 12 Feb 1879, page 54.
xxxvii) Monumental Inscriptions: Australian Capital Territory including Jervis Bay". Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra I(HAGSOC); 2001.
xxxviii) Silver Weddings. TIERNEY—BRITZ. Sydney Morning Herald 21 Sept 1899; 1.
xxxix) Funeral notices- Carolyn Aurisch. Sydney Morning Herald; 7 June 1877: 10.
Includes residential address for Nicholas Tierney.
xL) Wise’s 1925 NSW post office directory: 777.
xLi) Fruit and Mixed Business for Sale. Sydney Morning Herald; 30 Jan 1937: 30.
xLii) Weddings: Morgan, Alexander. Sydney Morning Herald; 26 Nov 1923: 4
xLiii) "Terrace houses with balconies, Abercrombie Street Chippendale, 1939". Photo of 41, 43 and 45 Abercrombie Street. Demolition Books, City of Sydney. See here.
xLiv) Building Survey Card. 149 Dowling St. Apartment house. Plan attached. City of Sydney. See here.
xLv) Planning Street Cards - 95-349 Dowling Street, Woolloomooloo, #149 at page 38. See here.
Researching this group of my family has been difficult. Initially, I had thought that the TIERNEYs had died childless and moved overseas! Thanks to all the kind people who made this present result possible.
- FINLAYSON family (Kath Forbes and Heather Carter): Kath made contact after Googling our STRONG site, due to her interest in Isabella Ann (Bella) FINLAYSON who married Joseph STRONG. Kath and Heather told me the TIERNEY family had lived in Canberra, and kindly gave me photos and information to prove it! See details of Isabella Ann FINLAYSON on the FINLAYSON site.
- Heraldry and Genealogical Society of Canberra (HAGSOC): "Monumental Inscriptions: Australian Capital Territory including Jervis Bay" (2001); "Index to The Canberra Times".
- Rootsweb ACT Mailing List ( members, and also Canberra residents: The kindness of… Leslie Ashman, Jennifer Burt, Carole Douch, Jan Grant, Ann Gugler, and Brian Rhynehart.
- Kind permission 16 Aug 2006 by the State Library of NSW to use a photo of Arthur TIERNEY, held in the Mitchell Library.
- Interest and assistance of my cousins Deborah and Emily Mackay..

David was born on 4 Aug 1870 in Belfast, Ireland. My grandfather left home in NZ some time after the age of 16. He possibly met his future wife Minnie WEDEMEYER at Bundaberg, Queensland Australia and married in Sydney NSW. For details of the WEDEMEYER family see my WEDEMEYER web pages. David is seen in this photograph seated with his children & grandchildren in 1946. From left: Standing: Alma, Robert, Eddie, Barrie, Ruby Seated: Minnie and David. On Ground: Philip. A further set of photographs of David STRONG can be seen on the David STRONG Photo Gallery, and of Minnie STRONG at the Minnie WEDEMEYER Photo Gallery. Details relating to Ruby who was the “girl next door” are here.
How did Minnie meet her husband David? My mother told me that David travelled around the Pacific working in a cruise ship. In his garage he had many mementos of those days, such as large clam shells, much coral and spears of all sizes. David’s cruise ship was probably a sailing ship or a ship with a combination of sail and steam, and would have visited Bundaberg on its way from the South Pacific tourist islands of Samoa and Fiji. The easiest way for a sailing ship onto the Eastern Australian coast (apart from Sydney Harbour) was through the Great Barrier Reef via the Curtis Channel. This led to the leeward protection of Fraser Island in Wide Bay and the port facilities of Bundaberg.
David and Minnie married in Sydney NSW on 8 Feb 1896 in the Congregational Manse, Allen Street Pyrmont NSW. In 1896 when my father Robert was born, the family lived in 8 Junction Lane, Woolloomooloo, which ran between Forbes and Palmer streets. In 1899 the Sands Directory recorded the family at 123 Bourke St Paddington and then at 340 Bourke Street in 1900, and from 1902 to 1910 at 52 Palmer street, Woolloomooloo.
My father told me that life around Woolloomooloo was rather violent in those days with razor gangs terrorising the locals. He also told me of German musical bands which were made welcome in their house and who taught him the "bad German words". Presumably Minnie kept her German language skills in the early years?

The STRONGs bought "WEDEMEYER", 18 Manning Road, Waverley on 19 Aug 1909 from the original owners of the house, H., H., & W. Bartrop (builders). David's father Robert died one year later on 22 Aug 1910. The Sands Directory recorded the STRONGs leaving their 1910 home at 52 Palmer street Sydney and then living at 6 Manning street Waverley from 1911 to 1914, indicating a possible number change in the street in that period. The Sands Directory shows they were living at #18 from 1916. They spent the rest of their life in "WEDEMEYER", until they moved to 55 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove in their old age. It is significant that the house kept its German name during two world wars, even though many of such names were taken down or changed.
In the 1910's David was in and out of work. My father Robert left school on December 1911 at the age of 15, and according to his brother Eddie, had a good job in Government Stores, so that his money kept the household going during this period. At various times in his life, David was a waiter, doorman and drinks waiter at the Hotel Australia, lift driver at Nock and Kirbys, cleaner, floor walker at David Jones. Various electoral rolls all listed David as a storeman.
I can still revisit my childhood memories of "WEDEMEYER" and my grandparents at their home. I remember the long trip by a rattling tram from Lane Cove across the Harbour Bridge to Bondi Junction. Then there was the even longer walk downhill with my mother from the tram stop to 18 Manning Road, Waverley. "WEDEMEYER" was a dark Victorian era house with the curtains drawn, the electric lights used sparingly and the gaslights still remaining on the walls.
The front lounge room was for display only. My parents used to warn me that grandpa believed in "children are meant to be seen and not heard", particularly during the 7:00pm news broadcast. Grandpa was a tall grey bearded austere man and quite intimidating to me. However grandma was the warm and affectionate power behind the throne. She was a little wrinkled lady with a frail appearance and glasses with heavy lenses who seemed to do everything for grandpa. On one visit we found both of them sick and starving. Grandma had been sick and went to bed. Grandpa found his meals weren't being prepared for him and also went to bed. Consequently they both almost starved. We took them both to our home (the Church of England Rectory) in Lane Cove, Sydney NSW, and they lived with us until grandma died after a succession of small strokes.
Subsequently, my mother became ill, and David moved to stay with his second son, Edward James STRONG at Penshurst, Sydney, NSW. David then died of pneumonia on 23 Jul 1957 in the St George's Hospital, Kogarah NSW, following a fracture of the right thigh bone when he walked to the letter box. The City Coroner T.J.Towns ruled "Accidental Death" and dispensed with an Inquest. By co-incidence, this coroner was my grandfather PATFIELD's stepson. David was cremated at the Woronora Crematorium Sutherland NSW, and then buried next to his wife Minnie in the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, Sydney NSW.
The Story Continues
- Chapter 6 The story of Robert STRONG's child Mary (Minnie) STRONG.